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Empathy and Relationships

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1 Empathy and Relationships
Workshop 5 Empathy and Relationships

2 What is Empathy? Students will watch the video about empathy in order to understand what empathy is. FUSE | ANTI-BULLYING AND ONLINE SAFETY PROGRAMME

3 Empathy Activity Empathy activity in the activity sheet.
After watching the video, students work in groups in order to understand the feelings of a victim, a bully and a bystander in a bullying situation. After the completion of the activity, a short discussion among students will follow. FUSE | ANTI-BULLYING AND ONLINE SAFETY PROGRAMME

4 Emotions and bullying What emotions are connected to bullying?
For the Victim? For the Bystander? For the Bully? Emotions activity in the activity sheet. The teacher facilitates a whole class discussion based on the following topics: Bystander effect; individuals are less likely to offer help to a victim when other people are present. Moral disengagement; when a person convinces themselves that rules about behaviour which would normally not be acceptable don’t apply to them. Online disinhibition; is the lack of restraint a person feels when communicating online in comparison to in person. FUSE | ANTI-BULLYING AND ONLINE SAFETY PROGRAMME

5 How can we make a positive school environment?
How school staff can make students feel more supported. How students can promote positive relationships with other pupils. What questions other students can use to get to know each other better. Tips that can help other students to manage conflict. Positive school environment activity in the activity sheet. After the completion of the activity sheet, a brief discussion follows. FUSE | ANTI-BULLYING AND ONLINE SAFETY PROGRAMME

6 Collection of Activity sheets
If the students agree, please collect the activity sheets for qualitative research purposes only. All activity sheets will be kept confidential by the FUSE research team and used only for research and evaluation of FUSE. FUSE | ANTI-BULLYING AND ONLINE SAFETY PROGRAMME

7 Help & Support

8 For more information please go to
THANK YOU For more information please go to

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