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Welcome to Mrs. Miller’s Homeroom

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Mrs. Miller’s Homeroom"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Mrs. Miller’s Homeroom
CC6 Welcome to Mrs. Miller’s Homeroom Melissa Miller

2 WEB Homeroom Expectations
Students will support 6th grade students in acquiring necessary for success in middle school: Lockers Computers Microsoft OneNote Student Access Binder Organization Social Events

3 WEB at IMS Homeroom visits Curriculum Night (optional)
WEB-tivities (mandatory) September 19 November 5 5th Grade Visit during the school day 5th Grade Parent Information Night (optional)

4 Welcome to Mrs. Miller’s Math Class
CC6 Welcome to Mrs. Miller’s Math Class Melissa Miller

5 CC6 Math What is it? In CC6 we will learn to use whole numbers, fractions, and decimals to solve real world problems.

6 A few things about me...

7 Why I teach... Learning something new is my favorite thing to do.
I remember how it was to be in middle school.

8 Materials Students Need Every Day in CC6
Planner Graph paper notebook A binder with a tabbed divider for Math Pencil & eraser A colorful pen

9 How to Keep up to Date Family Access E-mails gradebook My Website:
Make sure your address is updated in Family Access Family Access gradebook My Website: Miller Mission Control

10 Absences Students are responsible for all missed work.
Use the website to keep up to date. Student have one school day for every day missed to make up missing work. Vacations are not illnesses. Work cannot be provided in advance Please plan ahead for all tests and quizzes.

11 Student Workload Math practice assigned daily, Monday through Thursday. It must be corrected before class the next day using the online answer key. Late Work Policy: Late work taken up until the unit test. Learning Checks take place throughout units to help students prepare for the unit test. Unit tests will be announced a week in advance and a study guide will be provided.

12 Getting to my website: Teacher Websites

13 Miller Mission Control
Handouts & Answer Keys Classwork & Homework

14 Individual assignments
Missing Work Joe Shmoe Joe Student Grade Individual assignments

15 Why standards-based grading?
It is considered best-practice because standards: Clearly communicate the learning target Allow for targeted feedback to support learning Encourage a growth mindset Promote intrinsic motivation toward learning Traditional grading Grades tend to demotivate rather than motivate Sources: Boaler, Dweck, and Dueck

16 Standards Based Grading Scale
Standard Score Letter Grade Letter Grade Range Definition 4 A 85 – 100 Exceeds Standard 3 B 60 – 84.99 Meets Standard 2 C 35 – 59.99 Approaching Standard 1 D 10 – 34.99 Well Below Standard F No Attempt

17 What’s in a grade? Learning Checks 50% Unit Tests and Projects 50%
A score of 3(B) or 4(A) means your student is meeting standard 2 or lower, not yet

18 Success indicators Work Habits Initiative Citizenship Collaboration

19 Extra Help After school on Tuesdays until 3:30 By appointment
me: Call me:

20 Welcome to Mrs. Miller’s Math Class
Melissa Miller

21 Math 180.2 What is it? In Math 180.2 we fill in the ‘holes’.
Whatever you are missing, we provide, getting students Algebra ready!

22 A few things about me...

23 Why I teach... Learning new things is amazing and never ends.
I remember how it was to be in middle school.

24 Materials Students Will Need Every Day in Math 180
Pencil & eraser Planner

25 Student Workload All work can be completed in class. Absent?
= NO HOMEWORK Absent? All small group work must be made up. Students have one school day for every day absent to make up missing work.

26 How to Keep up to Date Family Access Monthly e-mails gradebook
Make sure your address is updated in Family Access Family Access gradebook Math Inventory Reports every trimester

27 What’s in a grade? Satisfactory (S) / Unsatisfactory (U) Based on:
mSpace small group work Individualized Math 180 Software Assessments

28 Success indicators Work Habits Initiative Citizenship Collaboration

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