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So what is civics and economics exactly?

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Presentation on theme: "So what is civics and economics exactly?"— Presentation transcript:

1 So what is civics and economics exactly?

2 Video: Why is civic education important?
As you watch the video, be jotting down important points and thinking about what you believe civics is

3 Videos: Economics A8F81F

4 Megatron’s Exit Pass ?s: I bow to no one!

5 1. What is the purpose of civics/civic education in your opinion?
2. Do you believe that civic rights and civic responsibilities are the same thing? Explain why or why not. 3. The basic definition of economics from the video was the study of people and A. choices, B. money, or C. capitalism. Choose the best answer. 4. What are the 2 branches of economics (Hint: the last part of both terms is economics)?

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