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NAOS-CONICA (a.k.a NACO) for the VLT

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1 NAOS-CONICA (a.k.a NACO) for the VLT
3/25/2017 NAOS-CONICA (a.k.a NACO) for the VLT Thierry Fusco Gérard Rousset

2 NACO History CFT for the VLT Coude AO feasibility study: Feb. 91 CONICA contract signed with MPIA et al: 1991 VLT Coude AO feasibility study: Matra-Marconi-Space in 92-93 VLT Coude AO project (4 AO systems) cancelled: Council Dec 93 NAOS concept is proposed by ESO to STC-FC-Council:  end 1994 CONICA is redesigned by MPIA et al.:  end 1994 NAOS Preliminary Inquiry & CFT: Dec. 94- March 96 NAOS audit: March 96- December 96 NAOS contract signed with ONERA et al.: March 97 CONICA FDR: mid 98 NAOS PDR - FDR: Oct June 99 NAOS-CONICA PAE: Sept. 2001 NAOS-CONICA first light: Nov. 2001 NACO open to the community: Oct 2002 ~5 years

3 NAOS in figures 4 Institutes : ONERA, LAOG, ODP, ESO 5-year project
3/25/2017 4 Institutes : ONERA, LAOG, ODP, ESO 5-year project ~5 Meuros 60 FTEs Tests in France in 2001 First light 25/11/2001 NAOS: 2.3 tons CONICA: 0.9 tons (attached to Nasmyth rotator) 3

4 NAOS main features (1/2)…
3/25/2017 Two Shack-Hartmann Wavefront Sensors, each including 2 pupil samplings: 14x14 (144 valid subap.) and 7x7 (36) VWFS : Spectral range: mm 2 interchangeable lenslet arrays (0.29 and 0.58 arcsec/pixel) EEV CCD 128x128 pixels, 16 outputs (ESO) frame rate from 444 to 15 Hz binning, windowing noise : 2.9e- to 5.4e- 48 configurations!!! IR WFS : Spectral range: mm 14x14 array + 2 arrays of 7x7 on 3 fixed detector areas (0.8 and 0.4 arcsec/pix) Rockwell Hawaii 1024x1024 pixels frame rate from 180 to 15 Hz noise : from 10 to 20 e- 36 configurations !!! 4

5 NAOS main features (2/2) Deformable mirror (Cilas)
3/25/2017 Deformable mirror (Cilas) 185 actuators (piezo-stacked), 10 m stroke 2-axis Tip/Tilt Mirror: 2.1 mas resolution Real time Computer (Shakti): 0dB Error BW: 27 Hz (V) and 22 Hz (IR) modal optimization (every 2 mn) on-line performance and seeing Dichroic Wheel: 2 neutral and 3 dichroic BS WFS Field Selector: NGS in 2 arcmin FOV Tracking (refraction, flexures, moving object) Observation software: NAOS configuration, control of Field Selector Aberration pre-compensation, chopping Off-line preparation software 5

6 Mechanical structure Diameter: 2m Max Length: 3m Thickness: 0.7m PM 2
V-WFS IR WFS Diameter: 2m Max Length: 3m Thickness: 0.7m TTM DM Output input PM 1

7 Pupil sampling Telescope pupil 144 useful subapertures
185 useful actuators 144 useful subapertures Central obscuration

8 CONICA 1-5 microns (1Kx1K) 34 filters 4 grisms 7 cameras 3 slits
3/25/2017 CONICA 1-5 microns (1Kx1K) 34 filters 4 grisms 7 cameras 3 slits Polarimetry Coronography Fabry-Perot Imaging 8

9 Flange to “rotate” CONICA
Imaging: 1-5 µm Polarisation Coronography Spectro 1-5 µm: max 2500 Fabry Perot: R=1800

10 They lived happy everafter … and they had plenty of photons …
… and NAOS-CONICA became NACO … They lived happy everafter … and they had plenty of photons … NAOS CONICA Cable twist VLT-UT4: F/15 VLT Nasmyth Platform

11 NACO challenges And now … let’s go on sky … with a pit-stop in lab 
High order correction in near IR (Sr(K)=70%) Faint limiting magnitude star in V (Mv>17) IR wavefront sensing for embedded objects Compatibility with LGS operation Minimization of instrument thermal and sky bkg effects Minimise the number of optical surfaces no derotator  direct rotation of NACO AO with Chopping and Counter chopping Very low flexure requirements (NAOS & CONICA) “background limiter” to reduce dichroic background High image quality for CONICA (Sr(K)>90%) Low Instrumental background <1e One detector for 1-5 m! Many CONICA observing modes: Imaging, coronagraphy, Low resolution spectroscopy, FP, polarimetry And now … let’s go on sky … with a pit-stop in lab 

12 First laboratory results
3/25/2017 First laboratory results Turbulent image AO corrected image Image without turbulence Seeing 0.6 arcsec SR = 69% 90% Result: SR 65 % @ 0.93 arcsec seeing (specification 70 %) 12

13 Paranal re-integration
NOOOOOOOO ! Oh my god … I have to make it work ! YESSSSSSSS ! I’m gonna observe in J, H, K, L, M … I’m gonna detect exoplanets The instrumentalist (use to be an astronomer ) The astronomer

14 Let’s go on the telescope
Is this going to work?? Well … maybe ... Of course it will !!!!!!!!!!

15 And yes … it worked and it is still working
High Strehl (K) 50%

16 Faint star correction Strehl (K)=17%

17 The Galactic Centre with and without AO in L'-band seen by NAOS
3/25/2017 The Galactic Centre The Galactic Centre with and without AO in L'-band seen by NAOS (Clénet et al. 2004)

18 Thetis Composite image H-K 20.6 arcsec diameter resolution 70 mas or 410 km ~10 sec exposure time Differential tracking

19 Long wavelengths capabilities
Io with NAOS-CONICA Long wavelengths capabilities Brg-L’ 230/4.2 s exposure 68mas or 210 km 1.2 arcsec diameter

20 On-sky SR behavior versus magnitude
3/25/2017 On-sky SR behavior versus magnitude Visible WFS IR WFS Stars: seeing £ 0.7 ’ ’, crosses: £ 1.1 ’ ’, diamonds: > 1.1 ’ ’ ; 14x14 arrays: large symbols, 7x7 arrays: small symbols Bright NGS : SR loss of % Faint NGS : significant correction 20

21 Exoplanet detection with NACO

22 SR loss sources (1/2) No vibration in laboratory
Vibrations detected on WFS data: On-sky Laboratory No vibration Hz : nm² Hz : nm² Hz : nm² No vibration on Comas Variations in amplitude and occurence Vibration lines No vibration in laboratory Nothing on internal source: telescope vibrations

23 SR loss sources (2/2) Telescope vibrations:
3/25/2017 SR loss sources (2/2) Telescope vibrations: Main influence on Tip-Tilt modes but other excitations detected on high order modes Vibrations not compensated for: out of the NAOS temporal bandwidth Strehl loss estimated to 10 % 23

24 Without turbulence, SR ~ 93 % in K with pre-compensation
Differential aberrations in CONICA and dichroics At 1.09 mm SR= 56% SR =66% With pre-compensation by NAOS deformable mirror No compensation At 2.15 mm SR = 89 % SR = 93 % Without turbulence, SR ~ 93 % in K with pre-compensation

25 Conclusion In median seeing conditions:
SR ~ 50% at K band; best Sr(K)=64% on sky Substantial compensation with very faint NGS: Mv=17.6, SR=6% (gain of 7) Fully automated operation (VLT software) Many features available in NAOS for specific astronomical observations: IR WFS differential refraction, pointing model tracking on moving object, chopping, counter-chopping 241 scientific papers so far => 34.5 papers per year => Good scientific return !

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