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FAST-LAIN Meeting 25-26 May 2011 in Saarbrücken IREST.

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1 FAST-LAIN Meeting 25-26 May 2011 in Saarbrücken IREST

2 Partner Organisation: IREST - PARIS FRANCE - IREST, University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, runs postgraduate courses in tourism. Several Master Programs are dedicated partly to environment topics in relation to tourism. EIREST is a research group with PhD students. One research area is dedicated to metropolisation, including sustainable topics. Another research area is dedicated to tourism and politics. Participant/s: - Clotilde LUQUIAU - ATER: PhD Candidate & Lecturer IREST: Institute for Research and Advanced Studies in Tourism.

3 ACADEMICS/ RESEARCH Labex network TRIP (tourism research institutions pratiques) Doctoral school of Geography UNESCO Chair "Culture, Tourism, development University Versailles St Quentin INSTITUTIONS OTCP Tourism office and Congree center of Paris Comity of experts for sustainbale tourism in Paris Partnerships and development of Sustainable tourism City of Paris departments & region Ile de France Atout France (Environement and sustainable development of tourism) ADEME PRIVATE PARTNERS Union of professionals of accommodations AFNOR (certification), Clé verte, Green globe, Ecolabel Européen Voyages-SCNF Trophee (CSR) Accomodations involved in a sustainable tourism certification Rezotour Accomodations "charte hôte qualités Authentic B&B accomodations Latelier NGOs & CIVIL SOCIETY ATES Cité de la culture et du tourisme durable (pôle of rural excellency) List of ORGANISATIONS which are working in our region/area on sustainable tourism topics

4 irest is part of the comity of experts for sustainable tourism in Paris Irest is in charge of tourism analyses for Paris 2030 Project Irest is currently assessing the sustainibility of festivals in Lorraine (among other criteria) World day for environment 11 June 2011 The global summit Green Globe 27-30 May La grande journée multimédia du tourisme durable (CCDT 21 places) Semaine du développement durable Changements climatiques et océans Journée du Vélo et des mobilités électriques Fête des jardins Journées parisiennes de l'énergie et du climat Selection of current PROJECTS and INITIATIVES on sustainable tourism in our region/area

5 Upcoming EVENTS on sustainable tourism in our region/area Green Globe The global summit Green Globe is organized in Paris by Concorde Opera, that received that certification - Journée mondiale de l'environnement OTCP - La grande journée multimédia du tourisme durable 21 hours for tourism of the 21st century Through 21 round tables in France, Europe and Worldwide -Semaine du développement durable The week for sustainable development, - Changements climatiques et océans Climate change and Oceans, exposition, tourism attraction - Journée du Vélo et des mobilités électriques Bike day and sustainable mobility: demonstration of soft transportation, -Fête des jardins Garden and parcs festival: activities, spectacles in the parcs of Paris -Journées parisiennes de l'énergie et du climat Paris days for climate and energy: information and events -(See Veille info tourisme and Revue monthly update of events in tourism) -To be organised with partners of the regional cluster created during the fastlain process: -Day for sustainable urban tourism in IDF? Meeting between all the academics working on sustainable tourism in Paris Region (Cluster)

6 Labelling organisations: AFNOR (certification), Clé verte, Green globe, Ecolabel Européen, French Ofice of the fund for environment education in Europe; Earthcheck Voyages-SCNF Trophee (CSR) Accomodations involved in a sustainable tourism certification Accomodations "charte hôte qualités Authentic B&B accomodations Latelier UMIH union des métiers et des industries de l'hotellerie Accommodations involved in the comity of expert for sustainable tourism in Paris Soft transportation companies RATP: public transportation companies Disney FPPCH Fédération des professionnels parisiens de la chambre d'hôtes Club Développement Durable des entreprises et établissements publics Evenement responsable ATES Selection of tourism businesses /services which might be promoted on a sustainable tourism MARKET PLACE

7 Our Regional / Thematic Cluster idea Project title:Sustainable tourism in Paris Metropole Lead organisation: IREST Research thematic/s:Sustainable tourism, heritage, cultural tourism, metropolisation, planning, politics and sustainable tourism Objectives: to provide a better understanding of the dynamics of sustainable tourism in a metropole destination To establish a framework analysis for urban destination, to create a cluster Potential partners X CCDT X OTCP xATOUT FRANCE X Ministry of Ecology Key regional/ thematic Knowledge Providers X IREST X UVSQ X LABEX X TRIP …

8 Special strengths Linkages between sustainable tourism and sustainable urban development Strong willingness to implement sustainable tourism among stakeholders and institutions Green areas (Rogional Parcs) Rich Cultural and historical heritage, Expertise in conservation of historical heritage and display for tourism utilization Special needs X Development of sustainable tourism in suburbs X Increase the number of stakeholder in sustainable tourism 2% of the accommodations are certified as sustainable X Knowledge network/ visibility of sustainable tourism initiatives Potential Creating a platform to share information, research on sustainable tourism, and spread information towards professionals Include sustainable tourism in the region development strategy Increase the number of accommodations included in sustainable tourism certification Research on tourism cluster and metropolisation

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