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F A O L E X STRUCTURE The information contained in FAOLEX can be browsed in two main ways 1 2 advanced search allows users to run more specific queries.

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Presentation on theme: "F A O L E X STRUCTURE The information contained in FAOLEX can be browsed in two main ways 1 2 advanced search allows users to run more specific queries."— Presentation transcript:

1 F A O L E X STRUCTURE The information contained in FAOLEX can be browsed in two main ways 1 2 advanced search allows users to run more specific queries through subject areas, and other specific criteria such as by country, territory, geographical area, keywords, etc. simple search allows users to run a word-based query also within the body of full texts. Results vary depending on the language to which the search is confined search results can be sorted according to users’ needs, either chronologically or by title and in various formats simple search Search results word-based search include full text (optional) advanced search by one subject by all subjects set a combination of parametres Search results search parameters Main subjects Country/Territory Territorial subdivision Geographical area Basin Year Keywords Words from title Repealed legislation Superseded legislation Territorial subdivision Mere amendment Language of text Type of text main subjects WASTE & HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES AGRICULTURE FORESTRY CULTIVATED PLANTS ENVIRONMENT AIR & ATMOSPHERE FISHERIES LAND & SOIL WATER MINERAL RESOURCES ENERGY LIVESTOCK FOOD SEA WILD SPECIES & ECOSYSTEMS

2 FAOLEX home page: salient figures 1 being built on the legislative collection of the Legal Office archives going back to the early twentieth century from the FAOLEX home page there are various links to the Legal Office Web site and to specific sub-products of FAOLEX such as Waterlex, containing an analysis of the legal framework governing water resources in a large number of countries; Water treaties, a database on agreements on international water sources. Fishlex is a stand-alone database on Coastal State Requirements for Foreign Fishing

3 FAOLEX simple search: an example 2 enter a search term greece fisheries

4 FAOLEX simple search: an example 3 greece fisheries these are the results of the query (133 hits)

5 FAOLEX simple search: an example 4 greece fisheries “include full texts” option by adding the “include full text” search mode, the query will be extended to the body of linked documents therefore the results of the same query shall be increased (180 hits)

6 FAOLEX advance search: overview 5 ALL SUBJECTS: select this option to include all 15 fields..OR, make a selection of one specific subject area subject selection advanced search by one subject by all subjects set a combination of parametres Search results

7 FAOLEX advance search: overview 6 search parameters Main subjects Country/Territory Territorial subdivision Geographical area Basin Year Keywords Words from title Repealed legislation Superseded legislation Territorial subdivision Mere amendment Language of text Type of text specific criteria to narrow down search results specific criteria to narrow down search results criteria & parameters

8 FAOLEX advance search: overview 7 The supported search is FAOLEX’s Dictionary: it provides a list of terms (we call them “keywords”) which you may use in your query. Also, a brief description of each one of them is available supported search

9 FAOLEX advance search: overview 8 The list of keywords may be browsed by: alphabetical order (alphabetic) KeyWords Out of Context (KWOC) main subject (systematic). To select the desired keyword/s click on the corresponding grey button and then on SEARCH.

10 FAOLEX advance search: example 9 RUSSIAN FEDERATION 2007 exclude: Repealed legislation excluded: Superseded legislation type of text: Legislation LAND & SOIL

11 FAOLEX advance search: example 10 these are the results of the query. check the laws to download and store them locally in various formats......OR click on a single law and enter into the record to view the metadata

12 this is how a record looks like. Let’s see the metadata contained in details.. a record FAOLEX advance search: example 11

13 metadata of a record FAOLEX advance search: example 12 Russian Federation: Federal Law No. 221-FZ on state cadastre. Original title: ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ ЗАКОН 24 июля 2007 г. N 221-ФЗ "О государственном кадастре" Date of text: 24 July 2007. Entry into force notes: The Federal Law enters into force on 1 March 2008 except for part 4 of the article 4 and part 6 of the article 47. Type of text: Legislation Available web site: Full text available (Russian): rus73009.doc Implemented by: • Order No. 66 of the Ministry of Justice validating the form of vidimus of cadastre registration of plots of land - 19 March 2008 [LEX-FAOC079576] Comments: Part 6 of the article 47 enters into force on the date of official publication of the Federal Law, part 4 of the article 4 enters into force on 1 January 2012. Abstract: This Federal Law regulates relations dealing with state cadastre registration of immovable property, including plots of land. It shall not be applicable to subsoil. State cadastre data shall be for permanent storage and destruction or removal of the whole database or part thereof shall be prohibited. The Act consists of five Sections divided into 48 articles... [THE REST OF THE TEXT IS OMITTED] Descriptors (Land & soil): cadastre/land registration; survey/mapping; data collection/reporting; access-to-information Russian Federation: Federal Law No. 221-FZ on state cadastre. either English, French or Spanish original title (in Russian, Arabic, etc) date of text entry into force notes available Web site full text available abstract info on implementation, amendment, repeal comments descriptors (keywords)

14 F OOD AND A GRICULTURE O RGANIZATION OF THE U NITED N ATIONS Office of the Director-General - Legal and Ethics Office FAOLEX thank you enjoy your search!

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