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Animal communication Communication: the imparting or exchanging of information Used between members of the same species… ….or between members of different.

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Presentation on theme: "Animal communication Communication: the imparting or exchanging of information Used between members of the same species… ….or between members of different."— Presentation transcript:


2 Animal communication Communication: the imparting or exchanging of information Used between members of the same species… ….or between members of different species.

3 • Visual • Acoustic • Chemical • Physical • Combination of above How? Animal communication Why? • Recognition • Courtship • Learning • Danger • Territoriality • Defence Antarctic fur seal Great bustard

4 How and why animals communicate Recognition Hooker’s sea lionEmperor penguin African elephant

5 Territoriality (aggression and threat) How and why animals communicate Red deer Lion

6 How and why animals communicate Courtship and mate selection Humpback whale Pine barrens tree frog Superb bird of paradise Magnificent frigatebird

7 Signalling danger How and why animals communicate Meerkat Pronghorn

8 Signalling danger How and why animals communicate Death’s head hawkmoth Zimmermann’s poison frog Marañón poison frogDyeing poison frog

9 - Subordinate grooms dominant member of the group Allogrooming How and why animals communicate Olive baboon

10 Chimpanzee - tool use Learning Asian dwarf honey bee – waggle dance How and why animals communicate

11 Activity – Narration! • Divide into small groups • Each group will be allocated a 1-2 minute video of a species communicating • Research the species on ARKive ( • Using your research, write a script for a narration of your video • Perform it in front of the class

12 Things to avoid Don’t… Use too much information – this will make it too complicated Use statistics unless they are really needed Talk about things not in the video clip

13 Things to remember Do… Keep it simple Use the present tense and an active mood Make it fun and interesting! Don’t be afraid to let the pictures speak for themselves!

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