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MEDEFs View on Dot EU Domain Day – 5 novembre 2002 – Palazzo Stelline – Milano Catherine GABAY – Director Innovation and Research - Medef.

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Presentation on theme: "MEDEFs View on Dot EU Domain Day – 5 novembre 2002 – Palazzo Stelline – Milano Catherine GABAY – Director Innovation and Research - Medef."— Presentation transcript:

1 MEDEFs View on Dot EU Domain Day – 5 novembre 2002 – Palazzo Stelline – Milano Catherine GABAY – Director Innovation and Research - Medef

2 Domain Day 5 novembre 2002 Palazzo Stelline Milano MEDEF 's view on dot EU Catherine Gabay, Director Innovation and Research 2 MEDEF MEDEF, the French Business Confederation, represents over 750 000 companies of all sizes and in all sectors of business (industry, trade and services). -85 business federations combining 600 business associations, each covering companies in the same business sector -165 associations or provincial MEDEFs representing companies at local, departmental and regional levels MEDEF is also : -2000 business people who work in discussion and action groups and work groups -10.000 employers -35.000 employers representatives

3 Domain Day 5 novembre 2002 Palazzo Stelline Milano MEDEF 's view on dot EU Catherine Gabay, Director Innovation and Research 3 MEDEF An association under Frances 1901 law, the French Business Confederation is responsible for conducting any research and actions in the mutual interests of business

4 Domain Day 5 novembre 2002 Palazzo Stelline Milano MEDEF 's view on dot EU Catherine Gabay, Director Innovation and Research 4 MEDEFs duties are : to decide and make known the business point of view on subjects directly or indirectly concerning businesses, so that they can benefit from a favourable legal and regulatory environment to promote the thinking of business and broadcast it throughout all components of society to favour the ends of the business community, its energy and successes, and the progress of management in a global economy

5 Domain Day 5 novembre 2002 Palazzo Stelline Milano MEDEF 's view on dot EU Catherine Gabay, Director Innovation and Research 5 MEDEFs duties are : to express business peoples desire for progress and the convictions that they draw from their national and international experience on the general conditions of economic and social progress to contribute to a constructive social dialogue between the parties in businesses and their professional organisations to strive to adapt the different systems of social protection to economic and demographic change

6 Domain Day 5 novembre 2002 Palazzo Stelline Milano MEDEF 's view on dot EU Catherine Gabay, Director Innovation and Research 6 MEDEFs Innovation and Research Department Some of the topics addressed : E-business : e-commerce, cyber-security, e- administration and businesses, economic intelligence, Internet domain names and management issues. Information, Computing and Communication Technologies : telecommunications and audiovisual regulation, Information systems security. Innovation : Measures to increase the innovation level notably in SMEs Research : cooperation between private and public research, 6 th PCRD, measures necessary to boost research level in France, relationship with education. Intellectual Property Protection : European and Community patents, Software patent, trademarks

7 Domain Day 5 novembre 2002 Palazzo Stelline Milano MEDEF 's view on dot EU Catherine Gabay, Director Innovation and Research 7 MEDEFs view on dot EU Background MEDEF began to express business expectations on the EU domain name since the European Commission consultation in February 2000 MEDEF organized in June 2001 a forum dedicated to the dot EU

8 Domain Day 5 novembre 2002 Palazzo Stelline Milano MEDEF 's view on dot EU Catherine Gabay, Director Innovation and Research 8 MEDEFs view on dot EU MEDEF defends the creation of a dot EU which meets business needs -SECURITY and CONFIDENCE of businesses and consumers on the Internet and in e-commerce usage -VISIBILITY on the web : Business visibility : First level dedicated to businesses. The dot EU must provide businesses an attractive shop window at the European level European Visibility on Internet

9 Domain Day 5 novembre 2002 Palazzo Stelline Milano MEDEF 's view on dot EU Catherine Gabay, Director Innovation and Research 9 SECURITY A safe, reliable and permanent service Service reliability and Service recovery procedures In the case of technical problems as well in the case of any financial problems (recovery procedures in the case of the dot EU registrys bankruptcy for example) Continuity of service is a key element of confidence for business users

10 Domain Day 5 novembre 2002 Palazzo Stelline Milano MEDEF 's view on dot EU Catherine Gabay, Director Innovation and Research 10 CONFIDENCE Business users voice The business interests must be represented in the registry structure (in a userss college for instance) Business users consultation in the case of dot EU policy changes

11 Domain Day 5 novembre 2002 Palazzo Stelline Milano MEDEF 's view on dot EU Catherine Gabay, Director Innovation and Research 11 CONFIDENCE Enhancing confidence in e-commerce Promoting the EU e-commerce, date privacy and consumer protection directives Encouraging the use of alternative dispute resolution methods for e- commerce

12 Domain Day 5 novembre 2002 Palazzo Stelline Milano MEDEF 's view on dot EU Catherine Gabay, Director Innovation and Research 12 CONFIDENCE Intellectual Property Protection Protection against cybersquatting : sunrise process for trademark holders, dispute resolution policy, checking of applicants rights of for a dot EU domain name Expected positive side effect : Increasing SMEs awareness of intellectual property issues and notably the community trademark.

13 Domain Day 5 novembre 2002 Palazzo Stelline Milano MEDEF 's view on dot EU Catherine Gabay, Director Innovation and Research 13 CONFIDENCE Intellectual Property Protection Maintenance of an up-to-date and accurate registration database for all dot EU registrations A WHOIS database conform to EU data protection law

14 Domain Day 5 novembre 2002 Palazzo Stelline Milano MEDEF 's view on dot EU Catherine Gabay, Director Innovation and Research 14 CONFIDENCE An effectively competitive registration A competitive dot EU registration business encouraging the use of best practices Protection against domain name slamming (current transfers issue in gTLDs)

15 Domain Day 5 novembre 2002 Palazzo Stelline Milano MEDEF 's view on dot EU Catherine Gabay, Director Innovation and Research 15 VISIBILITY A useful and visible domain name Visibility is the key : First level on dot EU for businesses Dot EU must be a successful domain name (virtuous circle) not to be used only for defensive registration of trademarks

16 Domain Day 5 novembre 2002 Palazzo Stelline Milano MEDEF 's view on dot EU Catherine Gabay, Director Innovation and Research 16 VISIBILITY Europes presence on the web Be a shop window on the European market for businesses. Make a possible link with the Euro currency Promote the dot EU to boost SMEs presence on the Web Enhance Europes credibility in Internet management issues (ICANN)

17 Thank you for your attention. Any Questions ?

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