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Crescita economica e benefici per cittadini ed imprese Il ruolo dell'agenda digitale Europea e della ricerca e innovazione sulle tecnologie dell'informazione.

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Presentation on theme: "Crescita economica e benefici per cittadini ed imprese Il ruolo dell'agenda digitale Europea e della ricerca e innovazione sulle tecnologie dell'informazione."— Presentation transcript:

1 Crescita economica e benefici per cittadini ed imprese Il ruolo dell'agenda digitale Europea e della ricerca e innovazione sulle tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione Marco Marsella Commissione Europea DG CONNECT Campobasso – ASSINDUSTRIA 4 Ottobre 2013

2 Agenda L'Agenda Digitale Europea Il ruolo delle TIC su crescita economica e benefici sociali Ricerca e innovazione tecnologica sulle TIC @ DG CONNECT Opportunità in H2020 "Opening up Education" e la Coalizione per i lavori digitali

3 L'Agenda Digitale Europea


5 Tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione (ICT) e produttivita' Sources of average annual labour productivity growth, 2000-2007 Investmenti in ICT generano un ritorno in produttivita' maggiore di molte altre forme di investimento in capitale. (Source: Oxford Economics, Capturing the ICT Dividend, 2011)

6 Broadband genera competitivita' European Commission, 2011 Un incremento del 10% nella penetrazione della banda larga genera un incremento del 1 - 1.5% del PIL pro-capite. Faster broadband = higher GDP growth. (Czernich et al. - University of Munich, 2009)

7 Tasso di penetrazione in nella UE


9 PMI e e-business

10 Digital Scoreboard

11 Domanda di informatici

12 Grande coalizione per i lavori digitali



15 Il Programma Quadro 7 1 investito nel programma produce un valore aggiunto industriale pari a 13 A lungo termine produce 900.000 posti di lavoro di cui 300,000 nel campo della ricerca Altamente competitivo: 4.4 su 5 come media di valutazione eccellenza scientifica (13.1/15 globale) Crea nuove opportunità: ~65% dei partecipanti industriali hanno incrementato la loro capacita' di attrarre fondi R&S (WING, 2009)

16 Success stories Mobile phones and broadband: 3G and 4G Improving life for the elderly Aircraft safety Digital media standards Energy efficient lighting Micro components ….


18 Horizon 2020 Componente chiave della strategia Europe 2020, di Innovation Union e dell'Area Europea della Ricerca: – Una risposta alla crisi economica come investimento per la crescita ed il lavoro – Una risposta a molti interrogativi dei cittadini – sicurezza, ambiente, …. – Una risposta alla necessita di posizionamento globale dell' Unione Europea – su ricerca, innovazione e tecnologia Ancora in fase di definizione

19 Excellent Science Industrial leadership Societal challenges

20 Creating Industrial Leadership and Competitive Frameworks Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies ICT Nanotech., Materials, Manuf. and Processing Biotechnology Space Access to risk finance Innovation in SMEs Excellence in the Science Base Frontier research (ERC) Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Skills and career development (Marie Curie) Research infrastructures Shared objectives and principles Common rules, toolkit of funding schemes Europe 2020 priorities European Research Area Simplified access International cooperation Dissemination & knowledge tranfer Tackling Societal Challenges Health, demographic change and wellbeing Food security, sustainable agriculture and the bio-based economy Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies Secure Societies EIT JRC ICT

21 21 ICT in H2020 Research Infrastructures HPC

22 ICT in Excellent Science

23 High-Performance Computing (HPC) Strategy ICT in Excellent Science E-Infra- structures Digital Science FET Open Individual research projects Early Ideas FET Proactive Open research clusters Incubation FET Flagships Common research agendas Large-Scale Initiatives Future and Emerging Technologies

24 ICT in Societal Challenges

25 Advancing active and healthy ageing Integrated, sustainable, citizen-centred care Improving health information and data exploitation Health and wellbeing Energy efficiency Competitive low-carbon energy Smart Cities and Communities Energy

26 ICT pilots addressing smart, energy-efficient and safe mobility Connected mobility - linking vehicles and people on the move (Semi-)Automated driving for increased efficiency and safety Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS) Smart, green and integrated transport Modular, interoperable and real-time components, able also to interoperate with management and control systems of other infrastructures (e.g. energy infrastructures) More effective processes and technologies for recycling and improved dismantling capacity of ICT More efficient handling of waste in general through ICT Climate and resource efficiency Water and Waste Management

27 ICT-driven Public Sector Innovation Cultural heritage and European identity Inclusive, innovative and reflective society Trust in the usage of ICT Preventing cyber-attacks Ensuring freedom and privacy in the digital society Protect the weak in our society from abuses over the internet and giving the user control over his private data and the uses that are made thereof Securing the Digital Society

28 ICT in Industrial Leadership

29 1.Components and systems 2.Advanced Computing 3.Future Internet 4.Content technologies and information management 5.Robotics 6.Key Enabling Technologies: Micro- nano-electronics and photonics + Factory of the Future cPPP + International Cooperation actions (EU-Brazil, EU-Japan) ICT Cross cutting activities: Internet of Things Human-centric Digital Age Cybersecurity Support to NCPs ICT Innovation actions Access to finance Innovation policy support Open disruptive innovation scheme (SME instrument)

30 Components and systems Covers systemic integration from smart integrated components to cyber-physical systems Organised in three related topics Smart Cyber-Physical Systems Smart System Integration Advanced Thin, Organic and Large Area Electronics R&I in this area will also contribute to the implementation of the SRA on Energy Efficient Buildings

31 Advanced Computing Europe's industrial and technology strengths in low-power ICT Organised in one topic: Customised and low power computing

32 Future Internet Focus is on network and computing infrastructures to accelerate innovation and address the most critical technical and use aspects of the Internet Addresses: limitations of the Internet not designed to support the very large set of requirements more efficient computational and data management models availability of testbeds for experiments and research validation Leveraging of Internet to foster innovative usages of social and economic value and to promote entrepreneurship Includes R&I activities under the 5G public private partnership (PPP)

33 Future Internet (2) Smart Networks and novel Internet Architectures Smart optical and wireless network technologies Advanced cloud Infrastructures and Services Boosting public sector productivity and innovation through cloud computing services Tools and methods for Software Development Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation FIRE+ (Future Internet Research & Experimentation) More Experimentation for the Future Internet Web Entrepreneurship Advanced 5G Network Infrastructure for the Future Internet

34 Content technologies and information management Addresses: Big Data with focus on Innovative data products and services Solving fundamental research problems Machine translation Overcoming barriers to multilingual online communication Tools for creative, media and learning industries Support the growth of ICT innovative Creative Industries SMEs Technologies for creative industries, social media and convergence Technologies for better human learning and teaching Advanced digital gaming/gamification technologies Multimodal and natural computer interaction

35 Robotics Roadmap-based research driven by application needs (established by the planned Public-Private Partnership in Robotics) Effort to close the innovation gap to allow large scale deployment of robots and foster market take-up: use-cases, pre-commercial procurement, industry-academia cross-fertilisation Includes two pre-commercial procurement actions (health-care sector, public safety and environmental monitoring) Additional activities: shared resources, performance evaluation & benchmarking, community building and competitions

36 La dimensione Innovazione ~ 46% dei fondi dedicati ad attivita di innovazione Con un numero significative di Azioni per l'innovazione (70%): Stimulating adoption, assessment and access services Technology transfer, rapid prototyping and testing of use cases Pilots (possibly large scale), experimentation and demonstration, large scale market validation (in real settings); pilot lines Consensus building, pre-normative activities, standardisation, reference implementations Online platforms and services for web entrepreneurs, SME incubators 5% di fondi su Open Disruptive Innovation (SME instrument) PCP/PPI (cloud/PSI, lab-on-chip for in-vitro diagnosis, e-textile for healthcare, robotics, photonics, network of procurers) Due competizioni (Optical transmission, Spectrum sharing) Attivita' speciali per l'accesso ad altri strumenti finanziari

37 ICT 2013: Create, Connect, Grow 6-8 November 2013, Vilnius Structure of the event : conference, exhibition, networking. Aim of the event: ICT in Horizon 2020 - the EU's Framework Programme for Research and Innovation for 2014-2020.

38 Grazie ….

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