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Missing regional transborder rail – connection Nijmegen - Kleve European Parliament, 25.January 2012, Dr. Artur Leenders, Deputy mayor of the city of Kleve.

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Presentation on theme: "Missing regional transborder rail – connection Nijmegen - Kleve European Parliament, 25.January 2012, Dr. Artur Leenders, Deputy mayor of the city of Kleve."— Presentation transcript:

1 Missing regional transborder rail – connection Nijmegen - Kleve European Parliament, 25.January 2012, Dr. Artur Leenders, Deputy mayor of the city of Kleve

2 Only 26 km are missing

3 History  1865: Opening of the Railway Kleve – Nijmegen  1879 Railway Connection Amsterdam – Nijmegen – Köln (Bridge across the Waal) (Bridge across the Waal)  1988 Amsterdam – Köln is closed  1991 Last train Kleve - Nijmegen

4 Reasons to close the connection  Cross border fee: 10 guldens extra fee on every ticket  Low frequency: only 5 trains / day  Didn`t stop at Groesbeek and Heijendaal (University and Radbout – Hospital)  DB refused to automize the track (5 crossing keepers) (5 crossing keepers)

5 1991 – 2012 The border is gone!  Traffic has increased in both countries  Economy and trade have become international  Kleve belongs to the region Arnhem – Nijmegen and not to the Ruhrgebiet  People of both countries live, work and study in the neighbourcountry

6 Passenger expectations  Enschede – Gronau: 1200 p./ day  Venlo – M`gladbach: 1600 p./day  Heerlen – Aachen: 800 p./day  Nijmegen – Kleve: 2000 p./day (Herman Katteler, IST Radbout Universiteit Nijmegen, 2005) (Herman Katteler, IST Radbout Universiteit Nijmegen, 2005)

7 Costs Röhr – AGV – Inquiry (1998) Röhr – AGV – Inquiry (1998) Nijmegen – Border: 17.1 Mill. Euro Border – Kleve: 14,2 Mill. Euro Total costs: 31,1 Mill. Euro CVAV – Rapport 26 (2005) CVAV – Rapport 26 (2005) Nijmegen – Border: 16,8 Mill. Euro Border – Kleve : 14,4 Mill. Euro Total costs: 31,2 Mill. Euro

8 Problems in Kleve

9 We took away one bridge


11 And we don´t want it back

12 Why does Kleve want the connection?  30% of the clients in the shops in Kleve are dutch  30% of the money on the banks in Kleve is dutch money  All the inscriptions on the shops in Kleve are bi – lingual  And:

13 We have a university


15 We checked it 2007

16 The result of Rot 8 considering the railway connection The economic benefit of the railway connection Nijmegen – Kleve for the Euregio is very much higher than the costs

17 The opinion in Kleve is:

18 Whether we get a train

19 Or a tram

20 We would welcome both, but:  To realize the connection, we need money from the Euregio, from the german government, from Düsseldorf and from the European Parliament in Brussels  Will we get it only for a train or will we get it also for a tram?

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