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EMunicipality 2012 - local digital agenda Ellen Karin Larsen, KS.

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1 eMunicipality 2012 - local digital agenda Ellen Karin Larsen, KS

2 eKommune 2012 About KS - NALRA •National municipal member organzation •430 municipalities •19 counties •approx. 500 public enterprises •approx. 250 employees (150 at the head office in Oslo and 100 in regional offices)

3 eKommune 2012 eGoverment group This is KS’s eGovernment-group, our boss, 3 consultants, 1 journalist and 1 project employee

4 eKommune 2012 Main activities •Collaboration with central government on policy development and also on concrete development projects. •Preparation of eGovernment policy documents for local and regional authorities •Developing standards and specifications for ICT-systems – allow for integration and seamless transfer of information between citizens/businesses, local/regional authorities and central government •An eGovernment-forum for local and regional authorities •eCapacitybuilding for CEO’s has also been an key issue for the group (CEMSDI)

5 eKommune 2012 ” Norwegian municipalities and counties will be among the best in the world on digital services and e-government”

6 eKommune 2012 Focus areas in eMunicipality 2012 1.Local democracy and participation in information society 2.Online services 3.ICT in healthcare 4.NAV reform and ICT 5.ICT in basic education 6.Geographic information 7.E-commerce 8.Electronic filing and processing 9.Information security 10.ICT architecture 11.Open standards 12.Integration of ICT systems 13.Open software 14.Green ICT 15.Broadband 16.Intermunicipal ICT cooperation 17.Strategic ICT leadership 18.Capability planning

7 eKommune 2012 High ambitions! •A total of 46 goals for municipalities and counties •A total of 42 measures that KS aims to implement •In addition, own goals and measures for: School: 11 goals and 13 measures Health: 7 goals and 14 measures

8 eKommune 2012 Local democracy and participation in information society Status •Few municipalities have established "modern" channels of dialogue with citizens (blog, wiki, chat, sms, etc..) •Some municipalities have introduced lap top’s to the members of the municipal council’s •Electronic elections still on test •20% of municipalities are using social media •According to quality reviews, the municipalities have improved significantly in recent years

9 eKommune 2012 ”Local democracy” Challenges •How to use technology to strengthen local democracy? •How to engage young voters? •How to get the elderly to use electronic services? •Access for disabled

10 eKommune 2012 ”Internet Services”

11 eKommune 2012 ”Why Internet Services”? •Streamline internal processes •Automation of processes •Improve quality •Shorten the processing

12 eKommune 2012 ”What do citizen’s expect” •Information about the municipality's organization, activities and services 24 / 7 •Dialogue with elected representatives and municipal management on the web •Submitting applications online •Access to local procedures (transparency) •Access to public data, e.g registry data and map data •Interaction between public institutions

13 eKommune 2012 •Inclusion and participation for all in information society •Information and services 24 / 7 •Electronic interaction between government agencies •Efficiency of administration and service •Increased service quality •Information Security and Privacy ”What do the government expect”

14 eKommune 2012 Government strategies and action plans •Report no. 30 (2002-2003) Digital Norway •eNorway 2009 (2005) •Report no. 17 (2006-2007) An information society for all •Knowledge-enhancement(2006) education •Interaction 2.0 (2008) National strategy for electronic cooperation in the health care sector •Report no. 31 (2007-2008) Quality in Education Report no. 36 (2008-2009) Electronic commerce Government strategies are not always consistent Priority issues

15 eKommune 2012 Laws and regulations •Public Administration •Freedom of Information •Archives •Privacy •Health Legislation •Partition Act (proberty) •Planning and Building •Curricula (ICT as a 5th skill) Laws and regulations are complex and not always consistent?

16 eKommune 2012 How to realise the benefits? •Less than half of the efficiency potential is realized in the public sector (Report: ICT in practice Rambøll Management) •A survey from England shows that receipt of public inquiries face-to-face cost NOK 175,- while communication over the Internet cost NOK 3,-!

17 eKommune 2012 Online Services •Process- and cost / benefit analysis in Norwegian municipalities shows that online services can be very profitable. •Example Receiving and processing applications for serving alcohol (hourly cost NOK 400, -): - Cost manual processing NOK 580, - - Cost online processing NOK 40, - •Processing time is reduced from 14 to 2 days! •Increased status for the municipality!

18 eKommune 2012 •introduction of new technology •changes in organization •changes in old working processes This may require

19 eKommune 2012 Different service levels One-way interaction (Downloadable forms) Information Two-way Interaction (Electronic forms ) Transaction (Full electronic case handling) Personification (Proactive, automated )

20 eKommune 2012 Challenges to reach level 4 Collaboration with other agencies

21 eKommune 2012 New tool for collaboration: ”A new child eDialogue” – concept Tax directorate – collaboration project Pregnancy Birth and Name selection The child into society Første gangs navnevalg Fødsels- attest Possible New children's services in the dialogue: Helsekort gravid Svangerskap spenger Foreldre- penger Helse- kort barn Søknad om barnehag eplass Søknad om kontant- støtte Barnetrygd Farskaps- melding Melding om fødsel Vaksinas jonsregis ter SYSVAK

22 eKommune 2012 Birth case study - (Focus: Healthcare and National Register) Før fødsel: •Graviditet konstateres •”Helsekort” utstedes og følger den gravide gjennom svangerskapet •Fastlege / helsestasjon sender søknad om fødested •Fastlege / helsestasjon gjør jevnlige svangerskapskontroller •Fastlege / helsestasjon kan ha dialog med sykehus ved spesielle behov •Dersom den gravide har en yrkessituasjon som er skadelig for fosteret vil fastlege / helsestasjon vurdere behovet for endret arbeidssituasjon eller permisjon med svangerskapspenger (i samråd med arbeidsgiver). Skjema sendes NAV. Etter fødsel: •Hjemmebesøk fra helsestasjon innen 2 uker. •6 kontroller på helsestasjon første leveår (barnet har egen journal (basert på lokale løsninger) •Rapportere til nasjonalt vaksinasjonsregister Kommunehelsetjenesten Fastlege / Helsestasjon / Jordmor Helseforetak (sykehus) Søknad om fødested Før fødsel: •Den gravide tildeles fødested (brev til gravid/fastlege/helsestasjon) •Svangerskapskontroll med ultralyd i 18.uke. •Eventuelle andre prøver (f. eks. fostervannsprøve) avtales •Kontakt med fastlege/helsestasjon ved spesielle behov Etter fødsel: •Ved fødsel journalføres ”Helsekortet” fra svangerskapet •Fødselsrapport sendes til helsestasjon •Fødselsmelding sendes Medisinsk fødselsregister og Det sentrale folkeregister (DSF) •Diverse interne prosesser sykehus (avhengig av fødselsnummer) Fødsels- rapport Norsk helsenett Elektronisk fødselsmelding DSF Det sentrale folkeregister (DSF) FNR melding (XML) Fødsels- melding Farskapsmelding (hvis far ikke gift med mor) Attesteres av mor og offentlig person ASP / Formidlingssentral for sykehusene (eiet av de regionale helseforetakene) Melding om navnevalg (Forutsetter FNR) Melding (XML) Kvittering tilbake (XML) Medisinsk fødsels-register (MFR) •Tar imot fødselsmelding fra Norsk helsenett (elektronisk) eller i papirform fra sykehus/helseforetak. •Utsteder fødselsnummer og sender tilbake til norsk helsenett (elektronisk) eller i papirform til sykehus/helseforetak. •Tar imot navnevalgsskjema (papir) og registrerer navn på barnet. •Utsteder fødselsattest og sender til foreldre (papir) Fødselsattest Fødsels- nummer Elektronisk fødselsmelding MFR NAV Mottar og behandler farskapsmelding og søknad om svangerskapspenger Søknad om svanger- skapspenger Vaksinasjonsregister (SYSVAK) Helsekort Helsejournal for barnet

23 eKommune 2012 Investments and return One-way interaction (Downloadable forms) Information Two-way Interaction (Electronic forms ) Transaction (Full electronic case handling) Personification (Proaktivt, automatisert) Kr Return - Economic - Society Investments

24 •Still many municipalities without a electronic patient record (EPR) system. –This is a prerequisite for electronic collaboration. –Most municipalities with more than 10 000 inhabitants have an EPR system (digital divide) ICT in health Use of electronic patient record system (2010):

25 eKommune 2012 ICT in schools Status •3.4 students per. PC in primary school, but large differences between municipalities and schools •2.0 students per. PC in high school •Local ICT initiatives are often random •Digital tools are used too rarely in the subjects •Limited access to digital learning resources •ICT skills among teachers are limited

26 eKommune 2012 Utfordring : Raske endringer

27 eKommune 2012 What is Digital Literacy? "Digital literacy is the skills, knowledge, creativity and attitude that everyone needs to be able to use digital media for learning and mastery of the knowledge society." Definition: Norwegian Institute for Technology in Education

28 eKommune 2012 Challenges  Digital divides  ICT included in school development  Digital manners and netiquette

29 eKommune 2012  Utilizing digital tools in the subjects  Better access to digital learning resources  Digital assessment more incorporated  Documenting learning benefits  Strengthening ICT in teacher education

30 eKommune 2012  Program for digital competence 2004-2008 •Focus on infrastructure  The knowledge-enhancement: •Using digital tools is a basic skill that will be incorporated into all curricula  St. meld. nr. 31 (2007-2008) Quality in Education : •Information technology must have a place in schools that reflects the central social importance of ICT Government strategies and plans– in progress

31 eKommune 2012 Focus on: •Management •Skills development •Digital learning resources •Digital evaluation

32 eKommune 2012 The municipality is responsible for the privacy and information security This is about all areas of municipal activity But particularly important within •Health and social care services •Social Services

33 eKommune 2012 Challenges Lacks foundation and expertise in local government •Management little / not involved •Includes more than just the area of ICT •Information security is not a one-off project •Security Manager do not use enough time Inter-municipal ICT cooperation •Expertise in information security away from the municipalities •Municipalities "outsources" the responsibility

34 eKommune 2012 ICT Architecture •ICT architecture will help to describe the relationship between the strategic objectives and the technological needs In Norway •FAOS •FAKS –with the 10 largest municipalities

35 eKommune 2012

36 Basic components Strategy Standards

37 eKommune 2012 Architecture Principles •Service Orientation •Interoperability •Availability •Safety •Openness •Flexibility •Scalability

38 eKommune 2012 Open standards •Shall prevent municipalities locked to a software vendor or a product •Promotes cooperation in the public sector •Requirement specifications in the future should include requirements for suppliers to support open standards

39 eKommune 2012 Agency for Public Management and eGovernment

40 eKommune 2012 Integration of ICT systems •In different ways •Tailor-made •Based on standards •Expensive •Demanding Expertise •Required for transmission of data between different systems

41 eKommune 2012 Open software •Gartner Group says that 80% of all software developed in 2012 will have elements of free software •Interest group for free software established •National Centre for Free Software established (KS owns 20%)

42 eKommune 2012 Broadband –But the ”band” is not always very ”broad” –Rural areas a challenge

43 eKommune 2012 Intermunicipal ICT cooperation Municipalities under pressure •Increased demands for services •Expectations of a higher quality of ICT services •New applications •Digitalization of business processes and user dialogue to improve quality and efficiency •Expectations of increased efficiency •ICT more "business critical” •Faster technological development Intermunicipal ICT cooperation a smart strategy to meet new requirements - in particular for small municipalities Important: Municipalities must have strategic ICT competence, procurement expertise and knowledge of the realization in their own organization

44 eKommune 2012 GOAL: In the course of 2009 Chief Executive Officers in local and regional authorities should have acquired sufficient competense to lead ICT strategy development and realise the benefits of ICT investments Strategic ICT management:

45 eKommune 2012 Chief Executive Officers (CEO) look at their own ICT skills as a significant barrier to effective planning and utilization of ICT National survey 2007:

46 eKommune 2012 Chief Executive Officers have to understand that benefits can only be realised through changes in organisation and work processes Organisation TechnologyProcesses 80% 20%

47 eKommune 2012 NALRA’s initiatives: •NALRA will provide courses in strategic ICT management and benefit realisation for CEO’s in municipalities and regional authorities

48 eKommune 2012 Result: A training course for CEO’s which include the following objectives: •create basic understanding of challenges faced by municipalities in the information society •prepare a strategic ICT plan, based on "eMunicipality 2012 - local digital agenda" (including methodologies and tools) •realise the benefits of ICT through organisational changes as well as changes in working methods (change management)

49 Elements in a strategy process 1.Creating the project organization 2.Status analysis (where are we?) and opportunity analysis (where do we want to be?) 3.Goals and measures (for each priority area) 4.Cost-benefit assessment related to the goals 5.Assessment of the collaboration solution (can we do this better and cheaper together) 6.Action Plan 7.Summary for budget

50 eKommune 2012 Capability Planning •The staff's ICT skills are essential for effective management and service •Management's ICT skills are related to the impact of ICT as a strategic tool, and they have to understand the importence of Capability Planning

51 eKommune 2012 Examples of competency assessment of health care personnel in a large municipality

52 eKommune 2012 Copy documents 

53 eKommune 2012 Main challenges ahead? •Coordination of ICT solutions in the municipal sector and between government agencies and municipalities •Standardization and development of common tools and specifications in the municipal sector •Integration of screen dialogue solutions, workflow / archive systems and technical systems

54 eKommune 2012 …more challenges •Increased national and inter-municipal cooperation •Development of common solutions and common components such as eID, eSignature, Portals •Information Security and Privacy •Increased use of free software •Linking ICT to the realization of benefits, organizational development and change management

55 eKommune 2012 More information: KS IKT-forum

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