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EL 3014 Sistem Mikroprosesor

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Presentation on theme: "EL 3014 Sistem Mikroprosesor"— Presentation transcript:

1 EL 3014 Sistem Mikroprosesor
Tahun ajaran semester 1

2 Silabus Arsitektur Mikroprosesor CPU Bus mikroprosesor
Memori: RAM, ROM, EEPROM I/O Antarmuka (interfacing) Periferal: ADC, DAC, timer , counter, komunikasi serial perancangan sistem mikroprosesor dekoder alamat Hardware sistem mikroprosesor pemrograman bahasa assembler & C

3 Referensi Dhananjay V Gadre, Programming & Customizing The AVR Microcontroller , McGraw Hill 2001 Steven F Barrett, Atmel AVR Microcontroller Primer: Programming and Interfacing, Morgan & Claypool 2008 ___, Newbies guide to AVR development, Datasheet ATMega8535 Datasheet set instruksi AVR “doc0856.pdf” Datasheet komponen & sensor terkait

4 Bentuk Kuliah Tatap muka di kelas + tugas kecil Praktikum di Lab
Tugas Project Mandiri Penilaian Kuliah Ujian (UTS + UAS) Praktikum Project

5 Kaitan dengan kuliah lain
Prasyarat EL3096 Sistem digital Bahasa pemrograman (bahasa C) Elektronika Sistem mikroprosesor (EL3096) Arsitektur sistem mikroprosesor Interfacing mikroprosesor Pemrograman mikroprosesor Lanjutan setelah EL3096 Perancangan Sistem Embedded EL3046 : RTOS, Teknik Design: DFD, State Chart, Unit testing

6 Komputer dalam persepsi umum

7 Bentuk Fisik Mikrokontroler

8 Microcontroller Development Board
Banyak yang menjual modul mikrokontroller yang sudah jadi tinggal diprogram untuk mempermudah & mempercepat Sumber: Sumber:

9 Macam-macam implementasi sistem digital
Transistor diskrit Rangkaian Logika (gerbang AND,OR,Flip flop, dsb) Rangkaian digital, dengan Register Transfer Level (RTL) -> VHDL, Verilog. Hardware dengan FPGA/ASIC (kuliah sistem digital, perancangan ASIC) PLD Application Specific IC Mikroprosesor + Software

10 Macam-macam Sistem Digital
Hardware Transistor Gate Register Transfer Language Software Machine code Assembler High level (C, C++, Java)

11 Arsitektur Sistem Mikroprosesor
Komponen utama sistem mikroprosesor CPU Memori I/O Bus Jenis Arsitektur Harvard Von Neumann

12 Kategori Komputer Superkomputer Mainframe Mikroprosesor Mikrokontroler
DSP (Digital Signal Processor)

13 Macam-macam memori Static RAM (Flip Flop) Dynamic RAM (kapasitor)
ROM (diprogram di pabrik) PROM / OTP(diprogram 1x oleh user) EPROM (bisa dihapus pakai sinar UV melalui ‘jendela’ khusus) EEPROM (bisa dihapus pakai tegangan) Flash


15 Arsitektur Komputer Dijelaskan lebih jauh di kuliah arsikom

16 Arsitektur Sistem Mikroprosesor Sederhana

17 CPU Sederhana

18 CPU mikrokontroler AVR

19 Memori SRAM tipe 6264

20 Arsitektur AVR Diambil dari datasheet ATMEGA8535

21 Arsitektur MCS-51 Diambil dari architectural_overview.pdf

22 Register View of a Simple P
aka “Von Neumann” or “Princeton” architecture

23 Register View of a Simple P with Isolated I/O space
Most microprocessors do NOT have isolated I/O. The Intel x86 microprocessors do.

24 Register View of a Simple P with Separate Code and Data Memories
aka “Harvard” architecture

25 Endian-ness Byte Ordering for Little Endian vs. Big Endian Big Endian
Most Significant Byte (MSB) Least Significant Byte (LSB) Example: int x = 0x1234; Big-endian Motorola, SPARC (big end in first byte) Little-endian Intel (little end in first byte) The MIPS processor and compilers support both the Big Endian and Little Endian byte-ordering conventions. The names Big Endian and Little Endian are used because of the apt analogy to the bloody feud in the classic children's book Gulliver's Travels (quod vide). The feud was between the two mythical islands, Lilliput and Blefescu, over the correct end (big or little) at which to crack an egg. In our case, the issue has to do with the "end" (most significant or least significant) of a multiple-byte data type. With Big Endian ordering, the address of a multiple-byte data type is of its most significant byte (its "big end"), whereas with Little Endian ordering, the address is of its least significant byte (its "little end"). This is shown in Figure A.14. For structures declared in a high-level language, the order of bytes in memory will differ depending on the byte ordering and the particular data type, as shown for a C structure in Figure A.15. Most UNIXes (for example, all System V) and the Internet are Big Endian. Motorola 680x0 microprocessors (and therefore Macintoshes), Hewlett-Packard PA-RISC, and Sun SuperSPARC processors are Big Endian. The Silicon Graphics MIPS and IBM/Motorola PowerPC processors are both Little and Big Endian (bi-endian). The ARM7 can be implemented as bi-endian, but traditionally has been implemented as little-endian. Memory Address +0 +1 +2 +3 Big Endian Byte 3 Byte 2 Byte 1 Byte 0 MSB in the lowest (first) memory address Little Endian LSB in the lowest (first) memory address

26 Pengembangan Software Desktop

27 Pengembangan software mikrokontroler

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