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3rd Nordic Marketing Conference, Workshop Report •Workshop 9 •Pricing Policy and Pricing Problems. Copyright Issues. Juridical Aspects on Customer Agreements.

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Presentation on theme: "3rd Nordic Marketing Conference, Workshop Report •Workshop 9 •Pricing Policy and Pricing Problems. Copyright Issues. Juridical Aspects on Customer Agreements."— Presentation transcript:

1 3rd Nordic Marketing Conference, Workshop Report •Workshop 9 •Pricing Policy and Pricing Problems. Copyright Issues. Juridical Aspects on Customer Agreements

2 Participants of the workshop •Isak Isaksen DSt •Veronica Andersson SCB •Reijo Ljungberg •Susanne Hellman- Ketola SF •Hannele Orjala SF

3 Pricing Policy and Pricing Problems •Customer Internet pricing; approx. 3-4 x 1. The Lingonberry principle (Sweden) •PDF-pricing: Finland and Denmark same price for hardcopies and PDFs, Sweden depending on production time. •Intranet Pricing: Sweden and Finland extra pricing, Denmark same price •Customer Internet pricing: Pricing principles still need to be further defined

4 What costs should be covered? •Denmark –Payment by hour (ca. 105 euros) –all former for overhead (93%) –cost in connection with developing of new products •Sweden –60-80 euro/hour –20 % mark-up for overall costs

5 What costs should be covered? •Finland –97 euros/hour, includes a 10-15 % risk mark-up –also monthly and yearly work prices

6 Official statistics •Denmark and Sweden –for example Regional code level, Activity code level •Finland –official statistics are free of charge. Official statistics is, however, not defined according to regional code or activity code level

7 Additional points discussed •Regional data levels and pricing •Researcher pricing •Calculation of cost coverage •Who is defining monopoly? •Future activities on pricing topics •Influence of Eurostat

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