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You can start this by clicking and then it works automatically. You can listen to music while watching this video.

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Presentation on theme: "You can start this by clicking and then it works automatically. You can listen to music while watching this video."— Presentation transcript:

1 You can start this by clicking and then it works automatically. You can listen to music while watching this video.

2 ‘’Can you imagine a world without any mistakes?,, Goethe 1768. Can we believe?

3 Human health Adverse air quality can kill many organisms including humans.air quality

4 There are 11 types of pollution. The major forms of pollution are listed below: • Air pollution Air pollution • Light pollutionLight pollution • Noise pollution Noise pollution

5 •S•S oil contamination •R•R adioactive contamination •T•T hermal pollution •V•V isual pollution •W•W ater pollution

6 We are l iving…. We are eating…. So, w e are h unting down a nimals!!!!! And not just a few! Animals • chickens chickens turkeys ducks sheep sheep sheep pigs cattle cattle horses deer birds fish (commercial) angling • Animals/Weight per annum • 600 million not known 35 million 10 million 18 million 2 million 12 million 14 million 4 million 3 million 0.05 million 0.03 million 5 million 650,000 tons not known • Method of Slaughter • electrical stunning and sticking cutting carotids artery/ jugular vein electrical stunning and sticking electrical stunning and sticking electrical stunning and sticking captive bolt and sticking cutting carotid artery /jugular vein electrical stunning and sticking captive bolt/percussion stunning and sticking cutting carotid artery/jugular vein shooting shooting and hunting shooting asphyxia and homogenization asphyxia and lacerations EZ AZT JELENTI, HOGY ÉRVÁGÁSSAL ÉS EGYÉB HÁTBORZONGATÓ MÓDSZERREL MÉSZÁROLJUK LE ÁLLATAINKAT!!!!!!!

7 We d on’t need more paper than the number of population!

8 Thx for whatching this video made by Breczkó Márton Class 8B

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