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The education system of Hungary Péter Bárdy Premonstratensian St. Norbert Secondary School of Gödöllő 21th October 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "The education system of Hungary Péter Bárdy Premonstratensian St. Norbert Secondary School of Gödöllő 21th October 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 The education system of Hungary Péter Bárdy Premonstratensian St. Norbert Secondary School of Gödöllő 21th October 2010

2 A tradition of more than 1000 years The first school: Pannonhalma, A.D. 996

3 •Pannonhalma, A.D. 996 •before the XVIII. Century schools were maintained only by churches •1777. Ratio educationis – the first educational law •compulsory education in the public schools since 1868 •free education since 1908 •before 1945: 4+8 (first 4 were compulsory) •after 1945: 8+4 (first 8 were compulsory) 4 years in secondary school or in technical school •1948: soviet occupation  church schools (50% of all schools) were socialized The history in a nutshell

4 •Hungary is one of the leading countries in Nobel Prize Laureates per capita  (12 persons) A tradition of excellence

5 János Neumann one of the inventors of the first computer, the ENIAC

6 János Kemény co-developer the first programming language, the BASIC

7 Andrew Grove (Gróf) co-founder and former President of INTEL Corp.

8 Charles Simonyi co-developer of Microsoft Windows, Word and Excel the first space tourist in the world

9 Leó Szilárd discovered the nuclear chain reaction

10 Jenő Wigner and Ede Teller co-developers of the first nuclear reactor

11 Pál Selényi co-inventor of the photocopy machine

12 Oszkár Asboth inventor of the first helicopter

13 Albert Szent-Györgyi Nobel Prize for his work on Vitamin C

14 János Harsányi Nobel Prize in Economics (game theory) shared with John Nash („The beautiful mind”)

15 György Oláh Nobel Prize in Chemistry inventor of ledfree gasoline

16 Nicolas Sarkozy (Sárközy) President of France


18 Division of students according to the maintaining authority

19 Division of students in secondary general schools according to the maintaining authority

20 Division of students in secondary schools according to the type of the school

21 Division of students in secondary general schools according to the educational programmes

22 •Varied educational programmes •5 primary schools o4 maintained by the municipality o1 maintained by the church •5 secondary schools o2 maintained by the municipality o1 secondary general and 1 vocational school o2 maintained by the church o1 protestant and 1 catholic o1 maintained by a foundation (Waldorf) Education in Gödöllő

23 •in the form of per capita norms, based on the number of students •budget: 50% from the state + 50% other source •schools maintained by local authoroties o50% other: from local taxes •schools maintained by churches o50% other: also from the state („church subsidy”) obecause churches have no income on their own Financing education

24 •lots of excellent students with outstanding results in international competitions and student olympics oe.g.: Bálint Wirnhardt, silver medal, IJSO, South Korea •students in an aveage school have usually lower performance in an international comparision osee e.g.: PISA The present situation

25 •monitoring-type assessment •performance of 15-year-old students •in OECD countries •in every 3 years •three areas of assessment omathematics osciences oreading The PISA assessment

26 •PISA 2006: Hungary was below average •15-year-old students, assessment area: mathematics HUNGARYAVERAGE

27 •performance of 10 and 14 years old students •in 59 countries, 425.000 students •according to general curricula •two areas of assessment omathematics osciences obiology ophysics ochemistry oearth sciences The TIMSS assessment

28 •TIMSS: Hungary was above average •14-year-old students, assessment area: science HUNGARY AVERAGE

29 •the most important factor is the family background •school system is also important osee: PISA, TIMSS, competence assessments •expensive solutions within the schools are not that important oe.g.: informatics, equipment, small groups etc. personality of the TEACHER that really matters Influences on the school performance

30 •the acknowledgement of the states of teachers is to be increased •the share of education in the state budget needs to be increased •strengthening school communities and religious set of values •improving the standards of science education •offering vocational training •promoting the idea of sustainability — responsible planning of our future The challenges we have to meet

31 Pannonhalma – preparing for our future

32 Budapest. Get Engaged. video by István Madarász

33 Thank you for your kind attentions!

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