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Fremtidsplaner og forventninger til underleverandører November 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Fremtidsplaner og forventninger til underleverandører November 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fremtidsplaner og forventninger til underleverandører November 2013

2 Company history & major events ■ Aibel history and experience dates back more than 100 years with companies such as Elektrisk Bureau (EB) and Haugesund Mekaniske Verksted (HMV). ■ Aibel AS is owned by a Norwegian investor group led by Ferd and Herkules Capital (since June 2007), well-known investors with significant investments in both private and public equity ■ Aibel AS is owned by Ratos (SWE) from December 2012 and Ferd (50/50) Elektrisk Bureau (EB) is established Aibel is acquired by Ferd and Herkules Haugesund Mekaniske Verksted (HMV) is established UMOE acquires HMV 1900 1990 2000 ABB Offshore Systems acquires UMOE Oil & Gas 1882 1993 ABB Offshore Technology (later named ABB Offshore Systems) is established 2007 ABB Offshore Systems is acquired by an international investor group. Vetco International is established with subsidiaries Vetco Gray and Vetco Aibel 2004

3 Business units MMO Modification Field development Wind ■ Long term onshore and offshore MMO contracts ■ Modifications to existing offshore installations and onshore plants ■ New offshore installations and onshore plants ■ International FPSO market ■ New offshore facilities, AC/DC platforms ■ Maintenance and facility services

4 Source: Company data Current footprint – Norway

5 Draugen EPCM ClientA/S Norske Shell Contract periodMarch 2012 – March 2018 Options for two plus two years extension Value6 BNOK Scope of workPortfolio management, FEED/FEED verification, Project management, Administration, Engineering, Procurement, Construction management, Fabrication, Installation and Commissioning assistance on all major projects and minor modifications on the Draugen asset

6 Portfolio Procurement Management Staff Function / StabsfunksjonBusiness Unit / ForretningsenhetResource Unit / RessursenhetProcess Owner / Prosessansvarlig Aibel AS – Level 5 Notes: Personnel located in Stavanger except; 1) located in Aibel offices in Oslo 2) located in Aibel offices in Kristiansund 3) located in Aibel offices in Harstad Portfolio Procurement Manager Morten von der Lippe SQS Lead Terje Flister Subcontract Helge Boye Procurement Logistic Responsible Elin Kim Ottersen Infill Drilling – Oslo Procurement Manager Thor-Christen Lomsdal 1) Topside Campaigne / Other Major Projects – Stavanger Procurement Manager Egil Johannessen Minor Modifications – Kristiansund Procurement Manager Gunnar Settemsdal 2) Supplier pre-qualification Jon Corneliussen Gustav Jensen Odd Dysvik Sustainable Development / Local Content Kåre Kvanli Upgrade Project – Harstad Procurement Manager Kåre Kvanli 3)

7 © 2010 7 Locations / Execution Minor modifications Operational support Warehouse activitites Fabrication Upgrade Project (future centre of gravity) and discrete elements of other/future projects Infill Drilling Upgrade Project (start-up) Portfolio management Topsides Campaign (management and seleected building blocks) Portfolio management Design Integrity Construction Management Fabrication Construction resources Draugen Installation and completion Topsides Campaign (seleected building blocks)

8 Minor mods, Hva skjer i Kristiansund ? Aibels kontor i Kristiansund sysselsetter i dag ca 200 personer Vi har to kontrakter : Statoil V&M, installasjonene Njord A og B. Siden 1998 Industriveien (leid lokale, tidl. Statoil) Shell EPCM, Draugen Minor Modifications Melkvikan


10 Topsides Campaign (Living Quarter Extension / Life boat upgrade)


12 Draugen Upgrade – High Urgency items Project ItemDescriptionStatus Lift Upgrade (K12W01 ) The current Alimak lift has a lot of downtime due to reliability issues and unavailability of spare parts due to obsolescence. It will be replaced by a wirelift at the same location, with a bigger lift cart to accomodate scaffolding. The current aim is to install in 2015. EPC to start in Harstad in June. Flow Computer Replacement Obsolescence of flow computers; oil export, gas export, fuelgas, flare gas, etc. O2 analyzer and backup Gas Chromatograph required to honor current agreement with Gassco (not fulfilled today). Stand-alone units will be integrated. Awaiting FEED Fire Loop Switchover LQ fire panel has reached end of design lifetime. The ALQ project will install a new firepanel, while Upgrade will switchover the fire loop in the current LQ to the new fire panel once it´s in operatio. Awaiting FEED Drinking Water Upgrade The drinking water is currently supplied from onshore via supply vessels. Current issue is supply reliability during bad weather, quality of supplied water, storage tank with contamination issues. Awaiting kick-off Concept study. HMI Upgrade Obsolescence of HMI and and screens. New HMI also required to accomodate upcoming projects; Infill, ALQ, Linnorm. This to avoid running 2 separate systems in the control room. Concept study ongoing. Dewatering Pump Replacement Currently using one secondhand pump, original design requires 2 new pumps. Previous secondhand pump broke down earlier this year. If not addressed the outcome would be a high corrosion rate in the GBS. Aim is to install in 2014. FEED started in May. Replace CO2 system Strong recommendation from PSA to replace CO2 firefighting systems with other means (water mist, etc.) A plan for replacement will also be important when it comes to the Lifetime Extension Application to PSA Technical note has previously been developed by Aker. Diesel System Due to forecasted fuel gas deficiency from October 2013, the diesel system will be used at times in continuous operation while it was designed as a back-up solution. Some parts, like the diesel centrifuge must be replaced to ensure sufficient reliability even only as a back-up system Concept study ongoing. FEED to start Q4 2013. Crude Oil Level Measurement There is only 1 transducer left pr. cell that is functioning, these are attached to the cell wall and can only measure 75% of the cell storage. If these should stop functioning the cell will have to be closed and the crude oil capacity at Draugen will be reduced. Aim is to install in 2014 (also dependant on Infill U2H) Will have a meeting with the original designer of the system to brainstorm around ways of handling the upgrade.

13 Minor mods, Hva skjer i Kristiansund ? Ihht kontrakt så skal Monor Mods levere : “CONTRACTOR shall have an established organisation in Kristiansund with capacity and competence to deliver all aspects of the Scope of WORK for MINOR MODIFICATION projects, including the FEED phase.” Prosjektene i minor mods portefølje varierer fra enkle singeldisipline prosjekt til store kompliserte prosjekt. Shells driftsorganisasjon og prosjektledelsen for minor mods sitter i Kristiansund, og det meste av møtevirksomheten vår foregår derfor lokalt. Minor mods bruker Project Execution Process “MMO frame agreement” i W3, på samme måte som Statoil V&M.

14 Minor modifications, Prosjekter ■ Shut Down 2013, 10.9. – 18.10. ■ 7 prosjekter er gjennomført; Test- & Prod. Manifold, Turndown, Carcass Bleed, Flare Tip Grating, Helideck Drain (temp), Condensate Stripper, Knockout Drum ■ 350331 Helideck Drain, installeres etter at Living Quarter er på plass ■ 350303 Deluge (brannslukkingssystem) ■ Prosjekt med carry over work fra Aker ■ Noe installasjon høst/vinter 2013, Planlagt installasjon i 2014 ■ 15 kabinetter + kabling/piping ■ 350338 Dry Gas Dewpoint ■ Analysekabinetter, installeres våren 2014

15 Minor modifications, Prosjekter ■ 350304 Turbine Nodes, Siemens ■ Programmering, noe utstyr? ■ 350320 New UPS, Feed Study ■ Shell må velge konsept, eksisterende rom, ny modul, endre modul…. ■ Bruk av Shell Frame Agreement ■ 350332 Oil Mist from Turbines ■ Routing avtrekk, vifte, signal – problem mht hydrokarboner ■ Ca 10 andre prosjekter, noen med carry-over scope ■ Magnetrol replacer, Grating

16 Takk for oppmerksomheten

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