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Voce ai libri: 1 modalità e opportunità dellaudiolibro Tesi di Laurea di Mara Pizzochero Relatore: Prof. Fabio Muzzio Correlatore: Prof.

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2 Voce ai libri: 1 modalità e opportunità dellaudiolibro Tesi di Laurea di Mara Pizzochero Relatore: Prof. Fabio Muzzio Correlatore: Prof. Marco Dotti Università degli Studi di Pavia Corso di Laurea in Editoria e Comunicazione Multimediale

3 Aims outlines giving an outline of the present situation of audiobook in our country issues explaining the difficulties faced by audiobook in the past and still persisting in the present opportunities suggesting uses and opportunities for the future 2Voce ai libri: modalità e opportunità dellaudiolibro - Mara Pizzochero

4 What is an audiobook? A definition 3Voce ai libri: modalità e opportunità dellaudiolibro - Mara Pizzochero Audio recording of the content of a printed book, read aloud by an actor, a narrator or a speaker. It can be recorded on different media, in different formats and it may include music and/or sound effects.

5 Audiobook as a reading substitute Getting beyond prejudices 4Voce ai libri: modalità e opportunità dellaudiolibro - Mara Pizzochero Audiobook was originally meant to be a printed book substitute for visual impaired people, and recently has proved itself a worthy instrument also for dyslexic people. Keeping in mind this essential application will let us get rid of it and consider audiobooks as another way of enjoying literature for common audiences.

6 What is an audiobook? Content 5Voce ai libri: modalità e opportunità dellaudiolibro - Mara Pizzochero Audio recording of the content of a printed book… UnabridgedAbridgedNon-book

7 What is an audiobook? Content 6Voce ai libri: modalità e opportunità dellaudiolibro - Mara Pizzochero Chosen by regular listeners Same content as the printed book Fidelity to the work and to authors intention Free and full access to the work Lenght Demanding listening Chosen by occasional or first- time listeners Propaedeutical to reading Different content from the printed book Reader doesnt know what has been condensed or cut off Trivializing the original work UnabridgedAbridged

8 What is an audiobook? Music and sound effects 7Voce ai libri: modalità e opportunità dellaudiolibro - Mara Pizzochero …it can include music and/or sound effects… Voice onlyMusic Music as a background Music as a narrating voice Sound effects

9 What is an audiobook? Music and sound effects 8Voce ai libri: modalità e opportunità dellaudiolibro - Mara Pizzochero Music as a distraction or a filter Music as a background or an interlude Musica as a complementary element Voice only Sound effects and music The role of music Sound effects AudiobookRadio Drama

10 What is an audiobook? Voice 9Voce ai libri: modalità e opportunità dellaudiolibro - Mara Pizzochero …read aloud by an actor, a narrator or a speaker… AuthorActor Voice professional (speaker, narrator)

11 What is an audiobook? Voice 10Voce ai libri: modalità e opportunità dellaudiolibro - Mara Pizzochero Work Narrator Listener

12 What is an audiobook? Voice 11Voce ai libri: modalità e opportunità dellaudiolibro - Mara Pizzochero Work Narrator Listener

13 What is an audiobook? Voice 12Voce ai libri: modalità e opportunità dellaudiolibro - Mara Pizzochero Author Unbiased interpretation Unprofessional reading Appeal Actor Biased interpretation Appeal Voice professional Professional reading No appeal from the readers fame

14 What is an audiobook? Three examples 13Voce ai libri: modalità e opportunità dellaudiolibro - Mara Pizzochero Unabridged Voice-only Voice professional Unabridged Music as a complementary element Actor Abridged Music and sound effects Actors

15 What is an audiobook? Media and formats 14Voce ai libri: modalità e opportunità dellaudiolibro - Mara Pizzochero … It can be recorded on different media and in different formats… Physical media Audio CDMP3-CD Without a physical medium Downloadable file

16 BookshopPhysical Online bookshop Physical IBS, Bol, laFeltrinelli, … Digital retail Download Audible, iTunes Store, Mondadori Shop,… Publishers e-store Physical and/or download What is an audiobook? Distribution channels 15Voce ai libri: modalità e opportunità dellaudiolibro - Mara Pizzochero

17 BookshopPhysical Online bookshop Physical IBS, Bol, laFeltrinelli, … Digital retail Download Audible, iTunes Store, Mondadori Shop,… Publishers e-store Physical and/or download What is an audiobook? Distribution channels 16Voce ai libri: modalità e opportunità dellaudiolibro - Mara Pizzochero

18 What is an audiobook? Overview 17Voce ai libri: modalità e opportunità dellaudiolibro - Mara Pizzochero Medium PhysicalDownload Format MP3-CDAudio CDPreloadedMP3 Device MP3-CD playerCD player-Any MP3 device Price $$$$$$$$$$

19 What is an audiobook? Overview 18Voce ai libri: modalità e opportunità dellaudiolibro - Mara Pizzochero Medium PhysicalDownload Format MP3-CDAudio CDPreloadedMP3 Device MP3-CD playerCD player-Any MP3 device Price $$$$$$$$$$

20 80.000 audiobooks United States 25.000 audiobooks Germany 20.000 audiobooks United Kingdom 5.000 audiobooks France 700 audiobooks Italy Audiobook production Available titles 19Voce ai libri: modalità e opportunità dellaudiolibro - Mara Pizzochero

21 Audiobook production Italy: changes in the last years 20Voce ai libri: modalità e opportunità dellaudiolibro - Mara Pizzochero Tripled titles More audiobook-only publishers Traditional publishers started producing audiobooks Increasing presence and relevance in distribution channels

22 Audiobook-only publisher already on business held on, intensified and kept a consistent and continuative production. New audiobook-only publishers joined the existing ones. Audiobook production Audiobook-only publishers 21Voce ai libri: modalità e opportunità dellaudiolibro - Mara Pizzochero

23 AEDA, Associazione Editori Audiolibri, was founded in April 2008 to advocate the interests of audio publishers and to promote the knowledge and the spreading of audiobook in our country. It doubled his members since its foundation. Audiobook production Audiobook publishers association 22Voce ai libri: modalità e opportunità dellaudiolibro - Mara Pizzochero

24 Traditional publishers laid aside the prejudices and the resistances and started distributing and producing audiobooks - by theirselves or in partnership with the specialized ones. Audiobook production Traditional publishers and audiobooks 23Voce ai libri: modalità e opportunità dellaudiolibro - Mara Pizzochero

25 … a compensatory instrument for visually impaired people … a threat for traditional book and for reading … trivializing reading and making readers lazy I can and Im able to read… why should I listen? Issues Audiobooks are still perceived as... 24Voce ai libri: modalità e opportunità dellaudiolibro - Mara Pizzochero

26 People dont picture how and where to place the listening experience in their everyday life. We know how and where to read a book, but were not used to listen to an audiobook. Issues A place for audiobook listening 25Voce ai libri: modalità e opportunità dellaudiolibro - Mara Pizzochero

27 Dealing with the issues Information use modalities 26Voce ai libri: modalità e opportunità dellaudiolibro - Mara Pizzochero Lean forward Active approach to information Selection and processing of the information Attention fully absorbed by the information stream Lean back Relaxed approach to information Attention fully absorbed by the information stream Background Parallel information streams: a main one and secondary ones Focus easily switches between information streams Informational multitasking Mobility Being in mobility requires little or no attention Attention is focused on a main information stream, even if it can be often interrupted

28 Dealing with the issues Book use modalities 27Voce ai libri: modalità e opportunità dellaudiolibro - Mara Pizzochero Lean forward Active approach to information Selection and processing of the information Attention fully absorbed by the information stream Lean back Relaxed approach to information Attention fully absorbed by the information stream Background Parallel information streams: a main one and secondary ones Focus easily switches between information streams Informational multitasking Mobility Being in mobility requires little or no attention Attention is focused on a main information stream, even if it can be often interrupted

29 Dealing with the issues Audiobook use modalities 28Voce ai libri: modalità e opportunità dellaudiolibro - Mara Pizzochero Lean forward Active approach to information Selection and processing of the information Attention fully absorbed by the information stream Lean back Relaxed approach to information Attention fully absorbed by the information stream Background Parallel information streams: a main one and secondary ones Focus easily switches between information streams Informational multitasking Mobility Being in mobility requires little or no attention Attention is focused on a main information stream, even if it can be often interrupted

30 The best way for seizing the opportunities offered by audiobooks is understanding the differences between them and printed books, rather than their similarities. Audiobook can be a reading option when reading a book isnt possible. Dealing with the issues Audiobook as a reading option 29Voce ai libri: modalità e opportunità dellaudiolibro - Mara Pizzochero

31 Dealing with the issues Audiobook use modalities across countries 30Voce ai libri: modalità e opportunità dellaudiolibro - Mara Pizzochero Background use and mobility use modalities Listening while doing other tasks, while travelling, while commuting USA, UK, … Lean back use modality Listening VS reading Italy

32 Aim: exploring the disposition toward audiobooks, drawing a parallel between reading habits and modalities and listening habits and modalities. Target: 18 - 26 Dealing with the issues Lettura e ascolto: an explorative poll 31Voce ai libri: modalità e opportunità dellaudiolibro - Mara Pizzochero

33 Acquaintance – 94,2% know what an audiobook is Experience – 88,4% never listened to an audiobook Intention – 45,3% say they will listen to an audiobook in the future Dealing with the issues Lettura e ascolto: results 32Voce ai libri: modalità e opportunità dellaudiolibro - Mara Pizzochero

34 Relevant elements Fame of the work, author, narrating voice MP3 format e-storeLean back Uncertain elements Music Unabridged or abridged version Length Dealing with the issues Lettura e ascolto: other results 33Voce ai libri: modalità e opportunità dellaudiolibro - Mara Pizzochero

35 Fiction Unabridged Voice-only, or voice with carefully measured music Lean back mode Physical medium Bookshop Conclusions The ideal audiobook 34Voce ai libri: modalità e opportunità dellaudiolibro - Mara Pizzochero

36 Its premature to say if audiobook will exit the niche it carved itself and establish itself as a reading option. The increase of audiobook publishers and titles is surely a positive signal, as the increasing presence and relevance in distribution channels. Conclusions Prospects 35Voce ai libri: modalità e opportunità dellaudiolibro - Mara Pizzochero

37 These conditions are leading to a growth of acquaintance and may encourage people to undertake the listening experience. In the near future we will see if audiobooks will prove themselves worthy in giving voice to books. Conclusions Prospects 36Voce ai libri: modalità e opportunità dellaudiolibro - Mara Pizzochero

38 Strana scomparsa, quella della lettura a voce alta. Cosa avrebbe pensato Dostoevskij? E Flaubert? Non si ha più diritto di mettersi le parole in bocca prima di ficcarsele in testa? Niente più orecchie? Niente più musica? Niente più saliva? Parole senza più gusto? […] Cosa? Testi muti per puri spiriti? A me, Rabelais! A me, Flaubert! Dostoevskij! Kafka! Dickens, a me! Giganteschi urlatori di senso, accorrete! Venite a soffiare nei nostri libri! Le nostre parole hanno bisogno di corpo! I nostri libri hanno bisogno di vita! Daniel Pennac, Come un romanzo 37

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