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Dr. Ömer Yağız Department of Business Administration Eastern Mediterranean University Prepared for MGMT Total Quality Management 26/09/2005
Milestones of Quality 1924 : Walter Shewhart introduces Control Charts. 1928 : H. F. Dodge and H.G. Romig develop acceptance sampling plans. 1931 : W. Shewhart publishes Economic Control of Quality of Manufactured Product. : Bell Labs develop military standard sampling plans for the U.S. army. 2
1944 : Industrial Quality Control begins publication.
1946 : The American Society for Quality (ASQ) is formed. : W. E. Deming is invited to Japan to give statistical quality control seminars.
1950 : Deming begins education of Japanese scientists, engineers, and executives on the subject of quality control. 1950 : K. Ishikawa introduces the cause-and-effect diagram (fish-bone diagram). 1951 : Armand Feigenbaum publishes Total Quality Control. Joseph Juran publishes the Quality Control Handbook. Kaoru Ishikawa 3
1951 : Deming Prize is instituted in Japan by Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers (JUSE) in honor of W. E. Deming. 1954 : Joseph Juran is invited to Japan for lectures in quality management and improvement.
1957 : British statistician E. S
1957 : British statistician E. S. Page introduces the Cumulative Sum (CUSUM) chart. 1960 : The Quality Control Circle concept is introduced in Japan by K. Ishikawa. 1960s : Courses in statistical quality control become widespread in Industrial Engineering academic programs. ASME and ASTM popularize the concepts and techniques of quality control. 1969 : Industrial Quality Control ceases publication, replaced by Quality Progress and the Journal of Quality Technology. 4
1972 : Quality Function Deployment (QFD) originated at Mitsubishi’s Kobe shipyards.
: Books on experimental design oriented toward engineers and scientists begin to appear. Genichi Taguchi started this movement way back in 1948 in Japan.
1979 : Philip Crosby publishes Quality is Free.
1980 : Television documentary If Japan Can ... Why Can’t We? is aired by NBC giving W. Edwards Deming renewed recognition in the U.S. 1981 : Ford Motor Company invites Deming to speak to its top executives. 1982 : Deming publishes book titled Quality, Productivity, and Competitive Position. 1984 : P. Crosby publishes Quality Without Tears: The Art of Hassle-Free Management. 5
1986 : Masaaki Imai publishes his famous book "Kaizen: The Key to Japan's Competitive Success." Some years later GembaKaizen: Common Sense and Low Cost Approach to Management" is published. 1986 : Deming publishes his highly popular book titled "Out of The Crisis" telling the American industry people how to upgrade the quality of their goods and compete with the Japanese. 6
1987 : U.S. Congress passes a law establishing the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.
1987 : European Union countries adopt the ISO-9000 quality standards. (BS 5750) 1991 : Kalite Derneği (KALDER) is founded in Turkey; begins publishing journal titled Önce Kalite in 1992. 1993 : TUSİAD-KALDER quality award established and won by BRİSA.
1993 : EU countries require ISO-9000 certification.
1993 : Total Quality Management approach is widely taught in U.S. and some European universities and colleges. 1994 : TUSAŞ wins the TUSİAD-KALDER Quality Award. 1995 : NETAŞ wins the TUSİAD-KALDER Quality Award. Selected among finalists for the EFQM Quality Award the same year. 1996 : BRİSA wins the EFQM Quality Award; NETAŞ becomes the EFQM Quality Prize winner.
1997 : BEKSA wins the EFQM Quality Award in the Small Scale Business category. NETAŞ repeats its 1996 performance at EFQM. 1998 : Beko Ticaret wins the TÜSİAD-KALDER Quality Award and the EFQM Award in the SME category; Eczacıbaşı Yapı Gereçleri San. A.Ş. (Vitra Grubu) and Türk Elektrik Endüstrisi (TEE) win the TÜSİAD-KALDER Quality prizes in the large companies category. 1999 : Kaynak Tekniği A.Ş. (Askaynak - Eczacıbaşı Group)) wins the TÜSİAD-Kalder Award in the SME category. Türk Elektrik Endüstrisi A.Ş (TEE) and Beko Elektronik A.Ş. are given prizes by the same organization. 7
2000: Eczacıbaşı Yapı Gereçleri Sanayii (Artema Grubu) (large companies category) and Ata Yatırım Menkul Kıymetler (SME category) both win the Quality Prize; no awards are given this year. 2000: Arçelik A.Ş. and Eczacıbaşı Vitra win EFQM Quality Prizes.
2001: AYGAZ A. Ş. and BORÇELİK Steel Co
2001: AYGAZ A.Ş. and BORÇELİK Steel Co. win KALDER quality prizes; EBS ECZACIBAŞI (bathtubs) and EMAR After-Sales Services Co. wins the Quality Award in the SME category. 2008: KALDER quality award won by AKSA AKRİLİK KİMYA SANAYİ VE TİC. A.Ş; SIEMENS SANAYİ ve Tic. A.Ş.; quality prize by BORUSAN Lojistik A.Ş ve İSTANBUL DENİZ OTOBÜSLERİ (İDO) A.Ş. Also in 2008 Bosch Sanayi ve Tic. A.Ş. (Bursa Diesel Systems Plant) won the EFQM award.
Also in 2008, Bursa Gaz and Eskişehir Maternity and Child Illnesses Hospital won the EFQM prize. Bursa Nilüfer Belediyesi was a finalist.
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