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Hamburg 2007-03-15 Data Fusion Some views •Yesterday –Often one system per application •Today –multi use is the issue •Tomorrow –Different information.

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Presentation on theme: "Hamburg 2007-03-15 Data Fusion Some views •Yesterday –Often one system per application •Today –multi use is the issue •Tomorrow –Different information."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hamburg 2007-03-15 Data Fusion Some views •Yesterday –Often one system per application •Today –multi use is the issue •Tomorrow –Different information fused with more and new conclusions available •Methods to interpret new information –Other disciplines first –Now within eg. monitoring

2 Hamburg 2007-03-15 Lessons learnt! •Procedures for Test and Quality Assurance of New Technologies for Road Traffic Monitoring, Germany –Different having one test method covering all technologiesr, –How to verify fused information –Different requirements for different applications •Model-based Analysis and Prediction of Traffic States in the Secondary Road Network of Hesse, Germany –Different approaches using real data and real time models versus measured data only –Using different technologies, having advantages and disadvantagies –Combination of technologies. In the beginning of a new “fused” area. Development must go on

3 Hamburg 2007-03-15 Lessons learnt (2) •The data distributor system – one step further in the direction of robust and versatile traffic monitoring systems, Germany –Architecture, standards - still a challenge, –Should we do less complex cases? •Experiences with data fusion, Scotland –Good idea and it works, –Win-win, require some business models •Using Data on Road Condition and Weather for Short-term Forecasting, Germany –Competion between companies, authority evaluate and compares different approaches

4 Hamburg 2007-03-15 Some recommendations and lessons learned, can we transfer experiences, pres 1 1.What best practice case can be identified •Viktigt att testa det traditionella •Inte sett ett alternativ som klara alla applicationer 2.What specific aspects can be regarded as best practice 3.Are the best practice to the country in question, to a certain region or globally •Test under olika regimer, vävning, high speed •Testat med loops, video, published restricted due to manufactures •Jobbar med FCD i annat projekt, no certifactionproject •Följer CEN TC226 standards

5 Hamburg 2007-03-15 Some recommendations and lessons learned, can we transfer experiences, pres. 2 1.What best practice case can be identified •Still learning •Can´t compare modelbased and data 2.What specific aspects can be regarded as best practice 3.Are the best practice to the country in question, to a certain region or globally •Måste kolla secondary road stat •Distriburerad till mobila handies •Hur mycket data behövs, inte så kritiskt eftersom man använder en modellbaserad lösning. FCD på sek väg viktigt, tror man •Verificerat? Inte ett kontrollsystem, endats informerande •Hur snabbt reagerar systemet, short term pred. 5 min

6 Hamburg 2007-03-15 Some recommendations and lessons learned, can we transfer experiences, pres 3 1.What best practice case can be identified •Har 16 länder, egna TMC. Lite kontroversiellt i Tyskland •Behöver en gemensam data växling •Hårt arbete att göra detta 2.What specific aspects can be regarded as best practice 3.Are the best practice to the country in question, to a certain region or globally •HUR KAN MAN LÄRA SÅNT HÄR TILL ANDRA, endast få konsulter •Reducera antalet applikationer till en central kärna •Saknar software management •System intergration? State response, ett kompani för hela

7 Hamburg 2007-03-15 Some recommendations and lessons learned, can we transfer experiences, pres 4 1.What best practice case can be identified 2.What specific aspects can be regarded as best practice 3.Are the best practice to the country in question, to a certain region or globally’ •Svårt att få med privata aktörer? •Applied Generic, in city areas? Testats in interurban area. Has to be a combination, inget system klarar allt •Fick inte allat, FVD var en månad gammal •Private company för ANRP med Traffic Master, endast för monitoring, trafik management, privacy, no

8 Hamburg 2007-03-15 Some recommendations and lessons learned, can we transfer experiences, pres. 5 1.What best practice case can be identified 2.What specific aspects can be regarded as best practice 3.Are the best practice to the country in question, to a certain region or globally –Varför inte använda Meth office? –Informat från fordon –Prediktion 90 innan –Trafikenterna litar inte. Policy ge info när man vet

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