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Data Type & Input/Output Session 3 Course: T0974-Algorithm & Object-Oriented Programming I Year: 2010.

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2 Data Type & Input/Output Session 3 Course: T0974-Algorithm & Object-Oriented Programming I Year: 2010

3 Bina Nusantara Learning Outcomes After taking this course, student should be expected to be able to apply data types depend on the need of the programs and using syntax for Input – Output Operation

4 JAWABAN QUIZ Bina Nusantara University 4 public class Gaji { public static void main(String [] args) { Hitung h= new Hitung(); //membuat obyek dari //kelas Hitung h.basic=5000000; h.tunjangan=1500000; h.bolos=2; h.hitung(); } } class Hitung{ int bolos=0; int total=0; int basic=0; int tunjangan=0; String nama="RINA"; void hitung() { if (bolos<=3) { total=basic+tunjangan; } else { total=basic; } System.out.println ("Nama " + nama+ " Jumnlah bolos:" + bolos); System.out.println ("Gaji :" + total); } }

5 Bina Nusantara Outline Materi •Data Types •Input/Output (I/O) •Output Format •Type Casting (Conversion) •ASCII •Import •Constant

6 Bina Nusantara Data Type •An attribut that has range value and type. •To be used as a value storage from execution process. •Based on its data type : –Boolean (boolean) –Numeric (byte, short, int, long, float, double) –Character (char) –String (String)

7 Bina Nusantara Data Type •Based on Complexity : –Atomic DT (boolean, byte, char, short, int, long, float, double) –Composite DT (Array, Struct, List, Queue, Stack, String, Tree) •Based on Source: –Native / primitive / basic DT –Abstract DT •Based on Customization: –Built-in DT –User-defined DT

8 Bina Nusantara Data Type NameRangeSizeClass booleantrue, false1 bitBoolean byte-2 7 (-128) to 2 7 – 1 (127)8 bitByte char0 to 65,53516 bitCharacter short-2 15 (-32,768) to 2 15 – 1 (32,767) 16 bitShort int-2 31 (-2,147,483,648) to 2 31 (2,147,483,647) 32 bitInteger long-2 63 to 2 63 – 164 bitLong float-3.4E38 to 3.4E3832 bitFloat double-1.798E308 to 1.798E30864 bitDouble

9 Bina Nusantara Data Type Filename : Output:

10 Bina Nusantara Input / Output (I/O) •A Communication between computer to other entity (Human / Machine) •Input: Signal/Data will be recevied by system. •Output: Signal/Data will be sent from system. •I/O perform or I/O operation.

11 Bina Nusantara Input / Output (I/O) •Input Devices e.g. : keyboard, mouse •Output Devices e.g. : monitor, printer •I/O Devices e.g. : disk, file

12 Bina Nusantara Input / Output (I/O) •Get input from console using Scanner. •Library java.util.Scanner. •It needs to import declaration : import java.util.Scanner; •Afterward declare an object creation : Scanner input = new Scanner(;

13 Bina Nusantara Input / Output (I/O) MethodUse next();Input String (word) nextLine();Input String (sentence) nextByte();Input number (byte) nextShort();Input number (short) nextInt();Input number (int) nextLong();Input number (long) nextFloat();Input number (float) nextDouble();Input number (double)

14 Bina Nusantara Input / Output (I/O)

15 Bina Nusantara Input / Output (I/O)

16 Bina Nusantara Input / Output (I/O) SpecifierDescriptionExampleOutput %bboolean%6b false true %ccharacter%5c a %dinteger%5d 69 1234567 %fFloating-point%5.2f 3.14 20.60 %escientific%10.2e 3.14e+02 %sstring%10s hello •Note :  spasi

17 Bina Nusantara Input / Output (I/O) SpecifierDescriptionExampleOutput %bboolean%-6b false true %ccharacter%-5c a %dinteger%-5d 69 1234567 %fFloating-point%-5.2f 3.14 20.60 %escientific%-10.2e 3.14e+02 %sstring%-10s hello •Note :  spasi

18 Bina Nusantara Input / Output (I/O)

19 Bina Nusantara Input / Output (I/O) •System.out.print  print into console without linefeed (newline). •System.out.println  print into console with linefeed (newline) •System.out.printf  same as System.out.print, supports format output

20 Bina Nusantara Type Casting (Conversion) •Convert a value to different type. •Type casting conversion : –Widening a type: convert a value from smaller data to bigger data. (Automatically done by Java). –Narrowing a type: convert a value from bigger data to smaller data. •Size of data type (smallest to biggest) byte, short, int, long, float, double

21 Bina Nusantara Type Casting (Conversion) •Parentheses is use as a syntax for narrowing. •Example 1: –float f = (float) 10.1; –int i = (int) f; •Example 2 : –double d = 4.5; –int i = (int) d; •As depicted from example 1-2 above, f and d values haven’t been changed.

22 Bina Nusantara Type Casting (Conversion)

23 Bina Nusantara Type Casting (Conversion) •Conversion from String to Atomic data type can be done by class helper. ClassKonversi ke tipe dataPemakaian BooleanbooleanBoolean.parseBoolean(…); BytebyteByte.parseByte(…); CharactercharString.charAt( ); ShortshortShort.parseShort(…); IntegerintInteger.parseInt(…); LonglongLong.parseLong(…); FloatfloatFloat.parseFloat(…); DoubledoubleDouble.parseDouble(…);

24 Bina Nusantara Type Casting (Conversion)

25 Bina Nusantara Type Casting (Conversion)

26 Bina Nusantara Type Casting (Conversion)

27 Bina Nusantara ASCII •American Standard Code for Information Interchange •7-bit, 128 characters (000 s/d 127) •uppercase/lowercase letters, digits, punctuation marks, dan control characters •Next development of ASCII  Unicode has 1,112,064 characters.

28 Bina Nusantara ASCII

29 Bina Nusantara ASCII

30 Bina Nusantara ASCII

31 Bina Nusantara Type Casting (Conversion) cont. •ASCII characters from ‘0’ s/d ‘9’ –‘0’  48 –‘1’  49 –‘9’  57 •Convert character to number can be done by substracting 48. •Convert number to character can be done by adding 48.

32 Bina Nusantara Type Casting (Conversion) cont.

33 Bina Nusantara Constant •a constant variable is a variable that is always constant •Example : –π (PHI) = 3.14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288 41971 69399 37510 –g (gravitation) = 9.8 •Constant should have been declared and initialized. •Final is a keyword in Java to declare constant. •Declaration : –final datatype CONSTANTNAME = VALUE; –Example: final double PHI = 3.1415;

34 Bina Nusantara Constant

35 Bina Nusantara Did You Know? •For every Scanner use, it should need “import java.util.Scanner;”. •Because Scanner is a class that should be included. •Contrary to System library, it doesn’t use “import java.lang.System;” declaration which Java automatically import all of “java.lang” content to its new code.

36 Bina Nusantara Did You Know? •Content of java.lang which is usually used : –Boolean –Byte –Character –Double –Float –Integer –Long –Math –Short –String –System –Thread

37 Bina Nusantara Advanced Learning •Instead of scanner, BufferedReader can be used for handling input from console. •It needs import from &; •And do object creation : –BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(; •Either use read() method for reading single character or readLine() method for reading word.

38 Bina Nusantara Advanced Learning

39 Bina Nusantara Advanced Learning •Import declaration like : import; import; can be shortened to: import*; •try and catch are going to be disscussed next lecture (Exception Handling)

40 Latihan Kembangkan jawaban quiz untuk terima input dari keyboard menggunakan Kelas Scanner Bina Nusantara University 40

41 Bina Nusantara References •Introduction to Java. 7ed. 2009. Liang. p60, p67-71, p79- 81, p117-118, p1300-1301 •Java Software Solutions. 5ed. 2007. Lewis. p99-103, p111-114 •The Complete Reference: Java. 5ed. 2005. Herbert. p33-48 •Dasar Pemrograman Java2. 2004. Abdul Kadir. p66-73 •Composite Data Types. •Data Type. •Primitive Data types. /datatypes.html /datatypes.html •Primitive Data types.

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