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Applying the principles of art and graphic design in visual communication for multimedia Make a sketch.

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1 Applying the principles of art and graphic design in visual communication for multimedia Make a sketch

2 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 2Isikan Judul Halaman Make a sketch Line The point is a set of side by side and have the aft end of the two. Line is not seen as the eyes or vision. Basically the line is the optical illusion, created because of the color difference, distance and light. Line in the graphic design is divided into four, namely: 1.vertical, 2.horizontal, 3.diagonal, 4.kurva

3 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 3Isikan Judul Halaman - Go straight line (horizontal) Straight line or horizontal line gives the impression sugesti fun or something that moves. Make a sketch

4 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 4Isikan Judul Halaman Make a sketch - Perpendicular (vertical) The vertical or perpendicular to give an impression of stability, strength, and grandeur

5 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 5Isikan Judul Halaman Make a sketch - Forward slash (diagonal) Diagonal line or a forward slash to give the impression of something moving, dynamic situation that is not stable.

6 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 6Isikan Judul Halaman Make a sketch The curve Curve lines or curved lines suggest refinement and elegance.

7 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 7Isikan Judul Halaman Make a sketch The types of line : Line has some kind of fashion or style, among others: Straight line, the line without a pause, full, Dot line, a line that is made from a series of dots arranged lengthwise

8 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 8Isikan Judul Halaman Make a sketch The dash line, the line made of a series sweep in which the dash Dash dot line, a line that is made from a series of dot and dash that alternately arranged. The calligraphy, which is made from the brush calligraphy. Artistic lines, the lines that are special, not bound by the conventions that apply, so impressive artistic image

9 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 9Isikan Judul Halaman Make a sketch The function change the position of graphical elements that have different functions. rubric, or a separate part which is the explanation of certain news.

10 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 10Isikan Judul Halaman Make a sketch - Shape Form is a field that is as limited by a contour or line and / or limited by a different color or by differences in lighting, dark light, or caused hatching of a certain texture. Basic elements form

11 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 11Isikan Judul Halaman Make a sketch Various forms of Based on the order form that space can be divided into three types, namely 1.Characters 2.Symbols 3.Shape 

12 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 12Isikan Judul Halaman Make a sketch The form of the function Function of, among others: - Caparison - Complement - Basic elements Another form of the function is: - Logo - Border

13 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 13Isikan Judul Halaman Make a sketch Room In the basic graphics, free space is required. Empty space is used to explain or confirm the existence of the perception of depth or distance, so as if seen by the senses of sight, the object felt far and near, high and low, empty and solid. Function Room Space used for the younger element as breathing space for the reader's eye or hearing in the sense of design

14 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 14Isikan Judul Halaman Make a sketch Texture Texture is the element of design that looks and feels as though there is a sense the surface, are made such that form the physical form, such as dull, rough, shiny, in contrast, wood and wool. Texture is used to design more natural or natural look

15 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 15Isikan Judul Halaman Make a sketch Color Color is the most important element in graphic design. Color indicator distinguishing between a single object with the other. In addition to the impact that color has hypnotic segregated in different cultures From the point of view of physical science, the colors generated from the representation of white rays generated by the sun or the light bulb in the prismatic spectrum.

16 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 16Isikan Judul Halaman Make a sketch Color Theory Basically all the colors in the world is revealed to be three basic colors, regular or called primary colors. From these primary colors can be obtained by other groups of color, the color of the secondary and tertiary

17 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 17Isikan Judul Halaman Make a sketch 1. Primary Colors Color that is the foundation of all colors available. Mix with two of the three primary colors will be another color, or is a secondary color Following various colors of the way establishment:

18 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 18Isikan Judul Halaman Make a sketch 2. Secondary Colors Is the color combination of two primary colors. The color red when mixed with yellow will produce orange color. yellow with the blue-green with red and blue produce purple.

19 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 19Isikan Judul Halaman Make a sketch 3. Tertiary color Color is obtained from the fusion between the primary and secondary colors. 1.Color is a mix between red and orange, 2.two-color combination of yellow with orange, 3.three colors of yellow with green, 4.four colors of blue and green, 5.five colors of blue and purple, 6.six colors and purple and red

20 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 20Isikan Judul Halaman Make a sketch Hue One of the character color is the color hue. In short, the hue is the name of the color. Hue is the name of the color to red, green, navy blue, orange, purple, lavender, blue-greenish. Hue is the color of some of the absolute rainbow

21 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 21Isikan Judul Halaman Make a sketch Saturation Color saturation is a measure which is very pure and bright. In the subtractive color process, such as CMYK, especially when you mix in the less pure color, color saturation will be obtained, because the colors look dull

22 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 22Isikan Judul Halaman Make a sketch Shade Term value refers to the brightness and light quality or color of darkness. Dark colors (Shades) is a low value. Tint Term value refers to the brightness and light quality and color of darkness. Light colors (tints) are the highest.

23 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 23Isikan Judul Halaman Make a sketch Color Combinations Some color combinations: 1. Color “Akromatik” “akromatik” is the color combination of dark and light. This color combination is widely used for newspapers or photography. Usually this color is called grayscale.

24 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 24Isikan Judul Halaman Make a sketch 2. Color Monochrome Is one of the darker colors combined with dark and light. Monochrome called because only one color is selected. This color combination is very simple, not too much risk of failure in the combination of so easily accepted. However, this combination tends to be boring and easy to be abandoned

25 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 25Isikan Judul Halaman Make a sketch 3. Warm-Cool colors Is the color that describes the life in nature. This color looks bold and energetic. Worm color to the rest room. Color is often used to describe the effect of nature.

26 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 26Isikan Judul Halaman Make a sketch 4. Analog Color Artistic harmony of color combinations from the mix together, the color hue is adjacent, so that tends to be more harmonious and life. The combination is more easily accepted, and the eyes. But the color is less alive, less bright and does not contrast. Sample color analog Arizona deserts.

27 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 27Isikan Judul Halaman Make a sketch 5. Complementary colors Complementary colors are colors opposite one another from the color wheel, combined with dark and light. This color but different intensity contrast between one another. Therefore, the complementary colors require attention when used. If not successfully combines the color matching is not visible.

28 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 28Isikan Judul Halaman Make a sketch 6.Color “Triadik” “Triadik” color is the color with the high energy obtained using three color choices in 120 degrees on the color wheel. Primary and secondary colors are examples of triadic colors

29 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 29Isikan Judul Halaman Make a sketch 7. Color in Computer The world's computer systems have many colors, including RGB (Red-Green-Blue), CMYK (Cyan-Magenta-Yellow- Black), LAB Color (lightness A (Green-red axis) B (blue yellow axis)), HLS ( Hue- Lightness-saturation). Too much color system because there are differences in the application when printing.

30 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 30Isikan Judul Halaman Make a sketch Based on its function, the color application in a computer screen can be divided into two, namely: 1. color additive Color additive used to design the display screen on the monitor, does not need to print. Between the additive color system is RGB, and LAB Color HLS. Design model that uses the color additive, such as games, wallpaper, web and video. 2. subtractive color. Color is a mix some primary colors. Used for subtractive color printing needs. Color system used is CMYK. Color system is derived from the three primary colors and mix the three colors black.

31 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 31Isikan Judul Halaman Make a sketch Color Psychology 1. Blue This color represents peace, quiet, calm, stable, harmony, unity, truth, faith, conservative, safety, cleanliness, order, loyalty, sky, water, cold, technology, and depression. Blue can "give a feeling of peace, low body temperature and reduce appetite." Blue on the color blue because it reflects the business trust. Blue is also the color of the global security.

32 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 32Isikan Judul Halaman Make a sketch 2. Black Black is a black light. Color black represents power, sexuality, worldly experience, formality, elegance, prosperity, mystery, fear, crime, not happy, in, style, deterioration, the deep sorrow, anger, underground, good technical color, sorrow and death.

33 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 33Isikan Judul Halaman Make a sketch 3. Hijau Hijau adalah warna yang sering disebut warna favorit. Hijau merepresentasikan alam, lingkungan, kesehatan, keberuntungan, pembaharuan, kemudaan, kekuatan, musim semi, kemurahan hati, kesuburan, kecemburuan, kurang pengalaman, iri dan kemalangan. "Hijau adalah kualitas kesejukan yang menyejukkan, menenangkan dan menjadi kekuatan yang menyembuhkan." Warna hijau sering dipakai dalam ruang bedah oleh dokter.

34 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 34Isikan Judul Halaman Make a sketch 4. Oranye Oranye adalah kombinasi dari warna hijau dan merah, mengingatkan pada warna merah, tapi tidak terlalu luas. Oranye mengekspresikan energi. Ini adalah kualitas cahaya dan digunakan untuk mendapat perhatian, seperti peringatan tanda. Oranye mem-bawa ingatan pada labu dan halloween. Ini adalah simbol kese-imbangan, kehangatan, antu-siasme, semangat, cemerlang dan tuntutan perhatian.

35 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 35Isikan Judul Halaman Make a sketch 5. Purple Purple represents royalty, spirituality, gentleman, celebration, mystery, transformation, wisdom, enlightenment, cruelty, like mad, sad. A purple color on the exotic. Made from the purple gland of the snail mucus. This requires hundreds of snail to produce 1 gram coloring substances. That is why this color is used only for the noble. Now purple is trendy colors for the creative business.

36 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 36Isikan Judul Halaman Make a sketch 6. Red Red is the color used to attract attention. This color is warm and energetic color in the color spectrum. In the red for love, valentin, anger, desire, speed, courage, cruelty, anger, emergency exit signs, stop signs, and blood. Describe the color red rhubarb, blood pressure, heart and the rattle faster. Red should not selected for the space psychiatrist, prison or hospital.

37 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 37Isikan Judul Halaman Make a sketch 7. White White is what the see when all the colors together in an area with a perfect balance. White indicates the meaning of honor, purity, simplicity, cleanliness, peace, humility, frugality, not the sin, young, bird, winter, snow, good, and the sterile marriage.

38 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 38Isikan Judul Halaman Make a sketch 8. Yellow Yellow depicts happiness, happiness, optimism, idealism, imagination, hope, sinking sun, summer, gold, philosophy, dishonesty, dastardly, betrayal, jealousy, greed, fraud, sadness, danger, spirituality and inspiration.

39 Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Hal.: 39Isikan Judul Halaman SMK NEGERI 2 CIKARANG BARAT The End

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