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Politics of Hungary. Regime change: 23rd October 1989 Form of government: republic. independent, democratic, constitutional state.

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Presentation on theme: "Politics of Hungary. Regime change: 23rd October 1989 Form of government: republic. independent, democratic, constitutional state."— Presentation transcript:

1 Politics of Hungary

2 Regime change: 23rd October 1989 Form of government: republic. independent, democratic, constitutional state

3 Social institutions Legislative power→ National Assembly – 386 member (50% + 1) Executive power→ Government=ministers+secretaries of state Judicial power → Constitutional court Independent law-court

4 Executive branch President: János ÁderPrime minister: Viktor Orbán

5 Parties 2013

6 Next election: 2014


8 Foreign policy • NATO accession: 27 th June 1990 • EU accession : 1 st May 2004

9 • 15 th March – 1848-49 revolution • 20 th August – founding of the state • 23 rd October – 1956 revolution National holidays

10 Hungarian forint Hungarian National Bank

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