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2 GRUNDTVIG Učiace sa partnerstvá v rámci Programu celoživotného vzdelávania L I N A Language and Identity in National Art Číslo zmluvy: 9410 0435

3 Aims: To present the work and importance of regional/national artists. To know more about innovative methods of teaching literature and cultural heritage. To work with the outputs of participants of our education programmes, with the aim of supporting the trial of new ways of working with books and authors. To gain a better approach towards our own cultural tradition and those of our European partners


5 Partner Institutions D - Kommunikation und Kompetenz in Lehre und Lernen, Bielefeld UK - Napier University, Edinburgh DK – University College Lillebaelt, Vejle ES - Associacio dalumnes fpa beniassent, Cocentaina IE – Muintearas, Leitir Móir NL - Hogeschool Arnhem, Nijmegen

6 Activities of the Project Project Meetings 1. Ger - Getting to know the partner institutes and regional situations, agreement on tasks for the first year of the project 2. Ger - Coordination of work on outputs 3. SK – Presentation of our activities, experiences and outputs so far Workshops SK – pilot group of teachers – Slovak Language, Art Education, English Language Outputs Presentation of institute and region Information regarding the author and his work..

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