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Nanophotonics Class 8 Near-field optics.

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1 Nanophotonics Class 8 Near-field optics

2 Resolution in microscopy
Why is there a barrier in optical microscopy resolution? And how can it be broken?

3 Angular spectrum and diffraction limit
Describe field as superposition of plane waves (Fourier transform): Field at z=0 (object) propagates in free space as The propagator H is oscillating for and exponentially decaying for High spatial fluctuations do not propagate: diffraction limit

4 + The diffraction limit in conventional microscopy
Image of a point source in a microscope, collecting part of the angular spectrum of the source: Rayleigh criterion: two point sources distinguishable if spaced by the distance between the maximum and the first minimum of the Airy pattern q + Numerical Aperture determines resolution Airy pattern (microscope point spread function)

5 Breaking the diffraction limit in near-field microscopy
A small aperture in the near field of the source can scatter also the evanescent field of the source to a detector in the far field. Image obtained by scanning the aperture Alternatively, the aperture can be used to illuminate only a very small spot.

6 Probing beyond the diffraction limit
Single emitter Metallic particle Aperture probe fibre type Aperture probe microlever type

7 self-assembled monolayer,
Modified slide from Kobus Kuipers and Niek van Hulst et al. Transmission of light through a near-field tip 200 nm Excitation light Al NSOM probe FIB treated probe Aperture ~ nm Protein, dendrimer, DNA, etc. single fluorophores Fluorescence Thin polymer film, self-assembled monolayer, cell membrane, etc.

8 Focussed ion beam (FIB) etched NSOM probe
l well defined aperture flat endface isotropic polarisation high brightness up 1 mW 35 nm aperture 100 nm 100 nm glass With excitation Ex , kz, : aluminum y 500 nm x Ex Ey Ez Veerman, Otter, Kuipers, van Hulst, Appl. Phys. Lett. 74, 3115 (1998)

9 Shear force feedback: molecular scale topography
Steps on graphite (HOPG) Feedback loop: A0 Df piezo 3 x 3 mm w0 ~ 0.8 nm step ~ 3 mono-atomic steps Tuning fork 32 kHz Q ~ 500 Lateral movement, A0 ~ 0.1 nm 1.7 x 1.7 mm DNA on mica sample DNA width 14 nm height 1.4 nm Feedback on phase Tip -sample < 5 nm RMS ~ 0.1 nm Rensen, Ruiter, West, van Hulst, Appl. Phys. Lett (1999) Ruiter, Veerman, v/d Werf, van Hulst, Appl. Phys. Lett (1997) van Hulst, Garcia-Parajo, Moers, Veerman, Ruiter, J. Struct. Biol. 119, 222, (1997)

10 Perylene orange in PMMA
100 nm 1 mm 90o 0o Ruiter, Veerman, Garcia-Parajo, van Hulst, J. Phys. Chem. 101 A, 7318 (1997)

11 Single molecular mapping of the near-field distribution
DiIC18 molecules in 10 nm PMMA layer 1.2 x 1.2 mm2; 3 nm/pix; 3 ms/pix 120 45 nm FWHM 80 counts / pixel 40 400 800 1200 distance (nm) Veerman, Garcia-Parajo, Kuipers, van Hulst, J. Microscopy 194, 477 (1999)

12 Mapping the near field of the probe
Data from Kobus Kuipers and Niek van Hulst et al. Mapping the near field of the probe

13 NFO for Single Molecule Detection : Reduced excitation volume,
high resolution, low background 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 10 20 30 40 50 kcounts/s lateral scan [mm] FWHM = 75 nm S/B  20 Single DiD molecule in 30 nm polystyrene with 70 nm aperture probe van Hulst, Veerman, Garcia-Parajo, Kuipers. J. Chem. Phys. 112, 7799 (2000)

14 Optical discrimination of individual molecules separated by
emission 45 ± 2 nm 0o a b c 200 400 nm Optical discrimination of individual molecules separated by nm mutual distance a b c d e Sample area: 440 x 440 nm2 Aperture diameter: 70 nm Mutual distance: < 10 nm van Hulst, Veerman, Garcia-Parajo, Kuipers. J. Chem. Phys. 112, 7799 (2000)

15 Time-resolved near-field scanning tunneling microscopy
Data from Kobus Kuipers and Niek van Hulst et al. Time-resolved near-field scanning tunneling microscopy 120 fs pulses coupled into the PhCW Two arms of the interferometer equal in length gives temporal overlap on the detector

16 Pulse caught in 1 position
Data from Kobus Kuipers and Niek van Hulst et al. A light pulse caught in time and space 40 nm high ridge waveguide 239.5 x 7.62 mm Pulse envelope 239.5 x 7.62 mm Fixed time delay TE00 pulse, l =1300 nm duration : 120 fs Pulse caught in 1 position


18 Nanophotonics – class schedule
Class 1 - Resonances and refractive index Class 2 - Nanoparticle scattering Class 3 - Surface plasmon polaritons Class 4 - Photonic crystals Class 5 - Local density of optical states Class 6 – Rare earth ions and quantum dots Class 7 – Microcavities Class 8 - Nanophotovoltaics Class 9 - Metamaterials Class 10 – Near-field optics

19 Class schedule Class 1 - Resonances and refractive index
Class 2 - Nanoparticle scattering Class 3 - Surface plasmon polaritons Tour through Ornstein Lab Homework assistance Class 4 - Photonic crystals Class 5 - Local density of optical states Excursion to AMOLF-Amsterdam Class 6 – Rare earth ions and quantum dots Class 7 – Microcavities Visit to Nanoned conference Class 8 - Near field optics Class 9 - Nanophotovoltaics Excursion to Philips Research- Eindhoven Class 10 - Metamaterials Class 11 – Near-field optics Nanophotonics summary Closing symposium

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