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Eular Workshop Saturday 3 november 2012 Zurich J.K.C. Bloo Msc PT, Krijgsman.

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Presentation on theme: "Eular Workshop Saturday 3 november 2012 Zurich J.K.C. Bloo Msc PT, Krijgsman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eular Workshop Saturday 3 november 2012 Zurich J.K.C. Bloo Msc PT, Krijgsman

2 Transferable method Roadmap EULAR Call to Action on Physical Activity

3 Wagner 2003

4 Refrence Rheumapatient, Bechterewpatient, Fibromyalgiapatient,polyartrosis Intake RABechterewFibromyalgiaPolyarthrosis Exercise group pool Graded Activity Group Individual therapy Exercise group pool Graded activity group Individual therapy Exercise group pool Graded activity group and course Fibro,hoe nu verder Individual therapy Exercise group pool Graded activity group Individual therapy Sport :walking Sport extra / CVB, Fysiq Vision swimgroup RPV,group MOVB swimming pool Own sport activity Adloefgr 1. Hospital 3.Physical therapy \mensendieck\cesar 4. Welness 2. General practioner/ assistant GP reference Fibromyalgia patient,polyartrosis Reumanetwerk Zuidveluwe 2012 part Veenendaal

5 Example Regional network of rheumatic diseases, Gelderse Vallei


7 Answers pre-conference call Difficulties Education the lack of specialized physiotherapist (a low number of them do have proper access to specialized education The educational programs, for specially trained nurses or physiotherapists have not been set up. Cooperation No cooperation of the professional sector ( e.g. specialists) the total lack of cooperation between social workers, healthcare insurers and municipalities. Difficult communication with doctors and physiotherapists Cooperation in Funding ( both professionals and patients and insurance company) Accommodation Too little hot water pools (or, to much people who want to stay in the water pool? MK). There are no rehabilitation centers for RMDS, even hospitals. We straggle for RMDS clinics, and rehabilitations centers. Exercise program Lack of additional training programs Lack of quality Financial problems no reimbursement by the healthcare insurer Funding: this can only be done with project approach and sufficient (financial) support Cooperation in Funding Human resources Lack of volunteers no access to facilities that are appropriate for a project like this

8 Workshop Task Identify your chain partners in applying the eular activity document 10 min Checks and balances 10 min Your First step to implement a regional network in your country 10 min 1 Representative group feedback!!

9 Answers pre-conference call Solutions Cooperation The Ministry of health, the league of physiotherapists, the nurses league, the trainers league, Municipalities Cooperation in Funding Exercise program In many countries, probably a model for the program would help/ having national programs for people with RMDs. education for well trained physiotherapists Financial problems financial resources (not to depend completely on State funds) funding. financial resource by which you can motivate physiotherapist to do something like this Human resources Professional help Recruitment of volunteers Time from a dedicate person in the leaque Lobby persuading the authority that it is beneficial to RMDs, hence they could provide the resources needed. if perhaps the Health Care system will intervene and together with our organization I guess it could be worked out. an influent person with contacts in healthcare system and municipality; Professional help Skilled project writer with contacts and influence Availability of professional helpers

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