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The European Network University: The University of the Future w w w n e t u n i n l.

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Presentation on theme: "The European Network University: The University of the Future w w w n e t u n i n l."— Presentation transcript:

1 The European Network University: The University of the Future w w w n e t u n i n l

2 old masters and new ways of thinking

3 C O N T E N D I N G P A R A D I G M S transfer of existing knowledge massification, standardisation top down, hierarchical separates teaching and research common construction of knowledge individualisation, tailor made bottom-up, egalitarian (re-)integrates teaching and research T h e [E] u r o p e a n N e t w o r k U n i v e r s i t y d i g i t a l p a p e r X X X X w w w n e t u n i n l implications for the didactic model?

4 w w w n e t u n i n l O L D M O D E L : “ O N E T O M A N Y ” N E W M O D E L : “ M A N Y T O M A N Y ” D A R E T O S H A R E ! D A R E T O L E A R N ! D A R E T O M A K E M I S T A K E S ! static curriculum and content single ownership of content hierarchical environment uni-directional information flows limited organisational impact dynamic curriculum and content broad ownership of content collaborative and action based learning strategies multi-directional broad based organisational impact implications for the online environment?

5 w w w n e t u n i n l > The curriculum - skills snacks - power lunches - Burgundian dinners where are the ramifications felt? > The content - changes in real time - participants contribute to the content - edutainment > Strategies used to achieve learning goals - action learning - collaborative learning - competence based learning

6 w w w n e t u n i n l a network of collaborative learning a shared knowledge base universities /research centres phD candidates course participants NGO’s local/ communal government ministries UN organisations TNU call-centre business

7 w w w n e t u n i n l TNU : a knowledge based network organisation TNU strategy team participating networks of multimedia companies (Pulse), universities (Harvard Business/NYU), corporate universities (ING business school / Fortis) broader international network of faculty staff (UN University), think tanks (Clingendael), NGO’s (Arsten zonder Grenzen), international organisations (World Bank), government ministries, journalists, consultants etc

8 w w w n e t u n i n l knowledge clusters the new economy conflict and nego- tiation inter- national politics global health skill-sets for the networked age

9 …………. Interested? Send us an email at: w w w n e t u n i n l

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