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Cocoa priorities 2012  One CHOCOLATE thematic all year long  2 peak periods : Easter & Sinterklaas  work via a « push & pull » strategy Objective: +150%

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Presentation on theme: "Cocoa priorities 2012  One CHOCOLATE thematic all year long  2 peak periods : Easter & Sinterklaas  work via a « push & pull » strategy Objective: +150%"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cocoa priorities 2012  One CHOCOLATE thematic all year long  2 peak periods : Easter & Sinterklaas  work via a « push & pull » strategy Objective: +150% growth in CHOCOLATE via:  Full A-brand switches  More retail PL commitment in chocolate  Broader chocolate OOH offer

2 Creatief Concept Meet MAX

3 Piste FIGURES  Chocolate ‘figurines’ are pure fun, they are representative for Belgian chocolate (typical Belgian).  Figurines are story telling, they bring chocolate ‘alive’ = chocolate EXPERIENCE.  We create our own figurine, he is the tangible result of what Fairtrade can realise. (the proof of the pudding is in the eating ;)

4 Max Figurine  Positive tone of voice, ‘joie de vivre’  Story telling, he will tell the story of Fairtrade cocoa in an edutainment way (education & entertainment)  Recognisable and realistic: school uniform, big African smile, slippers, backpack,..  Max will create ‘rumour around the brand’

5 Headline bij campagne beeld Fairtrade chocolade. Valt ook in Afrika in de smaak. Le chocolat équitable. L'Afrique aussi le trouve à son goût.

6 Baseline Fier op onze chocolade? Zeker als het Fairtrade is! Soyons fiers de notre chocolat, choisissons-le équitable!

7 Action plan 2012

8 Cocoa Campaign 2012 APRIL Fairtrade easter egg chases Consumer campaign launch APRIL Fairtrade easter egg chases Consumer campaign launch OCTOBER Week of Fairtrade Buzz campaign, retail & OOH activities OCTOBER Week of Fairtrade Buzz campaign, retail & OOH activities NOVEMBER - DECEMBER Sinterklaas goes for Fairtrade! NOVEMBER - DECEMBER Sinterklaas goes for Fairtrade!

9 General communication Poster/leaflet Recto

10 Poster/leaflet verso

11 JULY Travel to Ghana with Ketnet visit Kuapa Kokoo and meet Max in real life!

12 Half OCTOBER After the Week of the Fairtrade

13 OCTOBER Retail activities

14 OCTOBER OOH activities Preparation of the “Sinterklaas roadshow”

15 NOVEMBER/DECEMBER Entrance of Saint Nicolas Roadshow + Media attention

16 Conclusion Max can make a hell of a difference !

17 Agenda

18 Coffee break

19 SLOTWOORD MOT DE LA FIN Lily Deforce - Director

20 Networking drink


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