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Informasjonsmøte om FP7 Anne Marie Haga og Alena Koslerova Forskningsavdelingen 13.12.2006
Why involve in FP7? Funding for research Increase number and quality of publications PhD scholarships International cooperation (researchers, networks) Increase success rate at NFR UiB: Among top ten European universities: Framework programmes – PhD/postdoc training and Research Infrastructures 4 FP6 integrated projects coordinated by UiB
7th Framework Programme 7 years (2007-2013) Budget 50.5 billion Euro. Continuity with previous FP’s (thematic research, mobility actions, research infrastructures), but new programme Ideas for basic research projects European Research Council. To strengthen quality of EU research > open to participants from countries outside Europe. Multi-disciplinary and cross-thematic projects. First calls published: 22 December 2006!
FP7 Framework Programmes Specific Programmes Cooperation (10 themes) Ideas (basic research) People (Marie Curie) Capacities (Infrastructures) - Socio-Economic Sciences and the Humanities - Health - Environment…. Calls (examples 2007) - Advanced Investigator Research -Starting Independent Research - Research Infrastructures -SMEs -Regions of knowledge …. - Initial Training of Researchers - Life-long training and Career Developement - Industry-academia pathways and partnerships …. Democratic ‘ownership’ and participation (SESH) Europe’s role in global economic governance (SESH) Intra-European Fellowships for Career Development (People) MC Networks for Initial Training (People) Work Programmes (annual) Youth and social exclusion (SESH)
Initial training of researchers -MC Networks for Initial Training (<4 years research experience ) Life-long training and career development (experienced researchers) -Intra-European Fellowship for Career Development -European Reintegration Grants -Co-funding of Regional/National/international programmes Industry-academia pathways and partnerships (early-stage + experienced researchers, technical staff) International dimension (experienced researchers) -International Outgoing Fellowship for Career Development -International Incoming Fellowships -International Reintegration Grants Specific actions -Researchers Night, MC Awards 2007, ERA-MORE People - Marie Curie mobility actions 2007
MC Networks for Initial Training To improve early-stage researchers’ career perspectives in both public and private sectors Networks of partners with complementary competences, also industry/private sector (’complementary providers’ >>’complementary skills’) Min. 3 participants in min. 3 member or associated countries, of which at least 2 must be member countries Networks to run training for early-stage researchers: >>Joint research training programme = individual personalised training + training modules Max. duration of the programme: 4 years Publication: December 06, two-stage submission + evaluation process
People – Life-long training and career development To enhance competence diversification of researchers >>> acquisition of skills at multi/interdisciplinary level + inter-secoral experience NOT merely provide employment opportunities for researchers! Best or most promising researchers Individual experienced researchers >4 years research/Doc, usually more senior profile, EU member or associated country nationals Fellowships: 1-2 years in another EU/assoc. country Publication: February 07, single submission + evaluation procedure
European Research Council (ERC) Any research field Individual projects (researcher or national/transnational team) Evaluated by excellence criterion (peer review) Grant schemes: Starting Independent Research Grant, Advanced Investigator Research Grant Highly competitive. Best of best. Ideas – Frontier (basic) Research
CAPACITIES PROGRAMME : Science in Society Science in society: this activity in the Capacities programme will also play a role to ensure that society aspects are properly taken into account in all specific programmes, and that interactions between scientists and the wider public are deepened. With a view to building an effective and democratic European Knowledge society, the aim is to stimulate the harmonious integration of scientific and technological endeavourand associated research policies in the European social web. Mulig åpning for forskning på etikk
Partner eller koordinator ? Skaffe informasjon, legge planer, etablere team, kontakter, adm. ressurser, m.m. Velge virkemiddel - fagl./adm. ressurser ? Finansiering ? Beslutning: forsker og ledelse Har en int. nettverk - person/institusjon ? Er det aktuelt tema - og har en riktig startinformasjon ? Passer forskningen til planer/strategi ? Noen sentrale valg som må gjøres i vurderingen om en skal delta i søknad til EUs rammeprogram
Konkrete forslag til posisjonering for innhenting av ekstern finansiering Analysere hva slags program man bør søke finansiering fra Lage handlingsplan for nettverksbygging nasjonalt og internasjonalt. Mål: å komme i inngrep med og påvirke programutforming Delta i fagpanel/ komitear/ programstyre for utvikling av prioriteringar wel.welcome wel.welcome
Why register as an expert evaluator? Reading the unpublished proposals put forward by Europe's best scientists is never a waste of time. Get insight into how some of the best European researchers think the state of the art should be advanced. You can read this 3 - 5 years before you can read the peer-reviewed journal papers. When final selections are being made, in committees in Brussels, the good reviewers also get a chance to meet each other, discuss the development of European research in their field as shown by the proposals, and discuss with Commission officials where there are gaps in the research - what needs to be included in the next work programmes.
Konkrete forslag til posisjonering for innhenting av ekstern finansiering forts. Organisere internevaluering av søknader / skrivegrupper Organisere opplæring i søknadsskriving Delta på skrivekurs (EU) – Dr. Sean McCarthy planlagt for hele UiB 17.januar 2007
1.Health 2.Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology 3.Information and Communication Technologies 4.Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies 5.Energy 6.Environment (including Climate Change) 7.Transport (including Aeronautics) 8.Socio-Economic Sciences and the Humanities 9.Security 10.Space Cooperation – Collaborative research
Hvor er ”mitt” topic? Noen lesetips: Teksten er organisert slik at hvert "Topic" hører under et bredere "Area" og en mer overordnet "Activity". Legg merke til bruken av ordene "could" og "should". Theme 8. Socio-Economic Sciences and the Humanities
8. Socio-Economic Sciences and the Humanities Practicalities Main implementation tool: Collaborative projects Indicative budget 2007 WP: € 135 Million Duration of projects: normally three years Minimum three partners from three different countries Topic driven size of a consortium EU is co-financing, so partners have to devote own resources to the project Electronic submission
Activities: 8.1: Growth, employment and competitiveness in a knowledge society: the European case 8.2 Combining economic, social and environmental objectives in a European perspective: paths towards sustainable development 8.3. Major trends in society and their implications 8.4. Europe and the world 8.5. Citizens in the European Union 8.6: Socio-economic and scientific indicators 8.7. Foresight activities 8.8. Strategic Activities 8. Socio-Economic Sciences and the Humanities
Activity 8.2 Combining economic, social and environmental objectives in a European perspective: paths towards sustainable development Area 8.2.1. Socio-economic development trajectories Analysing, comparing and evaluating the various societal models in a medium- to long-term perspective Aim: understanding of the different approaches taken... across countries or regions or local communities to combining economic, social and environmental objectives, the extent to which these approaches are part of the various societal models in those places, their degree of success in combining them, and their ability to confront new challenges Theme 8: smakebiter
utdrag fra Ressearch should: compare the various socio-economic development trajectories in different European countries or groups of those countries, other developed countries and relevant developing or emerging countries. include gender issues issue of culture Research could address: the degree of coherence within the individual, the usefulness of typologies of models the differences between large and smaller countries. specific challenges facing developing and emerging countries in combining the objectives. the role of different socio-economic groups in the approach taken, including their influence in policy. 8. Socio-Economic Sciences and the Humanities
Activity 8.2 Combining economic, social and environmental objectives cont. Area 8.2.2 Regional, territorial and social cohesion Regional development challenges in an evolving international context Social platform on cities and social cohesion (coordinationand support action) 8. Socio-Economic Sciences and the Humanities
Area 8.3.2. Societal trends and lifestyles Youth and social exclusion Area 8.3.1 Demographic changes Impact of demographic changes in Europe Migration Theme 8: Smakebiter – Activity 8.3 Major trends in society and their implications
Area 8.3.1Demographic changes of demographic changes in Europe … analyse the socio-political, economic and cultural dimensions and impact of demographic ageing in the Europe and its implications for policy making on a local, regional, and European level. …... Research … should address the impact of these developments on ….. growth, employment and competitiveness, the contribution and employability of older workers, the capacity of the economy to innovate and develop under the conditions of an ageing society, intergenerational solidarity, lifelong learning the potential social and economic contribution of active ageing, the sustainability of pension and health systems, and care and social integration of the elderly. Comparisons with countries outside Europe could be included if relevant, and gender aspects could be incorporated Theme 8: Smakebiter – Activity 8.3 Major trends in society and their implications
Area 8.4.1 Interactions and interdependences between world regions and their implications Development paths in an historical and comparative perspective and their impact on Europe Multilateralism and the new external relations of the European Union Theme 8: Smakebiter – Activity 8.4 Europe in the World
Activity 8.5 The Citizen in the European Union Area 8.5.1. Participation and citizenship in Europe Democratic "ownership' and participation Reassessing European Union citizenship Theme 8: smakebiter forts.
Area 8.5.2. Diversities and Commonalities in Europe Histories and Identities – Articulating national and European identities The sources of European cultural development / Creativity, Culture and Democracy Theme 8: smakebiter forts.
Activities: 6.1 Climate change, pollution and risks 6.2 Sustainable management of resources 6.3 Environmental technologies 6.4 Earth observation and assessment tools for sustainable development Theme 6: Environment
Activity 6.1 Climate change, pollution and risks Topic Impacts and feed-backs of climate policies on land use and ecosystems in Europe. INDICATIVE TOPICS FOR FUTURE YEARS (utdrag) Conservation and sustainable management of natural and man-made resources and biodiversity Socio-economic drivers and spatial dynamics in coastal areas Environment – smakebiter
1.Biotechnology, generic tools and medical technologies for human health 2. Translating research for human health 3. Optimising the delivery of health care to European citizens Health
3.5. Specific international cooperation actions for health system research HEALTH-2007-3.5-1: Epidemiological investigations into long- term trends of population health as consequence of socio- economic transitions, including life-style induced health problems. Investigations into tackling the burden of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular and liver diseases, for identifying strategies at the population level to implement effective solutions to improve health. Targeted regions: Mediterranean Partner countries, Russia, Eastern European and Central Asia. Funding scheme: Collaborative projects (Small or medium-scale focused research projects). Health – smakebiter
HEALTH-2007-2.3.1-3: An integrated platform for development and clinical evaluation of point-of-care diagnostic devices for microbial detection, antibiotic susceptibility determination and biomarkers. The objective is to establish a European diagnostic platform, supported by microbial strain genome collections, to develop and validate, in the clinical setting, cost-effective, simple, sensitive, specific, ubiquitous, fully automated, miniaturised, user friendly and rapid point-of-care diagnostic devices for microbial detection, antibiotic susceptibility determination and biomarkers with the aim to facilitate optimized prescription of antibiotics. ….. Proposals should address ….. taking into account social, ethical, environmental, and economical factors that influence the adoption of new diagnostic technologies into health systems. Strong commitment by biotechnology companies is foreseen. Funding scheme: Network of Excellence. Health – smakebiter
Activity 1: Sustainable production and management of biological resources from land, forest and aquatic environments Activity 2: Fork to farm: Food, health and well being Activity 3 Life Sciences and Biotechnology for sustainable non-food products and processes Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology
Food, Agriculture and Biotech. - smakebiter Activity 2.1 Sustainable production and management of biological resources from land, forest and aquatic environments Area 2.1.4 Socio-economic research and support to policies Providing the tools needed by policy makers and other actors to support … The Common Fisheries Policy Common Agricultural Policy the building of the European Knowledge Based Bio-Economy (KBBE) the needs of rural and coastal development.
TOPIC 2-1-4-01: Developing the knowledge-based bio-economy TOPIC 2-1- 4-11: Assessing the impact of Rural Development policies TOPIC 2-1-4-13: New sources of employment in rural areas Food, Agriculture and Biotech. - smakebiter
FP7 in general Social sciences and humanities Further information
Hvordan kan Forskningsavdelingen bistå? Rådgivning i forhold til kontekst og kriterier Astrid Bårdgard:, tlf Anne Marie Haga:, tlf Ekstern konsulent Assistanse med søknadsskriving Skrive-seminar (maler for søknadsoppsett) Gjennomlesning / kommentarer / skriving Søknadskjema og budsjett Budsjettering Mary Helle:, tlf Juridiske aspekter (Consortium Agreements and Contracts) Kitty Amlie Tverrå,, tlf Signaturer: Liv Grethe Gudmundsen: tlf 84 Mary Helle:, tlf
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