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Programma 3 Voorbeelden van tentoonstellingen over lichamelijkheid en andere vragen.

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Presentation on theme: "Programma 3 Voorbeelden van tentoonstellingen over lichamelijkheid en andere vragen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Programma 3 Voorbeelden van tentoonstellingen over lichamelijkheid en andere vragen

2 Teksten Kaplan a.o. Picturing the Modern Amazon Charlesworth Curating Doubt Staiger The Politics of Film Canons Liz Czagh Film Festivals, Programming and the Building of a National Cinema Wollen Films: Why Do Some Survive And Others Disappear? Extra: Benjamin Het kunstwerk in het tijdperk van zijn technische reproduceerbaarheid

3 Kaplan: Picturing the Modern Amazon Some contradictions relating to women’s bodybuilding: Different framework (not competition) Different way of looking at women (first visual, then who she really is) Women are the anomaly (not like muscular men) Subversive (changing both femininity and masculinity) Poignancy of bodies (honesty) Cultural differences (UK versus USA) Differences in body ideal (not unified) Maculine oppression: how is a woman supposed to look? Questioning capitalism?

4 Charlesworth: Curating Doubt Over het verdwijnen van de grenzen tussen kunstenaar en conservator: “we are becoming so self-reflexive that exhibitions often end up as nothing more or less than art exhibitions curated by curators curating curators, curating artists, curating artworks, curating exhibitions.” Gillick: the pursuit of a ‘subcuratorial activity’ and the moments of ‘expansion and compression’ between the positions of artists and curator. Where do they compress? Problem: we (the curators) are the institution. That causes doubt: who claims to curate, on behalf of whome, and on what terms? Uncertainty, provisionality, open-endedness and deferral are now the preferred orthodoxies of contemporary culture.

5 Staiger: the Politics of Film Canons Toetreden van film tot de kunst betekent dat het moet voldoen aan artistieke criteria binnen en buiten de film. Politique des auteurs Western culture/ Christian culture/ Ideological Politics of the Academy: film connected to politics of literature on film.

6 Czagh: Film Festivals, Programming and the Building of a National Cinema And Wollen: Why do some survive and others disappear? Key role by archivists, academics and critics, film makers and the audience: national cinema is a creation Bazin: regle du jeu and Citizen Kane, more complex even contradictory Conclusion: new cinema will create a new film history with it. Aanbeveling: voor een originele geschiedenis, werk van achteren naar voren.

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