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Networks and Distributed Systems (ND) May 2009. Simula Evaluation 2009 -- Networks and Distributed Systems (ND)University of Oslo ND overview  Overall.

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Presentation on theme: "Networks and Distributed Systems (ND) May 2009. Simula Evaluation 2009 -- Networks and Distributed Systems (ND)University of Oslo ND overview  Overall."— Presentation transcript:

1 Networks and Distributed Systems (ND) May 2009

2 Simula Evaluation 2009 -- Networks and Distributed Systems (ND)University of Oslo ND overview  Overall research topic ND conducts research to improve the performance and dependability of communication and distributed systems  Contribute to the next generation information access systems  Our investigations ranges from networks on chip to Internet backbones multicore processors clusters and data centers robustness media coding mobility +++ Efficient mechanisms for distributed systems:

3 Simula Evaluation 2009 -- Networks and Distributed Systems (ND)University of Oslo ND Projects RELAY ICON RWN REPAIR 2008

4 Simula Evaluation 2009 -- Networks and Distributed Systems (ND)University of Oslo ND Projects RELAY ICON RWN REPAIR 20082009 ICON RELAY REPAIR RWN SimTel

5 Simula Evaluation 2009 -- Networks and Distributed Systems (ND)University of Oslo ND Projects 2009 ICON RELAY REPAIR RWN SimTel 2001200220032004200520062007 ICON RELAY REPAIR RWN 2008 VinnerVINE QuA ND at University of Oslo Resiliens (Simula Innovation) ND at University of Oslo Lividi (Simula Innovation)

6 Simula Evaluation 2009 -- Networks and Distributed Systems (ND)University of Oslo ND Department at and Quan Le-Trung Roman Vitenberg Michael Welzl Mikael Beauvois Frank Eliassen Tor Skeie Stein Gjessing Olav Lysne Pål Halvorsen Carsten Griwodz Taric Cicic Yan Zhang Amund Kvalbein Alexander Eichhorn Sven-Arne Reinemo Qin Xin Frank Olaf Sem-Jacobsen Pål Engelstad

7 Simula Evaluation 2009 -- Networks and Distributed Systems (ND)University of Oslo ND Department at and Quan Le-Trung Roman Vitenberg Michael Welzl Mikael Beauvois Frank Eliassen Tor Skeie Stein Gjessing Olav Lysne Pål Halvorsen Carsten Griwodz Taric Cicic Yan Zhang Amund Kvalbein Alexander Eichhorn Sven-Arne Reinemo Qin Xin Frank Olaf Sem-Jacobsen Pål Engelstad

8 Simula Evaluation 2009 -- Networks and Distributed Systems (ND)University of Oslo ND Department: PhD students + several external students + several open positions Sabita Maharjan Khadha Paul Beskow Zeljko Vrba Håvard Espeland Pengpeng Ni Håkon Stensland Ole Kristoffer Apeland Jie Xiang Dominik Kaspar Kristian Evensen Pål Grønsund Ahmed Elmokashfi Andreas Petlund Åshild G. Solheim Knut-Helge Vik Ernst Gunnar Gran Saif Shams Eli Gjørven Anh Tuan Nguyen Rao Wei Xong Amirhosein Taherkordi Hai Ngoc Pham

9 Simula Evaluation 2009 -- Networks and Distributed Systems (ND)University of Oslo Industry Pick-up (1/2)  Layered shortest path routing (LASH) −SGI uses LASH recommends to use LASH for Altix systems with more than 128 nodes −NASA uses LASH on SGI hardware (Columbia cluster) −Sandia National Laboratories has announced to use LASH on Sun Hardware (Red Sky cluster)

10 Simula Evaluation 2009 -- Networks and Distributed Systems (ND)University of Oslo Industry Pick-up (2/2)  Routing on Fat-Tree topologies −The Sun Magnum constellation switch used this routing −Is currently not using it, but will switch to OpenFabrics implementation from Simula −The Texas Ranger supercomputer at Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) is uses it  Dynamic fault-tolerance in SCI −Dolphin Interconnect Solutions has implemented it in firmware and hardware

11 Simula Evaluation 2009 -- Networks and Distributed Systems (ND)University of Oslo Open Source  LASH in OpenFabrics The LASH routing methodology is part of OpenFabrics  TCP modifications in Linux Proposed for Linux next-net kernel Tested by Credit Suisse Requested for submission RT-Linux by RedHat, Novell and IBM

12 Simula Evaluation 2009 -- Networks and Distributed Systems (ND)University of Oslo Joint Research  SimTel −Jointly funded project with Telenor, currently employing 4 PhD students and 1 senior researchers −Current topics include current use of multiple wireless link and cognitive radio networks  Sunshine −Jointly funded 3-year research project with Sun Microsystems −Aimed at networking mechanisms for next generation supercomputers  Mellanox cooperation −Mellanox provides hardware for testing, especially on issues of congestion control mechanisms for InfiniBand networks

13 Simula Evaluation 2009 -- Networks and Distributed Systems (ND)University of Oslo Projects (1/3) ProjectSource and DurationSupport Joint industry projects SunshineSun Microsystems & Simula 2009 - 2011 3.500.000 NOK from Sun 1 PostDoc, 2 PhD students, 1 sc. programmer SimTelTelenor & Simula 2008 - 1 Researcher (at Simula Innovation) 4 PhD students

14 Simula Evaluation 2009 -- Networks and Distributed Systems (ND)University of Oslo Projects (2/3) ProjectSource and Duration Support Externally funded research projects Resilient NetworksMinistry of Transport and Communication 2005 - 2011 27.000.000 2 PostDocs, 3 PhD students HiPEACEU IST NoE 2005 - 2011 50.000 SiVSSEU IST 2004 - 2005 4.354.000 funding for researchers HyStreamNFR Verdikt 2007 - 2010 2 external PhD students GEMININFR/DAAD cooperation 2006 - 2008 100.000 ROMUSNFR Verdikt 2007 - 2010 4.161.000 2 PhD students VerdioneNFR Verdikt StorIKT 2008 - 2012 8.263.000 (24.000.000) 1 PostDoc, 3 PhD students

15 Simula Evaluation 2009 -- Networks and Distributed Systems (ND)University of Oslo Projects (3/3) ProjectSource and Duration Support University projects performed mostly at Simula MiSMoSSNFR Verdikt & UiO 2003 - 2007 3 PhD students ADIMUSNordunet 2006 – 2010 1 external PhD students iADNFR (SFI) & UiO 2007 – 2014 4 PhD students 1 PostDoc 1 programmer

16 Simula Evaluation 2009 -- Networks and Distributed Systems (ND)University of Oslo Research Production

17 Simula Evaluation 2009 -- Networks and Distributed Systems (ND)University of Oslo Research Production  Publication venues are evaluated through the CORE ranking  Our venues −IEEE INFOCOM −ACM Multimedia −ACM NOSSDAV, SPIE/ACM MMCN, IEEE LCN, IEEE ICC, IEEE ICNP, ICPP, Euro-Par, IEEE IPDPS, HiPC −ICME, Globecom, CoNext

18 Simula Evaluation 2009 -- Networks and Distributed Systems (ND)University of Oslo Outlook (1/2)  Strategy −address fundamental problems of practical relevance −publish research results at a high international level −perform research that is internationally recognized be counted among their fields’ top research groups −success indicators program committees of highly ranked conferences guest editors for top journals invited talks conference keynote speakers attractiveness of Simula to visitors

19 Simula Evaluation 2009 -- Networks and Distributed Systems (ND)University of Oslo Outlook (2/2)  Strategy −focus even more on publishing at top conferences and in top journals −follow-up natural openings for cooperation across projects −intensify the use of experimentation to increase relevance, visibility, and trustworthiness of results −bring investigated tools and methods to public awareness −add to products where possible −do no rely on existing opportunities but build new ones −make use of EU for additional cooperation and funding

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