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MARSIKT seminar Ncvember 18, 2003 Eivind Dale, Maritimt IT-Forum/MARINTEK Solutions Sjøtransporten som en integrert del.

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Presentation on theme: "MARSIKT seminar Ncvember 18, 2003 Eivind Dale, Maritimt IT-Forum/MARINTEK Solutions Sjøtransporten som en integrert del."— Presentation transcript:

1 MARSIKT seminar Ncvember 18, 2003 Eivind Dale, Maritimt IT-Forum/MARINTEK Solutions ( Sjøtransporten som en integrert del av logistikkløsningene – muligheter og trusler Maritime Cooperation on Information and Communication Technology

2 2MARINTEK Solutions Innhold Drivkrefter for endringer Eksempler på logistikk-tilnærming Roller – muligheter og trusler

3 3MARINTEK Solutions Innhold Drivkrefter for endringer Eksempler på logistikk-tilnærming Roller – muligheter og trusler

4 4MARINTEK Solutions Changes in the business environment Significant changes in the business environment: Consolidation and globalisation  Increased supply chain integration  Reduction in order to delivery time  Increased complexity in the supply chains Customer expectations  outsourcing of logistics Emerging supply chain integrators Increased systems integration Mergers and Acquisitions:

5 5MARINTEK Solutions Reduction in time from order to delivery in automotive industry: Source: E-Business and the Automotive Supply Chain, London, 2000 Significant changes in the business environment: Consolidation and globalisation  Increased supply chain integration  Reduction in order to delivery time  Increased complexity in the supply chains Customer expectations  outsourcing of logistics Emerging supply chain integrators Increased systems integration Changes in the business environment

6 6MARINTEK Solutions The outsourcing market: Source: Armstrong & Associates 20% growth 5,7% of total logistics, 2000 Significant changes in the business environment: Consolidation and globalisation  Increased supply chain integration  Reduction in order to delivery time  Increased complexity in the supply chains Customer expectations  outsourcing of logistics Emerging supply chain integrators Increased systems integration Changes in the business environment

7 7MARINTEK Solutions Competition Between Supply Chains Companies will in the future compete between supply chains and not within them The Market Customer Value The Customer: Share, Loyalty, Retention Supply Chain “A” Supply Chain “B” Supply Chain “C” CoreCompetenciesCoreCompetencies

8 8MARINTEK Solutions 3PL industry highlight There is a visible shift from a mere asset-ownership based business model, to a new business process model that seeks to meet the customer demands for integrated end-to-end logistics solutions There is an increasing preference among leading European manufacturing companies towards the separation of their sales function from that of actual physical fulfillment. This leads to business process outsourcing, creating opportunities for logistics companies to act as Lead Logistics Partners (LLPs). Industries are realising the need for outsourcing the management of entire logistics process to a single entity for greater visibility and optimization across the supply chain. This has led to the emergence of Lead Logistics Provider or 4PL players. Increasingly 3PL players are pitching for LLP / 4PL services to their clients. Source: eyefortransport, European 3PL Summit, October 2003

9 9MARINTEK Solutions The Challenge – position and role Shipowners has to ask themselves: Where is our position going to be – which role shall we take? How to get there? Significant changes in the business environment: Consolidation and globalisation  Increased supply chain integration  Reduction in order to delivery time  Increased complexity in the supply chains Customer expectations  outsourcing of logistics Emerging supply chain integrators Increased systems integration

10 10MARINTEK Solutions Innhold Drivkrefter for endringer Eksempler på logistikk-tilnærming Roller – muligheter og trusler

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19 19MARINTEK Solutions Innhold Drivkrefter for endringer Eksempler på logistikk-tilnærming Roller – muligheter og trusler

20 20MARINTEK Solutions Door-to-door logistics implies interaction on several levels between manufacturer and logistics provider Order inquiry (Locator) POCQA explosion Demand capacity Reconcil (MOP’s creation) Market allocation Markets forecast Manufacturing Sequencing (W+2) Supplier call-off Order entry Manufacturing Scheduling (W+7) Schedules to suppliers Shop floor control (W+0) Credit check management Order tagging and specs change Distribution Scheduling Shipment Invoicing Develop and Implement Improve- ments Reporting Interaction between manufacturer and logistics provider 1. Plan 2. Schedule 3. Execute 4. Report 5. Implement Improvements

21 21MARINTEK Solutions Logistics Provider Spectrum Provider Freight forwarder3rd party4th party Customer Increasing: Process integration Management integration Performance metrics Risk/reward agreements Small, traditional Domestic transport, warehouse Emerging, global alliances Integrated forwarding Technology driven, multimodal, globally capable Responsible managing 3rd party & other provicders Fully integrated supply chain issues

22 22MARINTEK Solutions Door-to-door logistics vs. port-to-port transportation TARONGA TØNSBERG TARONGA

23 23MARINTEK Solutions Door-to-door logistics vs. port-to-port transportation TARONGA TØNSBERG TARONGA

24 24MARINTEK Solutions Door-to-door logistics vs. port-to-port transportation TARONGA TØNSBERG TARONGA

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