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Program: 1.Overview 2.Groups 3.Questions 2008/09: 3rd year: 26 students + ing. høgskole + int. Master 4th year: 36 students (including international master)

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Presentation on theme: "Program: 1.Overview 2.Groups 3.Questions 2008/09: 3rd year: 26 students + ing. høgskole + int. Master 4th year: 36 students (including international master)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Program: 1.Overview 2.Groups 3.Questions 2008/09: 3rd year: 26 students + ing. høgskole + int. Master 4th year: 36 students (including international master) Department of Chemical Engineering

2 K4 K5 HallerPFI

3 Autumn (Høst) - Perspektivemne TKP4140* Process control (Prosessregulering) TKP4155* Reaction kin/catalysis TKP4160* Transport phenomena (Transportprosesser) TKP4170 1 Process design project (Prosjektering prosessanlegg) Spring (Vår) - Eksperter i team TKP4130 Polymer chemistry TKP4135 Chemical process systems engineering TKP4145 Reactor technology TKP4150 Petrochemistry and oil refining TKP4180 Bioenergy and fibre technology TKP4185 Nuclear power intro. TKP4190 Fabrication/application of nano materials (NEW) TKP4115* Surface and colloid chemistry Overflate-og kolloidkjemi (3rd year) TKP4171 1 Process design project (Prosjektering prosessanlegg) TEP4215 Process and heat integration (elective from other study program + more) *) Minimum 3 of these 4 subjects must be elected 1 ) Required, but can take autumn or spring Department of chemical engineering 4th year

4 Specialization courses (7.5 SP) and Specialization project (15 or 7,5 SP) TKP4515/TKP4510/1Katalyse og petrokjemi TKP4525/TKP4520/1Kolloid og Polymerkjemi (Ugelstad) TKP4535/TKP4530/1 Environmental and reaction technology TKP4555/TKP4550/1 Prosess systemteknikk TKP4565/TKP4560/1 Papir og fiberteknologi Each specialization course consists of - 2 subject modules (3.75 SP each) Two possibilities project - Large project (15) + specialization course (7,5) - Small project (7,5) + specialization course (7,5) + regular course (7,5) Department of chemical engineering 5th year (2nd year int. master)

5 Prosjekt Prosjektene bør være individuelle. (Avtales med koordinator for fordypningsemnet) Prosjektoppgaver Et hefte med forslag ligger på nettet. Fås også på instituttkontoret. Industri-tilknyttede egeninitierte oppgaver er OK og kan også organiseres i løpet av sommeren (men må være avklart med NTNU-veileder). Kan gjerne ha felles tema (men ikke noe krav!) for –sommerjobb –prosjekt (høst) –diplom (vår) Institutt for kjemisk prosessteknologi 5 klasse

6 Dates 4th year –Normal deadlines for choosing subjects (husk perspektivemne) –Topic design project: During 1st week after start in the autumn 5th year –1. juni: Deadline (preliminary) for selecting (Special form in department office!) Elective non-technical Two Specialization modules Project title –1. september: Deadline changes –End of semester Ca. 5. des.: Exam modules (oral; some modules have mid-terms) Ca. 15. des.: Oral presentation of project (counts 10% on project grade) ca. 18 des: deadline project report Semesterstart: mandag 17. august 2009

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