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Cleopatra Enterprise Workshop

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Presentation on theme: "Cleopatra Enterprise Workshop"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cleopatra Enterprise Workshop

2 Agenda Agenda Uitleg Structuur Knowledgebases en Estimates in Cleopatra Enterprise Wat is nieuw in Cleopatra Enterprise 4.1 tov versie 3.7  Hoe kun je Rapportages maken / aanpassen  Hoe kun je efficiënter werken met Cleopatra Enterprise, Tips en Tricks Praktische vragen 2

3 ‘ ’ Cleopatra Enterprise
The cost engineering tool that enables fast and accurate cost estimates for projects from identification to abandonment.

4 Cleopatra Enterprise

5 Cleopatra Enterprise Fast, accurate and reliable estimating
Suitable for Class 4 to Class 1 estimates Capex and Opex For all types of industries Transparent Analysis on multiple projects Knowledgebases for pricing of equipment up to industry based unit-rates Supported by experts in the field! 5

6 Modules Project Analysis Cost Estimation Workflow Interfacing 6
Risk Analyses Interfacing Websharing 6

7 Cost Estimation Module
Creating comprehensive cost estimates for all elements of a project from feasibility through construction Allocate all types of costs: direct, allowances, indirect, escalation and contingencies Creating cost objects e.g. Assemblies Monitor and control estimate revisions Perform “What-if” cost analysis 7

8 Direct Costs - Assemblies
Objects Composites / BoQ Unit-Rates Details 8

9 Cost types 9

10 Breakdown structures Hierarchical classification
CBS WBS OBS Hierarchical classification Used for reporting, metrics and interfacing Multiple breakdown structures in one estimate Fit your company specific break down structures 10

11 Workflow Control your document routing
Monitor progress on your projects Quickly draw your workflow Personalized dashboard 11

12 Project Grand Total, Breakdown

13 Project Grand Total 13

14 “What if” analysis 14

15 Cleopatra Enterprise Software Integration

16 Excel Interfacing Import and export all Cleopatra documents
Update your estimates with market quotes or contract tenders Direct import of bills of quantities Interfacing with engineering systems eg. Comos, PDMS, PDS, CostManager Interfacing with ERP systems eg. SAP, Microsoft Dynamics 16

17 Wat is nieuw in versie v4.1 tov v3.7
Performance increase Excel like status bar for totals Custom Fields "Pinning" selections in content key lists when estimating QuickFilter in content structure Add used knowledgebase as favourites to estimating Classification of documents: Add searching to data explorer (include searching in documents) 17

18 Wat is nieuw in versie v4.1 tov v3.7
Combined breakdown structures in the Grand total Display totals in Workflow dashboard View direct grand totals for selected components Consolidate components Visualize notes in description field Assign a Default estimate template Report enhancements 18

19 Cleopatra Enterprise User Training
User Interface 19

20 Day 2 Agenda Day 2 9:00 - 9:30 Summary Day 1
9: :30 Cost estimation module Other topics 10: :45 Break 10: :00 Cost estimation module Other topics II 12: :00 Lunch 13: :00 Excel interfacing 14: :45 Workflow 14: :00 Break 15: :30 Support system 15: :00 Tips and tricks 16:00 Closure 20

21 Cleopatra Enterprise User Training
Summary Day 1 21

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