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Derby Java basert Database + C-JDBC clustering databases Copyright? Noe av materiellet er kopiert fra presentasjonen som ble distribuert på CD fra konferansen.

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Presentation on theme: "Derby Java basert Database + C-JDBC clustering databases Copyright? Noe av materiellet er kopiert fra presentasjonen som ble distribuert på CD fra konferansen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Derby Java basert Database + C-JDBC clustering databases Copyright? Noe av materiellet er kopiert fra presentasjonen som ble distribuert på CD fra konferansen. Vi forstår det slik at den er Copyrighta med Apache-lisensen, det vil si at vi er fri til å gjøre nesten hva vi vil med den. Vi legger ingen flere begrensninger til denne, så dere er fri til å bruke innholdet her etter eget ønske, men kom ikke og klag hvis det går dere ille, for vi fraskriver oss selvsagt alt ansvar for bruk og misbruk av innholdet.

2 Aktiviteter Sesjon ”Introducing Derby” Sesjon ”Building highly available database applications with derby”

3 Litt DERBY historikk Derby History Cloudscape Inc, an Oakland, California start-up, was founded in 1996 to develop Java database technology. The first release of the database engine, then called JBMS, was in 1997. Subsequently the product was renamed Cloudscape and releases were made about every six months. In 1999 Informix Software, Inc., acquired Cloudscape, Inc. In 2001 IBM acquired the database assets of Informix Software, including Cloudscape. The database engine was re-branded to IBM Cloudscape and releases continued, mainly focussing on embedded use with IBM's Java products and middleware. In August 2004 IBM contributed the code to the Apache Software Foundation as Derby, an incubator project sponsored by the Apache DB project.

4 Hva er Derby Et liten java databasey tdatabase Or Client/Server Mode –Industry standard DRDA over TCP/IP –Uses embedded JDBC driver against Derby –It’s a Java DRDA to JDBC converter

5 Derby liten men bra Derby er et full sql database

6 Hvem kan bruker Derby Standards –SQL –– SQL92, SQL99, SQL2003, SQL/XML –Java –J2SE 1.3, 1.4; JDBC 2.0 & 3.0; J2EE – JDBC driver 3 for J2EE 1.4 & 1. Guidelines – Less than 50Gb of data Guidelines – 100-500 updates per second

7 Hvem kan bruker Derby Guidelines – 20-30 Active Connections 20-30 connections concurrently executing SQL statements 20-30 is a typical number for an application server connection pool Connections are limited by memory, low overhead per connection

8 Hvorfor derby Billig …Gratis Utvikler kan ha hele db på egen maskin Lav admin Kan ble ”clustered” Kan eksporters til andre DB. Flytting av DB er lett

9 C-JDBC C-JDBC is a free open source database cluster middleware that allows any Java application (standalone application, servlet or EJB container,...) to transparently access a cluster of databases through JDBC(tm). The database is distributed and replicated among several nodes and C-JDBC balances the queries among these nodes. C-JDBC handles node failures and provides support for checkpointing and hot recovery.

10 Internet Database tier should be –scalable –highly available –without modifying the client application –database vendor independent –on commodity hardware Motivations JDBC

11 Så hvorfor C-JDBC No modification of existing applications or databases, High availability provided by advanced RAIDb technology, Performance scalability with unique load balancing and query result caching features, Integrated JMX-based administration and monitoring,

12 Så hvorfor C-JDBC 100% Java implementation allowing portability across platforms, ” All ” JDBC DB ’ s supported Open source licensed under LGPL, Professional support, training and consulting available

13 Virtual Database gives the view of a single database establishes the mapping between the database name used by the application and the backend specific settings backends can be added and removed dynamically configured using an XML configuration file

14 Controller replication Prevent the controller from being a single point of failure Group communication for controller synchronization C-JDBC driver supports multiple controllers with automatic failover jdbc:c-jdbc://node1:25322,node2:12345/myDB

15 Some Cons JDBC only Distributed joins Out parameters for stored procedures Some JDBC 3.0 extensions XA support through XAPool only network partition/reconciliation not supported

16 Lucene

17 Aktiviteter Sesjon introduksjon til lucene Sesjon Building Print-on-Demand Solutions with Cocoon, Lucene and FOP

18 Hva er Lucene?? High performance, full-featured text search engine

19 Hva er Lucene?? Doug Cutting –recognized information retrieval expert –– Xerox PARC – publications & patents –– Apple's Advanced Technology Group – V-Twin –– Excite –– Grand Central –– Lucene –– Nutch

20 Hva er Lucene?? Lucene is a text search engine API. Specifically, Lucene is the guts of a search engine - the hard stuff. You write the easy stuff, the UI and the process of selecting and parsing your data files to pump them into the search engine, yourself.

21 Under the hood API –Java – main implementation –ports to other languages Index File Format – Well documented – Resides on filesystem, RAM, or custom store Features – incremental indexing as fast as batch indexing – ranked searching -- best results returned first – sorting by any field – many powerful query types – fielded searching (e.g., title, author, contents) – date-range searching – multiple-index searching with merged results

22 Powered by Lucene Eclipse IDE - uses Lucene for searching its documentation Wikipedia TheServerSide Let's compare it Blogdigger - search engine for blogs and syndicated content USAjobs Inc. Job Search - job search engine Nutch - open-source web search engine Zoe - email search engine jGuru Jive Forums... and many others – shhhh, lots of top secret stuff too

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