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Space, Place, Interface Chris Byrne Presentatie Masters of Media 21 september 2006 Esther Weltevrede.

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Presentation on theme: "Space, Place, Interface Chris Byrne Presentatie Masters of Media 21 september 2006 Esther Weltevrede."— Presentation transcript:

1 Space, Place, Interface Chris Byrne Presentatie Masters of Media 21 september 2006 Esther Weltevrede

2 Aandachtspunten: Relatie technologie en locatie (‘digital divide’) Rol curator, kunstenaar

3 Informatie flows in netwerk versus gefixeerde locaties ‘site determinded, site dominant, pre-existing work placed on a site, site adjusted, and site specific’ ‘technology determined, technological dominant, pre- existing work placed within a technological context, technology adjusted, and technology specific’

4 Interrelatie technologie en locatie: ‘Location aware’ werk (voor een locatie) Locatie specifiek werk (vanuit/in een locatie) “‘Location aware’ projects can share characteristics with site-specific work, but in many instances invert the nature of specific sites by mediating our experience of real space. Locative media tend to be more concerned with process than specific locales” “’Location aware’ work is a hybrid of performance and artifact: the viewers/users are very often participants in a networked relationship with each other”

5 Discussie Wat zijn verschillen en overeenkomsten tussen Kaprow’s Happenings en Byrne’s ‘Location aware’ work? Frequency 1550

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