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Countable and Uncountable nouns Much & Many. a family an animal two buses a pair of shoes.

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Presentation on theme: "Countable and Uncountable nouns Much & Many. a family an animal two buses a pair of shoes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Countable and Uncountable nouns Much & Many

2 a family an animal two buses a pair of shoes

3 Countable nouns A happy family. We have an animal in our house. We saw two buses coming down the road. I bought a pair of shoes.

4 time water milk food A or An ?

5 Uncountable nouns There is not enough time to do my homework. We put the food in the picnic hamper. Drinking water is good for you. The milkman delivers the milk every morning.

6 Watch them change! a hamburger a litre of water a glass of milk an hour

7 A noun is countable or uncountable Countable -Can take a/an and has a plural (meervoud). Kate was singing a song. Uncountable -Cannot take a/an and has no plural. There is sand in my shoes.


9 Much & Many We use much with uncountable nouns. much money - much food - much homework - much time We use many with countable nouns. many slices of bread - many animals - many eggs - many bananas * Usually in questions (vragen) and negative (ontkennende) sentences.

10 Little/few Much en many betekenen ‘veel’. Little en few betekenen ‘weinig’ veelweinig Uncountablemuchlittle Countablemanyfew Do you have many books? There is little time to do your homework. I don’t take much sugar in my tea. I saw few people.

11 Let op! A little betekent een beetje A few betekent een paar Could I have a little milk in my coffee, please? There are only a few biscuits left.


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