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Presentation on theme: "ORSZÁGOS SZÉCHÉNYI KÖNYVTÁR PROJEKTIGAZGATÓSÁG BIBLIOTHECA NATIONALIS HUNGARIAE Cultural Heritage Under Copyright Accessing Digital Content: Mass Digitisation,"— Presentation transcript:

1 ORSZÁGOS SZÉCHÉNYI KÖNYVTÁR PROJEKTIGAZGATÓSÁG BIBLIOTHECA NATIONALIS HUNGARIAE Cultural Heritage Under Copyright Accessing Digital Content: Mass Digitisation, E Legal Deposit, Copyright Matters – Experiences in National Libraries November 25-26, 2013 National Széchényi Library, Budapest Szabolcs Dancs, director of projects

2 BIBLIOTHECA NATIONALIS HUNGARIAE 13-11-23 ORSZÁGOS SZÉCHÉNYI KÖNYVTÁR – PROJEKTIGAZGATÓSÁG 2 Digitisation: making access to information more convenient, i.e. easier and faster than ever Digitisation of cultural heritage: making the objects of cultural heritage available to as many users as it's possible DIGITISATION: WHAT FOR?

3 BIBLIOTHECA NATIONALIS HUNGARIAE 13-11-23 ORSZÁGOS SZÉCHÉNYI KÖNYVTÁR – PROJEKTIGAZGATÓSÁG 3 supporting the building of cultural identity (instead of the one constructed on the basis of fears and stereotypes, cognitive structures of this sort) supporting creativity (by enabling re-use of cultural products) supporting economy, e.g. tourism by providing information on cultural attractions of the country bringing cultures together DIGITISATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE: WHAT FOR? DIRECTIVE 2013/37/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 26 June 2013 amending Directive 2003/98/EC on the re-use of public sector information „The scope of Directive 2003/98/EC should be extended to libraries, including university libraries, museums and archives. […] Libraries, museums and archives hold a significant amount of valuable public sector information resources, in particular since digitisation projects have multiplied the amount of digital public domain material. These cultural heritage collections and related metadata are a potential base for digital content products and services and have a huge potential for innovative re- use in sectors such as learning and tourism. Wider possibilities for re-using public cultural material should, inter alia, allow Union companies to exploit its potential and contribute to economic growth and job creation.” DIRECTIVE 2012/28/EU OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 25 October 2012 on certain permitted uses of orphan works „Copyright is the economic foundation for the creative industry, since it stimulates innovation, creation, investment and production. Mass digitisation and dissemination of works is therefore a means of protecting Europe's cultural heritage. Copyright is an important tool for ensuring that the creative sector is rewarded for its work.„ International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures, 2013-2022 (launched on 23 August 2013) „The objective of the Decade is to promote mutual understanding and respect for diversity, rights and equal dignity between peoples, through intercultural dialogue and concrete initiatives”

4 BIBLIOTHECA NATIONALIS HUNGARIAE 13-11-23 ORSZÁGOS SZÉCHÉNYI KÖNYVTÁR – PROJEKTIGAZGATÓSÁG 4 Digitisation of cultural heritage: making the objects of cultural heritage available to as many users as it's possible Digitisation of cultural heritage in a national library sense: making the objects of cultural heritage available to as many users as it's possible, taking into account the rights of the producers: – respecting copyright – recompensing copyright owners – restricting access to e-legal deposit DIGITISATION IN A NATIONAL LIBRARY

5 BIBLIOTHECA NATIONALIS HUNGARIAE 13-11-23 ORSZÁGOS SZÉCHÉNYI KÖNYVTÁR – PROJEKTIGAZGATÓSÁG 5 Digitisation (making access to information more convenient, i.e. easier and faster than ever) Copyright (restricting the access to information) DIGITISATION AND COPYRIGHT: A DISCREPANCY?


7 BIBLIOTHECA NATIONALIS HUNGARIAE 13-11-23 ORSZÁGOS SZÉCHÉNYI KÖNYVTÁR – PROJEKTIGAZGATÓSÁG 7 current legislation roots in old (and obsolete?) international agreements (Berne Convention) critics of non-formality opt out possibilities Registre des Livres Indisponibles en Réédition Électronique = Registry of Unavailable Books in Electronic Reissue (run by BnF, based on the Law No. 2012-287, which establishes the legal framework pertaining to the conversion into digital format of unavailable books from the twentieth century) COPYRIGHT UNDER CONSTRUCTION Article 5 (1) Authors shall enjoy, in respect of works for which they are protected under this Convention, in countries of the Union other than the country of origin, the rights which their respective laws do now or may hereafter grant to their nationals, as well as the rights specially granted by this Convention. (2) The enjoyment and the exercise of these rights shall not be subject to any formality; such enjoyment and such exercise shall be independent of the existence of protection in the country of origin of the work.

8 BIBLIOTHECA NATIONALIS HUNGARIAE 13-11-23 ORSZÁGOS SZÉCHÉNYI KÖNYVTÁR – PROJEKTIGAZGATÓSÁG 8 Sources in the Annex of the European Orphan Works Directive: "(1) for published books: (a) legal deposit, library catalogues and authority files maintained by libraries and other institutions; (b) the publishers' and authors' associations in the respective country; (c) existing databases and registries, WATCH (Writers, Artists and their Copyright Holders), the ISBN (International Standard Book Number) and databases listing books in print; (d) the databases of the relevant collecting societies, in particular reproduction rights organisations; (e) sources that integrate multiple databases and registries, including VIAF (Virtual International Authority Files) and ARROW (Accessible Registries of Rights Information and Orphan Works);" SOURCES FOR DILIGENT SEARCH /COPYRIGHT CLEARANCE

9 BIBLIOTHECA NATIONALIS HUNGARIAE 13-11-23 ORSZÁGOS SZÉCHÉNYI KÖNYVTÁR – PROJEKTIGAZGATÓSÁG 9 Sources in the Annex of the European Orphan Works Directive: "(1) for published books: (a) legal deposit, library catalogues and authority files maintained by libraries and other institutions; (b) the publishers' and authors' associations in the respective country; (c) existing databases and registries, WATCH (Writers, Artists and their Copyright Holders), the ISBN (International Standard Book Number) and databases listing books in print; (d) the databases of the relevant collecting societies, in particular reproduction rights organisations; (e) sources that integrate multiple databases and registries, including VIAF (Virtual International Authority Files) and ARROW (Accessible Registries of Rights Information and Orphan Works);" SOURCES FOR DILIGENT SEARCH /COPYRIGHT CLEARANCE PROVIDED BY NSL

10 BIBLIOTHECA NATIONALIS HUNGARIAE 13-11-23 ORSZÁGOS SZÉCHÉNYI KÖNYVTÁR – PROJEKTIGAZGATÓSÁG 10 Sources in the Annex of the European Orphan Works Directive: "(1) for published books: (a) legal deposit, library catalogues and authority files maintained by libraries and other institutions; (b) the publishers' and authors' associations in the respective country; (c) existing databases and registries, WATCH (Writers, Artists and their Copyright Holders), the ISBN (International Standard Book Number) and databases listing books in print; (d) the databases of the relevant collecting societies, in particular reproduction rights organisations; (e) sources that integrate multiple databases and registries, including VIAF (Virtual International Authority Files) and ARROW (Accessible Registries of Rights Information and Orphan Works);" SOURCES FOR DILIGENT SEARCH /COPYRIGHT CLEARANCE USED BY ARROW

11 BIBLIOTHECA NATIONALIS HUNGARIAE 13-11-23 ORSZÁGOS SZÉCHÉNYI KÖNYVTÁR – PROJEKTIGAZGATÓSÁG 11 ARROW: a distributed network of data sources Data sources of ARROW: o TEL – The European Library – 2012/28/EU, Annex 1./a) o VIAF – Virtual International Authority File – 2012/28/EU, Annex 1./e) o BiP – Books in Print – 2012/28/EU, Annex 1./c) o RRO –– Reproduction Rights Organisations – 2012/28/EU, Annex 1./d) ARROW

12 BIBLIOTHECA NATIONALIS HUNGARIAE 13-11-23 ORSZÁGOS SZÉCHÉNYI KÖNYVTÁR – PROJEKTIGAZGATÓSÁG 12 ARROW WORKFLOW Library interface Matching records VIAF 1st data collection BiP 2nd data collection RRO 3rd data collection ROW Author/Publisher known? In/Out of ©? In Commerce? Suggested Action: Licence? Who?

13 BIBLIOTHECA NATIONALIS HUNGARIAE 13-11-23 ORSZÁGOS SZÉCHÉNYI KÖNYVTÁR – PROJEKTIGAZGATÓSÁG 13 ARROW CONPONENTS & NSL INFRASTRUCTURE Hungarian National Shared Catalogue ELDORADO National Authority Database Hungarian National Bibliography ISBN Database Virtual Authority File (VIAF) The European Library (TEL) Books In Print Reproduction Rights Organisations publishers ARROW Accessible Registries of Rights Information and Orphan Works Towards Europeana

14 BIBLIOTHECA NATIONALIS HUNGARIAE 13-11-23 ORSZÁGOS SZÉCHÉNYI KÖNYVTÁR – PROJEKTIGAZGATÓSÁG 14 ARROW components actually missing in Hungary: BiP, RRO a Legal Module (modelling ARROW workflow) needs to be developed in the frame of ELDORADO THE LEGAL MODULE OF ELDORADO

15 BIBLIOTHECA NATIONALIS HUNGARIAE 13-11-23 ORSZÁGOS SZÉCHÉNYI KÖNYVTÁR – PROJEKTIGAZGATÓSÁG 15 Ďakujem za pozornosť Dziękuję Państwu za uwagę! Děkuji vám za pozornost! Köszönöm a figyelmüket!

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