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Career-guidance and educational choices, cooperation between school and participants in working life Fagerlia upper secondary school February 13th. 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Career-guidance and educational choices, cooperation between school and participants in working life Fagerlia upper secondary school February 13th. 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Career-guidance and educational choices, cooperation between school and participants in working life Fagerlia upper secondary school February 13th. 2009 by Bente Volder

2 Challenges: interruption, new choices and migration 28 % do not complete upper secondary education Countys annual cost as a result of new choices: NOK 30 millions Lower growth rate due to migration surplus Age group 20-29: greatest migration Lack of qualified labour force

3 Project Aims Make untraditional career choices easier when it comes to gender Develop good schemes for thourough career guidance as well as personal adaptance through the school course, especially for students with learning difficulties or social problems

4 Pilot schools Ørsta-Volda Stranda Fræna Kristiansund Surnadal

5 The process of guidance in career and education – Self-esteem, knowledge about personal skills Knowlegde about careers and educational possibilities Experiencing by practice

6 Directorate for Education and Training - new regulations: § 22-3 Career counseling Defining this counseling as a school task obligatorial contact teachers, new : Programme Subject (Educational Choice, In-depth Study Project) in order to learn about your options in upper secondary education. Partnership for career counseling.– a subject in vocational classes for getting to know the educational – and professional choices within the programme area. the counselor is a coordinator, supervisor, informer and specialist.

7 Full school responsability Career – and educational guidance is the responsability of: the management – timetable planning, adapted education, teacher competence building the contact teachers – my folder, career discussions, involvement of parents in planning of career.

8 Full school responsability Career counseling is the responsability of: the subject teachers – the competence aims of the curriculum must be emphasized, learning about local working life and the variety of professions. The counselor– coordinate and adapt, cooperate with and guide contact teachers, solve complicated cases, available for pupils seeking guidance

9 between lower and upper secondary schools- on choices of education, planning of transition from lower to upper, and adapted careerplanning. with the working life – sensible use of job practice between lower upper secondary education, long term recruitement Cooperation

10 The subject: Choice of Education 4 lessons per week, spread throughout the 8., 9. og 10. classes of lower secondary education Get aquainted with the different studies offered in upper secondary education local curriculum, practical subject At lower, at upper, in work life Posibility for colleges to visit lower secondary schools

11 The subject Choice of Education Cooperation with business life Job tailing Gründercamps Work week, project work Teacher-sit-in at companies Teacher competence build up Pupils practice Joint benefit

12 Upper secondary education In-depth Study Project New subject in vocational programs Upper secondary level 1: - 6 lessons per week – practical work with competence aims from level 2 or recognized trade. Upper secondary level 2: -9 lessons per week – practical work with competence aims from recognized trade. Practice period in working life, especially at level 2

13 Upper secondary school many choose Programme for Specialization in General Studies (former General Studies)because of uncertainty regarding choice of career The majority do not know which will be their next career steps at the end of upper secondary school

14 Upper secondary school Career adaptation in all subjects Each pupil his/her career folder individual careerplan Project work/accumulated lessons? CV/interview training/ Practice in self presentation

15 Colleges Planned visits at lower and upper concerning: Training of subject teachers, showing career opportunities and choices of education students informing pupils about which jobs they are aiming at and which education is needed Pupilinitiated visits at colleges with preparatory and supplementary work

16 Thorough career guidance will contribute to: the right personal choice Enhanced motivation among pupils More succesful adaption Increased knowlegde of possibilities of education and for work within your own county Better recruiting of skilled labour

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