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The Mother Goose Mission

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Presentation on theme: "The Mother Goose Mission"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Mother Goose Mission
Tom Meyer - Overview Penny Boston - Science Joe Martin - Instruments Dan Scheld - Systems Joe Berger - Mars Glider

2 History of Mother Goose Mission
Outgrowth of collaborative efforts Scout Proposal Seeking funding for individual components ASTEP - Science Boston NIAC Cave Research SBIRs Instrument development proposals Doing in-house development

3 What is the Mother Goose?
Mission strategy for detection of life Flying transformer robotic system Mimics human field biologist Autonomous search for life on Mars Search at multiple spatial scales: Aerial Walking Microscopic

4 Motivation and Goal Life often leaves tell tail biosignatures
Changes in physical appearance of surface Chemical changes in surface material Life prefers hospitable locations warm, wet, protected hidden in cracks, cervices, caves The Challenge: narrow the field search from regional, to local, to microscopic Remote control from Earth is impractical The Goal: develop a robotic field biologist

5 Approach Mother Goose Overarching Concept Unique approach and goals
Intelligent site selection at all levels of encounter Robotic mobility along a continuum of sequentially finer resolutions Glider / Lander combines hazard avoidance and scientific site selection Integrated guidance and data system serves glider, lander, walker and micro-robots

6 Mission Architecture - Entry
Entry capsule deploys Mother Goose glider Glider wings inflate Glider cruise phase begins Begin remote sensing for navigation and science

7 Mission Architecture - Cruise
Integrated guidance and data acquisition Mother Goose is a very bright bird, she Navigates the glider while in flight Collects remote sensing data Searches for an optimal landing site Navigates and takes data on the ground, and Collects data from her micro-robot goslings

8 Mission Architecture - Surface
Mother Goose: Picks safe landing site near science target Walks to the science sites Collects local data Refines site selection Deploys Micro-Robot Goslings Wing provides power and communications

9 Mission Architecture - Goslings
MG deploys micro-robot goslings Goslings penetrate cracks, crevices, caves MG communicates high level commands Goslings send data to Mother Goose Goslings may be sacrificed or recovered for next site

10 (Picture credits - Gus Frederick)
Team Penny Boston - Complex Systems Dan Scheld, Joe Martin - Equinox Interscience Joe Berger - Performance Software Intl Jeff Hayden - Prescipoint Solutions Tom Meyer - BCSP/National Link (Picture credits - Gus Frederick) FOR MORE INFO...

11 Human Emulation in Robotic Missions R.D. Frederick © 2001

12 The Field Scientist in the Wild

13 The Field Scientist In A Can
R.D. Frederick © 2001

14 Science Search Strategy
Mimic classic human-conducted field science Aerial Recon Phase – Airborne Mother Goose Walkabout Phase – Rover Mother Goose Intensive Investigation Phase – Scientist Mother Goose Access to “difficult” sites via microrobotic Goslings Small Autonomously acting Multiple spatial scales Bird’s eye view Scientist’s eye view Microbe’s eye view Multiple data sets Imaging 3 D Microscopy Raman spectroscopy Direct sensing of gases ic

15 Techniques: Technique Development Laboratory Analysis In Situ
Geochemistry Mineralogy Chemistry 2  Laboratory Analysis Geology Biology In Situ Techniques Technique Development Hydrology Physics Geophysics

16 Non-invasive Techniques
Surface detection methods No sample removed Leaves communities intact Minimal disturbance

17 Planetary Protection Protocol for possible biological sites
Dirty/clean model Suitable for humans Contamination zone model Suitable for mechanisms P.J. Boston © 2001

18 Planetary Protection Aseptic reconnaissance Preliminary assessments
Long-term monitoring Intermediates in chain of asepsis Permanent Class IV+ containment R.D. Frederick © 2001

19 Science Goals & Objectives
Recon Phase - Features (TES, Radar, Imaging) Water Reduced gases Temperature anomalies Minerals & Biominerals Outcrops Shape Color and pattern Texture Rover Phase – Site refinement (Imaging) Biominerals Rover Phase – Microanalysis (Microscopy, Spectroscopy) Mineral grains Soil properties Microtextures Biominerals Biofabrics Microfossils Organic compounds Organisms or parts Gosling Phase – Seeking (Imaging, Sensing) Water Reduced gases Mineral & Biominerals Outcrops Shape Color and pattern Texture Image of lithified fossil bacteria, filaments, and biofilm. Courtesy L. Melim, M. Spilde, & D. Northup.

20 Desert Surfaces On Earth
• High intensity sunlight and UV • Low humidity (5-40% typically) • Temperature extremes • Low nutrients (usually) • Mineral-rich (usually) • Extensive weather, e.g. high winds, flash floods, frost, etc.

21 Desert Caves On Earth No sunlight
High humidity (99-100% in the deep zone) Temperatures relatively constant Low nutrients Mineral-rich No weather Photo by David Jagnow

22 Life in Mars Caves… Traces on the Surface? Visualization of order
Biotextures and structure Geochemical traces Change in oxidation states Chemistry independent Isotopic signatures? Other disequilibria? Energy sources Energy flow Growth Reproduction R.D. Frederick © 2001

23 Mother Goose Instruments
Joe Martin - Equinox Interscience


25 Glider Mode

26 Glider Mode Instruments
Wide FOV imaging . (0.42 kg). The Mike Malin low resolution MARDI descent imager from the ill-fated ‘98 Mars Polar Lander 73° FOV for aerial reconnaissance with a 7.1 mm focal length IFOV: 1.25 mrad. Thus at 1 km altitude; ground resolution 1.25 m Thermal Emission Spectrometer (mini-TES) (1.9 kg) A miniaturized TES evolved from MGS TES reduced 14.4 kg to 1.9 kg, proposed for MESUR missions as mini-TES. Spectral range: 400 to 5000 cm-1 (2-25 µm), 5 cm-1 resolution Energy/sample = 4.4 W x 3.7 min/ sample / 60 min/hr = 0.27 W-hr/sample

27 Glider Mode Instruments (Cont.)
Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) (2.4 kg) A surface penetrating radar to determine buried water and water bearing rocks GPR defined by Rolando Jordan (JPL) for Dave Paige’s proposed Mars Polar Pathfinder mission. Folded dipole antenna on the bottom of the Pathfinder lander petal. to probe the ground below: depth of 4.5 km; depth resolution 2 m 100 MHz pulses The MG antenna would be built into the skin of the lower surface of the glider.

28 Rover Mode

29 Rover Mode Instruments
Stereo Imaging (0.54 kg) Panoramic stereo camera system; Assess site geology and morphology and select targets for investigation. Use a version of 2003 Mars Exploration Rovers (MER) MER system has 1024 x 2048 pixel CCDs, 280 µrad resolution 42.7 mm focal length optics for 16x16° FOV. 8 filters from 400 to 1100 nm Analysis time: 10 sec/frame 62 Mp/frame (both cameras)

30 Rover Mode Instruments (Cont.)
Raman Spectrometer (RS) ( kg) The roving robot presses its robotic arm against a rock. Thin green or ultraviolet laser beam scans the rock, Raman scattered light identifies photon wavelength shifting effect of molecular and crystalline structures in the target rock. Potential Raman developments Larry Haskin green light RS (0.7 kg); for minerals Michael Storrie-Lombardi UV RS (1.1Kg); for organics or prebiotic molecules. EIC labs (NASA SBIR); rugged, portable, high resolution RS with illumination Raman measurement through fiber optic extension. Fiber optic extension: insert the fiber optic probe inside a crevice.

31 Raman Spectrograph EIC LABORATORIES, INC. Small Business Innovation
Research Raman Spectrograph EIC LABORATORIES, INC. NORWOOD, MA Rugged, portable, high resolution Raman spectrograph with fiber optic sampling INNOVATION ACCOMPLISHMENTS Specific gas-phase sensing of hydrazine and other air contaminants Novel micro-optics probe head allows point and shoot fiber optic sampling and monitoring from over 500 meters 10 times more compact than prior equipment and no moving parts COMMERCIALIZATION $3 million in sales in last two years Patented Raman probe New company division organized to provide commercial Raman instrumentation and services Spectrograph with fiber optic sensor GOVERNMENT/SCIENCE APPLICATIONS Space applications: sensing hypergolic vapors; hydrogen monitoring; rapid analysis of minerals; compact, on-board chemical analysis Commercial applications: chemical process monitoring, pharmaceutical analysis, forensics, environmental site characterization, and a general laboratory complement to IR spectroscopy Kennedy Space Center 1988 Phase 2; SS-52; 10/18/95

32 Rover Mode Instruments (Cont.)
Mineral Identification by In-situ X-ray Analysis (MIBIXA) (0.4 kg) The roving robot presses its robotic arm against a rock. The surface is illuminated by X-rays, Measures Bragg scattered X-rays and fluorescent X-rays. MIBIXA Proposed by Equinox as NASA SBIR Deep depletion 600 x 600 CCD (e2v Technologies) measures: photon energies from 200 eV to 20 keV scattering angle of elastically scattered photons. energy of fluorescent photons. Carbon nanotube field emission cathode x-ray source (Applied Nanotechnologies, Inc.).

33 Rover Mode Instruments (Cont.)
Confocal Microscope (1.5 kg) The roving robot presses its robotic arm against a rock. The surface is illuminated by X-rays, Measures Bragg scattered X-rays and fluorescent X-rays. MIBIXA Proposed by Equinox as NASA SBIR Deep depletion 600 x 600 CCD (e2v Technologies) measures: photon energies from 200 eV to 20 keV scattering angle of elastically scattered photons. energy of fluorescent photons. Carbon nanotube field emission cathode x-ray source (Applied Nanotechnologies, Inc.).

34 Rover Mode Instruments (Cont.) Confocal Microscope (1.5 kg0) (Leica)
All out of focus structures are suppressed at image formation by an arrangement of diaphragms which, at optically conjugated points of the path of rays, act as a point source and as a point detector respectively. Out-of-focus rays are suppressed by the detection pinhole. The focal plane depth is determined by the wavelength, the objective numerical aperture, and the diaphragm diameter. To obtain a full image, the image point is moved across the specimen by mirror scanners. The emitted/reflected light passing through the detector pinhole is detected by a photomultiplier and displayed on a computer monitor.

35 Microbots Mode

36 Microbot Mode Instruments
Imagers (50g x 10 microbots = 0.5 kg) Supercircuits Model: PC-169XS High resolution color microvideo camera 1/3" Color CCD; 768(H) x 492(V); 377,856 pixels Power: 1W Interchangeable lens Chemical Sensors (50g x 10 microbots = 0.5 kg) Temp, pH, conductivity Gas sensors Anion, cation sensors

37 MOTHER GOOSE Related Technologies & Robotics

38 Mother Goose MOTHER GOOSE Mission Systems MG I Astrobiology Mission
MOTHER GOOSE and Goslings Enter Cave Site at Mars Mother Goose TEAM Equinox Interscience Inc. Complex Systems Res., Inc. Aerostar/Raven Industries Boulder Center for Space Science/ National Link MIT Performance Software Associates Oregon Public Education Network ITN Energy Systems/Globalsolar MOTHER GOOSE has Landed and Deposited Rover and Micro-Rovers (Goslings) in Area Of High Scientific Interest.

39 MOTHER GOOSE Mission Systems MG II Astrobiology Mission
Mother Goose II TEAM Equinox Interscience, Inc. Complex Systems Res., Inc. Aerostar International, Inc. Boulder Center for Space Science/ National Link MIT Field & Space Robotics Lab MD Robotics for Canadian Space Agency Performance Software Associates Oregon Public Education Network ITN Energy Systems/Globalsolar Prescipoint Solutions

40 MOTHER GOOSE Mission Systems DDB Detectable Desert BioMarkers
DDB Layers of Investigation “ROCKTASTER” Schematic DDB TEAM Equinox Interscience, Inc. Complex Systems Res., Inc. Performance Software Associates Boulder Center for Space Science/ National Link UTD, Inc. Prescipoint Solutions

41 Autonomous Landing Techniques -WHY FLY in with Mother Goose
MOTHER GOOSE DELIVERY SYSTEM Target Zone dependence is gone – WE LAND where the Science Demands On-board Guidance (LEIF) particpates fully in the landing LEIF system continuously monitors and learns from the evironment minimizing the unknowns to safe touchdown Near Zero velocity touchdown requires no impact protection system The configuration is inherently stable - no tip over – in addition, the LEIF system has sought out the inherently safest site closest to the science objective NASA Smart Landers Current Target Zones no smaller then 161x97 km (100x60 miles) *Smart Lander Target Zones smaller but “undefined” On-board guidance ends to early in landing No ability to handle unknowns at the landing site Must carry impact protection systems Must carry additional capability to prevent tip over Smart in this case really means “safer” than

42 Mission Technologies & Robotics

43 Mars Located vs Star Field Earth Relative Doppler Signal
LEIF– Landing Enabled by Intelligent Functions Mars Located vs Star Field Earth Relative Doppler Signal Ø3 Ø1 Ø2 APPLICATIONS Mars Sample Return -Europa Lander -Titan Organics Explorer Lander -Mars Cargo Landers -Comet Nucleus Sample Return -Near Earth Asteroid Landers SAILSaR TEAM Equinox Interscience Inc. Boulder Center for Space Science/ National Link Prescipoint Solutions Performance Software Associates ITN Energy Systems Limb View Landmark View Autonomous Pre-Entry LEIF Pilots the Way! Lune View LEIF Provides Methods for Complete Autonomous Approach and Safe Landing In Area of Scientific Interest.

44 LEIF– Landing Enabled by
Intelligent Functions

45 Next Generation Control for Scientific Spacecraft and Instruments
SAIF– Science Augmented by Intelligent Functions Next Generation Control for Scientific Spacecraft and Instruments SAIF/LEIF Design Highlights -Reduced Mass/Power Consumption/COST -Functional Superiority -Uniquely Synergistic Hardware/Software Design -Extreme Dense Electronic Miniaturization -Commercial Packaging -In Development by Equinox and Partners SAIF/LEIF TEAM Equinox Interscience Inc.. Prescipoint Solutions Performance Software Associates

46 SAIF-LEIF Systems To Investigate and verify aspects of Landing on hostile planetary surfaces. Frequent testing of approaches on local test ranges. Key is the Autonomous Control System LEIF (Landing Enabled by Intelligent Functions) An integrated computer and control system based on: Miniaturized electronics using HDI Software derived from Performance Software Anchor products Based on successful IEC commercial automation software Proposed as NASA SBIR Central Instrument Controller -awarded phase I, Phase II not funded but rated highly. FPGA based Programmable Direct Memory Access designed by Beyond the Horizon Simplified SAIF/LEIF Electronics Unit Block Diagram

47 SAIF-LEIF Sytems LEIF Presented
Iceland Mars Polar Science Conference LEIF Introduced by Dave Paige/UCLA Full presentation on Equinox web site Describes the Equinox thrust Automated Landing Technology Proposals by Equinox Interscience in DSF . Development of LEIF Flight demonstration Autonomous Rendezvous Fine Pointing Laser Tracker Flight Demonstration (FPLTD) Deep Space Comm. Extended Effort Propose Avionics Navigation System Lockheed Martin for Pluto/Kuiper mission. LEIF Applied to MOTHER GOOSE Glider Control and Landing

48 Primary Landed Systems
Robotics Concepts & Notionals BIG MAMA Walker 6 legs Stereo Vision 2 Micro Manipulators

49 Primary Landed Systems
Robotics Concepts & Notionals UREY MISSION style Tethered Rover

50 Secondary Landed Systems
Robotics Concepts & Notionals Gosling 1 Walker 4 legs Micro Vis Top Mounted Solar Cell Micro Manipulator Gosling 2 Walker 6 legs Micro Vis Top Mounted Solar Cell Micro Manipulator

51 Secondary Landed Systems
Robotics Concepts & Notionals MIT Micro-rover Concept MIT Evolutionary Roadmap From Discrete to Continuous Robotic Systems Tilden (LANL) Skitter Bug Concept

52 Secondary Landed Systems
Robotics Concepts & Notionals Investigations of LIFE BELOW & LIFE “OUT THERE” SPELEOSCOPE TEAM Equinox Interscience Inc. Complex Systems Res., Inc. Boulder Center for Space Science/ National Link Performance Software Associates Oregon Public Education Network

53 Secondary Landed Systems
Robotics Concepts & Notionals Speleoscope Locomotion Concepts

54 Secondary Landed Systems
Robotics Concepts & Notionals Speloscope robotic variations SPELEOSCOPE Team Concept NASA (JPL) Snake Tilden (LANL) Snake Concepts

55 Welcome The Future … & …Thank You!
EQUINOX INTERSCIENCE Engineering Instruments of SCIence

56 The Mars Flying Wing Joe Berger
R.D. Frederick © 2001

57 The Mars Flying Wing Features: Low Wing Loading
High Lift over Drag (L/D) Capable of Low Speed Landing Autonomous Operation Precision Landing R.D. Frederick © 2001

58 The Mars Flying Wing Wing Performance Prediction: Approx 35:1 L/D
Speed Range from 8 to 40 Kts IAS Full Stall Landing at Less Than 8 Kts IAS Highly Maneuverable Throughout Flight Regime R.D. Frederick © 2001

59 The Mars Flying Wing Wing Current Progress:
8 Foot Model Flying Successfully Flight Controls Proven 12 Foot Model to Fly 3 Qtr 2002 Higher Performance Airfoil High Tech Wing Tips with Winglettes 21 Foot Model Higher Aspect Ratio Flight Computer integrated to Video Real-time RF link to Ground Station for Telemetry, Video R.D. Frederick © 2001

60 Mars Flying Wing The 8 Foot Wing: With Pilot & Launch Assistant

61 Mars Glider Movie:

62 The Mars Flying Wing: Mission Accomplished! R.D. Frederick © 2001


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