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Hogeschool van Amsterdam Interactieve Media Public Relations: the new advertising? Hoorcollege marketing communication blok 4 week 4.

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Presentation on theme: "Hogeschool van Amsterdam Interactieve Media Public Relations: the new advertising? Hoorcollege marketing communication blok 4 week 4."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hogeschool van Amsterdam Interactieve Media Public Relations: the new advertising? Hoorcollege marketing communication blok 4 week 4

2 Hogeschool van Amsterdam Interactieve Media De Grote Donor Show

3 Hogeschool van Amsterdam Interactieve Media Spielberg vs. the Olympics

4 Hogeschool van Amsterdam Interactieve Media Dag van de Bouw 2008

5 Hogeschool van Amsterdam Interactieve Media How is PR the new advertising?

6 Hogeschool van Amsterdam Interactieve Media Learning goals  By the end of the colleges and reading you should:  Be able to define PR and explain the different functions PR has within an organization  Be aware of the different publics PR professionals have to deal with  Understand the distinction between Marketing PR (MPR) and Corporate PR (CPR)  Understand how MPR fits into the overall promotions mix  Be aware of the tools used by PR professionals  Be in a position to decide on which PR tools might be appropriate for a specific integrated marketing communications campaign (such as the eBay assignment)

7 Hogeschool van Amsterdam Interactieve Media Agenda  What is PR?  Strengths and weaknesses of PR  PR and IMC  PR instruments  PR and interactive media

8 Hogeschool van Amsterdam Interactieve Media What is PR? “Public relations is about reputation - the result of what you do, what you say and what others say about you. Public relations is the discipline which looks after reputation, with the aim of earning understanding and support and influencing opinion and behaviour. It is the planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain goodwill and mutual understanding between an organisation and its publics.” Source: Chartered Institute of Public Relations (, visited 19/2/08, my italics)

9 Hogeschool van Amsterdam Interactieve Media Why reputation?  "Reputation, reputation, reputation! O I have lost my reputation! I have lost the immortal part of myself, and what remains is bestial. My reputation, Iago, my reputation!" (Cassio to Iago Othello Act 2 Scene 3)  “Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.” (Abraham Lincoin)  “Don't consider your reputation and you may do anything you like” (Chinese proverb)  “It takes many good deeds to build a good reputation, and only one bad one to lose it” (Benjamin Franklin)

10 Hogeschool van Amsterdam Interactieve Media Why reputation?  Because… Perception is reality

11 Hogeschool van Amsterdam Interactieve Media What Publics (belangengroepen)?

12 Hogeschool van Amsterdam Interactieve Media Why Publics?

13 Hogeschool van Amsterdam Interactieve Media Some common misconceptions about PR  PR is free advertising / publicity  It is not free  Although it can be a more effective use of money  It is not advertising  Although it is also good for generating awareness  PR is separate from IMC  No it is essential  But some PR is concerned with non-marketing activities  Lobbying, investor relations, etc.  PR is not that effective  Some companies have used PR build strong awareness in place of advertising

14 Hogeschool van Amsterdam Interactieve Media Strengths and issues with PR

15 Hogeschool van Amsterdam Interactieve Media More credible

16 Hogeschool van Amsterdam Interactieve Media High impact on awareness

17 Hogeschool van Amsterdam Interactieve Media Helps reduce cognitive dissonance

18 Hogeschool van Amsterdam Interactieve Media Can prevent disaster in a crisis (or not)

19 Hogeschool van Amsterdam Interactieve Media Main issues  Often not integrated into overall promotional mix  Poorly targeted  “We think it’s important” syndrome  Danger of loss of control

20 Hogeschool van Amsterdam Interactieve Media The problem of integration

21 Hogeschool van Amsterdam Interactieve Media PR, marketing and IMC  One difficulty in talking about PR as part of the promotional mix (IMC), is that it’s activities are often concerned with issues outside marketing  It is usually not a good idea to let marketers get too involved with lobbying, investors, governments, civic bodies, etc, but these are important PR activities  One solution is to think of PR as divided into two types  Marketing PR (MPR) concerned with supporting the overall marketing mix and integrated marketing communications  Corporate PR (CPR) not directly concerned with marketing, but with the whole corporation and its relationship with its publics  For eBay you should concentrate on MPR

22 Hogeschool van Amsterdam Interactieve Media Integration of marketing and PR Ideal

23 Hogeschool van Amsterdam Interactieve Media PR instruments

24 Hogeschool van Amsterdam Interactieve Media PR instruments

25 Hogeschool van Amsterdam Interactieve Media A short word about sponsorship  Events sponsorship  Sports  Arts  Culture  Entertainment  Broadcast sponsorship  Deze programma was medemogelijk gemaakt door...  Sponsorship of causes (goede doelen)  MUSH (Medical, University, Social, Hospital)

26 Hogeschool van Amsterdam Interactieve Media PR & Interactive Media

27 Hogeschool van Amsterdam Interactieve Media Interactive media provides new PR tools

28 Hogeschool van Amsterdam Interactieve Media However interactive media creates risks for PR

29 Hogeschool van Amsterdam Interactieve Media Summary  PR is part of IMC, but is also concerned with corporate image (MPR / CPR)  Good MPR is fully integrated into the campaign  PR is not free advertising  But PR is excellent for generating awareness and is very credible  Interactive media and new technology has created many new PR channels, but it has made it easier for bad publicity to spread

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