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The Role of Universities in the Regional Development UNIREGIO 2nd Workshop Győr, 17.01.2006. HAS CRS West Hungarian Research Institute Katalin Mezei –

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1 The Role of Universities in the Regional Development UNIREGIO 2nd Workshop Győr, 17.01.2006. HAS CRS West Hungarian Research Institute Katalin Mezei – Mihály Lados MTA RKK Nyugat-magyarországi Tudományos Intézet H-9022 Győr, Liszt F. u. 10. H-9002 Győr, Pf. 420. Tel.: 00/36/96/516-570 Fax: 00/36/96/516-579 e-mail: web:

2 Universities in the Regional Development  Popular issue (many researcher, several discipline)  Huge literature (theory, practice)  Intention:  to clarify basic concepts,  to synthetise theoretical streams  to survey actuality of the given regions and universities

3 Starting point „To be effective in this increasingly borderless global economy, … regions must adopt the principles of knowledge creation and continuous learning: they must in effect become knowledge creating or learning regions !” (Florida)

4  Global Economy: knowledge is the most important input;  Knowledge Based Society: new paradigm, knowledge networks are cardinal location factors;  Economic Growth / Competitiveness: determined by the status of the knowledge industry  University is the Creator and Transferor of the Knowledge Appreciation of Knowledge

5 Depends on:  Regional structure (size, rights, management)  State of development of the region (GDP, quantity and quality of the human resources, structure of R&D, innovation ability)  Educational system (uniform, dual)  Political aims Universities’ Role in the Regional Development

6 Changes of Universities’ Role in the History PeriodDominant economic activity Proportion of university students Mission of University Before industrial revolutions agriculture1-2 % of age-group Education After industrial revolutions industry5-10% of age-group Education and research From the end of 20th century services30-40% of age-group Education, research and social responsibility

7 Universities in the Regional Development Strategies Two models:  Regional University: demand side approach (English model)  Entrepreneurial University: supply side approach (American model)

8  Characteristics:  Network of Universities inside the Region;  special functions;  Adaptability:  in backward (knowledge adopting) regions;  Educational and research needs determined by the regional economy;  Unity of the Education and Research (Humboldt) Universities in the Regional Development Strategies - Regional University

9  Characteristics:  Institutionalized entrepreneur approach;  outreach activities, spin off establishments;  Implication of external financial funds;  Adaptability:  in developed (knowledge creator) regions;  regional, national and international researches;  separated educational and research organization, rotation besides them. Universities in the Regional Development Strategies – Entrepreneurial University

10  Social-cultural effects: educational economics, cultural economics, social capital theories);  Outgoings effect: calculable data, methods (multiple effects, cost-utility tables, econometrical models);  Knowledge effect: innovation effect of knowledge creation and transfer → Knowledge-management methodology Other theoretical approaches

11  Subject of Knowledge management:  Knowledge is input factor  Types of knowledge (tacit, explicit)  Knowledge creation model (SECI)  Subject of Regional Innovation approach:  Regional effects of University's knowledge transfer  Research directions:  Location theories  Knowledge externals  Regional Innovation Systems Knowledge management approach – Regional Innovation approach

12 Thank you for your attention Katalin Mezei – Mihály Lados MTA RKK Nyugat-magyarországi Tudományos Intézet H-9022 Győr, Liszt F. u. 10. H-9002 Győr, Pf. 420. Tel.: 00/36/96/516-570 Fax: 00/36/96/516-579 e-mail: web: The Role of Universities in the Regional Development

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