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Rambling discursive. to pacify, to appease mollify.

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Presentation on theme: "Rambling discursive. to pacify, to appease mollify."— Presentation transcript:

1 rambling discursive

2 to pacify, to appease mollify

3 sociable gregarious

4 fish scientist ichthyologist

5 roundabout expression circumlocution

6 almost completely transparent diaphanous

7 innocent and naive ingenuous

8 bringing sleep somniferous

9 clearly expressed perspicuous

10 an easy profitable job sinecure

11 treacherous; deceitful perfidious

12 speech to oneself soliloquy

13 not compromising intransigent

14 supporter adherent

15 not easily controlled intractable

16 burning caustic

17 a flowing together confluence

18 government by a few oligarchy

19 Remove from office or position depose

20 palm reading chiromancy

21 self-obsession egomania

22 painkiller analgesic

23 Outrageously bad or reprehensible egregious

24 multilingual; speaking multiple languages polyglot

25 rambling discursive

26 renounce; give up abjure

27 fish scientist ichthyologist

28 to pacify, to appease mollify

29 sociable gregarious

30 innocent and naive ingenuous

31 roundabout expression circumlocution

32 almost completely transparent diaphanous

33 bringing sleep somniferous

34 clearly expressed perspicuous

35 an easy profitable job sinecure

36 treacherous; deceitful perfidious

37 not compromising intransigent

38 burning caustic

39 speech to oneself soliloquy

40 a flowing together confluence

41 supporter adherent

42 multilingual; speaking multiple languages polyglot

43 Remove from office or position depose

44 government by a few oligarchy

45 palm reading chiromancy

46 not easily controlled intractable

47 painkiller analgesic

48 Outrageously bad or reprehensible egregious

49 renounce; give up abjure

50 self-obsession egomania

51 rambling discursive

52 to pacify, to appease mollify

53 roundabout expression circumlocution

54 sociable gregarious

55 fish scientist ichthyologist

56 bringing sleep somniferous

57 almost completely transparent diaphanous

58 innocent and naive ingenuous

59 clearly expressed perspicuous

60 speech to oneself soliloquy

61 an easy profitable job sinecure

62 treacherous; deceitful perfidious

63 not compromising intransigent

64 burning caustic

65 supporter adherent

66 not easily controlled intractable

67 government by a few oligarchy

68 a flowing together confluence

69 palm reading chiromancy

70 Remove from office or position depose

71 self-obsession egomania

72 Outrageously bad or reprehensible egregious

73 painkiller analgesic

74 rambling discursive

75 multilingual; speaking multiple languages polyglot

76 renounce; give up abjure

77 to pacify, to appease mollify

78 fish scientist ichthyologist

79 sociable gregarious

80 almost completely transparent diaphanous

81 innocent and naive ingenuous

82 roundabout expression circumlocution

83 bringing sleep somniferous

84 an easy profitable job sinecure

85 clearly expressed perspicuous

86 burning caustic

87 treacherous; deceitful perfidious

88 not compromising intransigent

89 speech to oneself soliloquy

90 supporter adherent

91 a flowing together confluence

92 multilingual; speaking multiple languages polyglot

93 government by a few oligarchy

94 Remove from office or position depose

95 palm reading chiromancy

96 painkiller analgesic

97 not easily controlled intractable

98 Outrageously bad or reprehensible egregious

99 self-obsession egomania

100 renounce; give up abjure

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