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Bad noise cacophony. self-centered egocentric at birth congenital.

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Presentation on theme: "Bad noise cacophony. self-centered egocentric at birth congenital."— Presentation transcript:

1 bad noise cacophony

2 self-centered egocentric

3 at birth congenital

4 touchable tangible

5 word from initial letters acronym

6 leader who obtains power by means of impassioned appeals demagogue

7 masculine & feminine androgynous

8 prevent preclude

9 sacred sacrosanct

10 code breaker cryptologist

11 foreknowledge prescience

12 racial or cultural prejudice ethnocentrism

13 to abolish, to do away with abrogate

14 to withdraw or disavow a statement recant

15 talkative loquacious

16 cancel revoke

17 argumentative disputatious

18 combative pugnacious

19 mediate intercede

20 sharp; cutting incisive

21 limited circumscribed

22 abusive criticism diatribe

23 to list or count enumerate

24 at birth congenital

25 abnormality anomaly

26 teacher pedagogue

27 bad noise cacophony

28 self-centered egocentric

29 touchable tangible

30 leader who obtains power by means of impassioned appeals demagogue

31 masculine & feminine androgynous

32 word from initial letters acronym

33 prevent preclude

34 sacred sacrosanct

35 code breaker cryptologist

36 foreknowledge prescience

37 to abolish, to do away with abrogate

38 cancel revoke

39 to withdraw or disavow a statement recant

40 abusive criticism diatribe

41 talkative loquacious

42 combative pugnacious

43 argumentative disputatious

44 racial or cultural prejudice ethnocentrism

45 sharp; cutting incisive

46 mediate intercede

47 limited circumscribed

48 teacher pedagogue

49 abnormality anomaly

50 to list or count enumerate

51 bad noise cacophony

52 self-centered egocentric

53 at birth congenital

54 touchable tangible

55 word from initial letters acronym

56 leader who obtains power by means of impassioned appeals demagogue

57 masculine & feminine androgynous

58 prevent preclude

59 sacred sacrosanct

60 code breaker cryptologist

61 cancel revoke

62 foreknowledge prescience

63 racial or cultural prejudice ethnocentrism

64 to abolish, to do away with abrogate

65 to withdraw or disavow a statement recant

66 talkative loquacious

67 argumentative disputatious

68 at birth congenital

69 combative pugnacious

70 mediate intercede

71 sharp; cutting incisive

72 limited circumscribed

73 abusive criticism diatribe

74 to list or count enumerate

75 abnormality anomaly

76 teacher pedagogue

77 bad noise cacophony

78 self-centered egocentric

79 touchable tangible

80 leader who obtains power by means of impassioned appeals demagogue

81 masculine & feminine androgynous

82 word from initial letters acronym

83 prevent preclude

84 sacred sacrosanct

85 code breaker cryptologist

86 foreknowledge prescience

87 to abolish, to do away with abrogate

88 cancel revoke

89 to withdraw or disavow a statement recant

90 abusive criticism diatribe

91 talkative loquacious

92 combative pugnacious

93 argumentative disputatious

94 racial or cultural prejudice ethnocentrism

95 sharp; cutting incisive

96 mediate intercede

97 limited circumscribed

98 to list or count enumerate

99 teacher pedagogue

100 abnormality anomaly

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