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Chip Rice Programs Manager Krista Sharp Environmental Scientist Find us on FACEBOOK!

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Presentation on theme: "Chip Rice Programs Manager Krista Sharp Environmental Scientist Find us on FACEBOOK!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chip Rice Programs Manager Krista Sharp Environmental Scientist Find us on FACEBOOK!

2 Grass Roots Organization Formed in 1985 Current staff of Seven with Five VISTA Volunteers Mission: To be the Voice and Active Force for a Healthy and Scenic Rappahannock River

3 A dvocacy: many fronts, working with local governments to improve code performance R estoration: River Clean Ups, Rainscape Retrofits, Riparian Buffer protection & improvement - E ducation: Pre-K through High School, SOL based programs. Over 7,000 students through our programs in 2011- 2012 academic and summer time period

4 Volunteers are Critical to our Mission Rappahannock Restore Corp

5 Managed by FOR Environmental Scientist – RiverTrends Certified Trainer Volunteers certified under ACBs RiverTrends protocol Actively monitor 12 Rappahannock and trib sites Collect: Dissolved Oxygen, pH, temperature, turbidity, E. coli and nutrients (Nitrates and Phosphates)

6 Partnership between: FOR Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay City of Fredericksburg Hazel Run Watershed 2008 303(d) impaired listing Suffers from: E. coli, pH, degraded macroinvertebrate communities and PCBs

7 Hazel Run Project 2009 Bacteria Focus Established six additional sites Conducted a screening level assessment - Coliscan Easygel method Noted clear bacteria issues and spikes before and after rain events

8 2010 Applied for funding 2011 Initiated Sampling Goals: Tier 3 level data bacteria assessment Raise awareness through developing watershed scorecards

9 Funding: Project Management = $2,600 Supplies = $350 Data Management ($10/site) = $1500 Total Project Request = $4000 Matching: City of Fredericksburg – $6,600 Lab Fees FOR - $500 from other funding source Volunteers = $2,700

10 Project Closing October 2012 Spaced sampling out to cover 2 summer warm periods Finalizing Report Cards Producing supplemental report



13 The purpose of this supplemental report: is to take an in depth look of the current levels of bacterial contamination in Hazel Run and to discuss possible sources, areas that require further investigation and solutions.

14 Site: FOR 6 Location: Hazel Run between Rt. 17/2 and Rt. 3, 38.2926, -77.4545 Fecal contamination extremely, correlation with rainfall Potential source pipe outlet or adjacent Sewer line

15 Site: FOR 1 Location: Alum Springs Park Access Road Crossing, 38.2898, - 77.4816 Source: Alum Springs is a popular park for dog walking, Lots of poo on slope between apartments and creek! Recommendation: Install pet waste info kiosk with bags/trash Work with adjacent neighborhoods to educate on the importance of cleaning up after their pets.

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