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Mulberry Street Bend, 1889 5-Cent Lodgings Men s Lodgings.

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4 Mulberry Street Bend, 1889

5 5-Cent Lodgings

6 Men s Lodgings

7 Women s Lodgings

8 Immigrant Family Lodgings

9 Dumbbell Tenement Plan Tenement House Act of 1879, NYC

10 Blind Beggar, 1888

11 Italian Rag-Picker

12 1890s Morgue – Basement Saloon

13 Black & Tan Saloon

14 Bandits Roost

15 Mullen s Alley Gang

16 The Street Was Their Playground

17 Lower East Side Immigrant Family

18 A Struggling Immigrant Family

19 Another Struggling Immigrant Family


21 Rosa Schneiderman, Garment Worker

22 Child Labor

23 Average Shirtwaist Worker s Week 51 hours or less4,5545% 52-57 hours65,03379% 58-63 hours12,21115% Over 63 hours5621% Total employees, men and women 82,360

24 Womens Trade Union League

25 Women Voting for a Strike!

26 The Uprising of the Twenty Thousands (Dedicated to the Waistmakers of 1909) In the black of the winter of nineteen nine, When we froze and bled on the picket line, We showed the world that women could fight And we rose and won with women's might. Chorus: Hail the waistmakers of nineteen nine, Making their stand on the picket line, Breaking the power of those who reign, Pointing the way, smashing the chain. And we gave new courage to the men Who carried on in nineteen ten And shoulder to shoulder we'll win through, Led by the I.L.G.W.U.

27 Local 25 with Socialist Paper, The Call

28 Social and Political Activists Clara Lemlich, Labor Organizer Carola Woerishoffer, Bryn Mawr Graduate

29 Public Fear of Unions/Anarchists

30 Arresting the Girl Strikers for Picketing

31 Scabs Hired


33 The Shirtwaist Kings Max Blanck and Isaac Harris

34 Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Asch Building, 8 th and 10 th Floors


36 Typical NYC Sweatshop, 1910






42 Inside the Building After the Fire

43 Most Doors Were Locked


45 Crumpled Fire Escape, 26 Died

46 One of the Heroes

47 10 th Floor After the Fire

48 Dead Bodies on the Sidewalk

49 One of the Lucky Ones?

50 Rose Schneiderman The Last Survivor

51 Scene at the Morgue

52 Relatives Review Bodies 145 Dead

53 Page of the New York Journal

54 One of the Many Funerals

55 Protestors March to City Hall

56 Labor Unions March as Mourners

57 Women Workers March to City Hall

58 The Investigation


60 Francis Perkins Future Secetary Of Labor

61 Alfred E. Smith – Future NYC Mayor and Presidential Candidate

62 Future Senator Robert Wagner

63 Out of the Ashes ÔILGWU membership surged. ÔNYC created a Bureau of Fire Prevention. ÔNew strict building codes were passed. ÔTougher fire inspection of sweatshops. ÔGrowing momentum of support for womens suffrage.

64 The Foundations Were Laid for the New Deal Here in 1911 ÔAl Smith ran unsuccessfully in 1928 on many of the reform programs that would be successful for another New Yorker 4 years later – FDR. ÔIn the 1930s, the federal government created OSHA [the Occupational Safety & Health Administration]. ÔThe Wagner Act. ÔFrancis Perkins first female Cabinet member [Secretary of Labor] in FDRs administration.

65 History of the Needlecraft Industry by Ernest Feeney, 1938

66 Bibliography Ô Davis, Hadley. Reform and the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire. Concord Review offsite.htm?site=http%3A%2F%2Fwww. Ô Famous Trials: The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Trial - 1911. triangle/ Ô The Triangle Fire.

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