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1 TR and Wilson Dr Jensen TAH 2008. 2 Bryan-- loser in 1896 1900 1908.

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Presentation on theme: "1 TR and Wilson Dr Jensen TAH 2008. 2 Bryan-- loser in 1896 1900 1908."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 TR and Wilson Dr Jensen TAH 2008

2 2 Bryan-- loser in 1896 1900 1908

3 3 Bryan as Don Quixote Loses in 1900

4 4 JUDGE 1907

5 5 Protectionist View

6 6

7 7 Presidential Progressives 4 contrasting styles Roosevelt: the Warrior –strong moral character; call to battle Taft: the Judge –judicial supremacy, cautious Wilson: the Priest –moralism; global leadership; inflexible Hoover: the Engineer –pro-business; poor politician

8 8 Teddy Roosevelt (1858-1919) Media Superstar; middle class hero Family: wealthy business; Civil War? The Cowboy; manliness; extreme sports; barbarian & civilized intellectual in politics; history & biology 1890s: Navy & Empire; Spanish War 1898 President 1901-1909 1912 Progressive 3rd Party split GOP

9 9 TR as President 1901-09 Railroads: mild regulation by ICC & Courts National Civic Federation –business/union cooperation to avert radicalism; settle 1902 Coal Strike Conservation: efficient use of resources Good Trusts (US Steel) Vs Bad Ones (Standard Oil, Northern Securities) 1907 Panic; he blames big business Elihu Root modernizes the Army –Modernization in Cuba, Philippines

10 10 Railroad Reform The Problem: monopoly RR as threat to businessmen and to politics Solution: Federal Regulation –ICC controls rates; no rebates; no secrets Railway Labor: 1916 Wilson gives in –1918: Wilson seizes all railroads –1920: railroads returned to private hands Long term: regulation helps shippers and hurts RR; cant compete w highways

11 11 William Howard Taft

12 12 Taft wins big In 1908 Over Bryan

13 13 Taft was a Progressive At heart but Cut deals With Cannon and Aldrich

14 14 Aldrich was the Conservative GOP Senate leader. Taft begs and TR is mad.

15 15 Puck May 10, 1911

16 16 Uncle Joe Cannon Rules the House Norris leads 1910 revolt that weakens Speaker

17 17 TR vs Taft for control of GOP, 1911-12

18 18

19 19

20 20 Taft beats TR for nomination TR walks out, forms new party

21 21 1912 TR Wilson Taft

22 22 Wilson

23 23 Dem Sweep in 1912

24 24 Wilson & Brandeis: trusts are inefficient

25 25 Wilson controls Dem party

26 26 World War

27 27 Antiwar mood in America Antiwar –Germans & Irish –Midwest –Women –Clergy Pro-Britain –British-Americans –Intellectuals Ding Darling

28 28 Ding Darling

29 29 Wilson: Let us be neutral McCutcheon

30 30 TR for war & Bryan against: both parties divided

31 31 Wilson (Dem) reelected 1916

32 32 Wilson tries to mediate He is ridiculed Britain: maybe –Goal: Stop Germany Germany: maybe –Goals: control Europe Italy: NEVER

33 33 US: Wilson preaches peace

34 34 Germany: Wilson a hypocrite

35 35 Debs & radicals opposed draft & sent to prison

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