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Redesigning Work Experience 7 th July 2011 Kath Ridealgh County Adviser 14-19 Curriculum.

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1 Redesigning Work Experience 7 th July 2011 Kath Ridealgh County Adviser 14-19 Curriculum

2 9.30 – WE in Suffolk – latest update 9.45 - What future Work Experience in Light of Wolf Review – What Schools/Partnerships need to know about the legal implications of taking on WE – LA and WE provider responsibilities? 10.45 Break for Coffee 11.00 - TJ setting up A WE Scheme – things to consider - What procedures are needed to ensure schools/partnerships can provide a safe WE offer? Good practice examples 12.15 KR - What support is available to help schools make the transition from current to new practice? 12.30 Close

3 Suffolk WE Update SCC WEU ceases operations as of 31 st July. All current risk assessed WEU placements can be used up to the expiry date of the placement Veryan will remain under CYP ownership until licence expires 31 st October 2011.

4 Suffolk WE Update Up to 31 st October 2011 Schools will be able to download all their relevant employer information and Veryan have agreed to add a download button to webview to assist you in this CYP have also agreed to business support staff with Veryan experience in place until then to help you during the transition Support for schools during this transition phase has now been agreed and today is only the beginning …..

5 Support Materials available – samples on display H&S Audits and healthchecks Training/support sessions on developing WE and WRL schemes (Autumn Term) If required, marketplace/bazaar of commercial WE packages for schools and partnerships to review and discuss best VFM WE/WRL Networks to share and learn about best practice WE blog

6 Welcome to the new Work Experience and Work Related Learning Blog! We hope this site develops into an active network to share good practice and provide support to all involved in providing real work experiences for the young people in Suffolk!

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