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How do we analyse a text? There are many ways – and just labelling something is not the most interesting.

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Presentation on theme: "How do we analyse a text? There are many ways – and just labelling something is not the most interesting."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do we analyse a text? There are many ways – and just labelling something is not the most interesting

2 The what - Asking what questions dont give the most interesting insights though they do need to be asked as initial ways into a text.

3 The why - Now – the why questions are much more interesting and lead to a deeper understanding of a text through pragmatics.

4 The dramatic story of the ice cream van! Jane heard the ice cream van coming Start of story – events have already happened – past tense Name; Subject Proper noun Third person Verb Past tense Definite article – so specific Noun phrase – van is premodified Cultural reference Verb – present continuous Simple declarative sentence

5 But what assumptions do we make? Hot day? Summer? Noise of a chime? Era of the story? Name – cultural suggestions? This is pragmatics – our shared knowledge of a text and the underlying assumptions

6 She remembered her pocket money. Pronoun Refers back Verb Past tense Pronoun Third person Noun phrase Subject verb object pattern – simple sentence

7 What further assumptions are here? She is a child Children get pocket money She is well off? She saves ? Forgetful? She has some money left?

8 Sentence type? Function? She rushed into the house. P…. V… Pr…. D …. N…

9 Our final assumptions? She is outside She is enthusiastic The ice cream van is not going to hang around so she needs to be quick She was playing outside when she heard the chimes of the van The house is her home


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