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Singing with the Spirit Goodman Oaks Church of Christ September 28, 2011 Wednesday evening…Session I.

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Presentation on theme: "Singing with the Spirit Goodman Oaks Church of Christ September 28, 2011 Wednesday evening…Session I."— Presentation transcript:

1 Singing with the Spirit Goodman Oaks Church of Christ September 28, 2011 Wednesday evening…Session I

2 Singing with the Spirit Course Outline I.What Shall We Sing? II.Singing from the Heart III.The Song Leaders Job! IV.Song Leaders 101 V.What about…?

3 Exodus 15:1-19 I will sing to the Lord, for He is highly exalted… The Lord is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation; This is my God, and I will praise Him… Your right hand, O Lord, is majestic in power…Who is like You, majestic in holiness, awesome in praises…You have led the people whom You have redeemed; The Lord shall reign forever and ever. What is the emotion?

4 PASSION What is exciting to you? Do people know YOUR passion?

5 Is your passion contagious?

6 Next to the Bible one should have a knowledge of psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. They teach the truths about God and are the means of admonishing one another to live the Christian life with more devotion and sincerity. These songs are sung in praise to God and in thanksgiving for His eternal goodness and love toward us. Our recognition of the importance of singing in our worship and its inspiration in our daily lives will lead us to desire a fuller knowledge of singing. Irma Lee Batey

7 Singing with the Spirit What Shall We Sing? 1…Choosing the songs 2…We sang that last week! (record keeping) 3…Hymn text integrity; what is it? 4…Why wont they sing? 5…Building an order of worship

8 What Shall We Sing? Choosing the songs *Psalms *Hymns *Spiritual Songs Ephesians 5:19Colossians 3:16 Whats the difference?

9 Psalms (scriptural) Hymns (praise/thanksgiving to God) Spiritual Songs The Difference?

10 1. Angry words! O let them never From the tongue unbridled slip; May the heart's best impulse ever Check them ere they soil the lip. 1 - Angry Words (719) Words by: Sunday School Teacher (D. K. P.) Music by: H. R. Palmer © 2001 The Paperless Hymnal

11 "Love one another," thus saith the Savior; Children, obey the Father's blest command; "Love one another," thus saith the Savior; Children, obey the blest command. c - Angry Words (719) © 2001 The Paperless Hymnal

12 c - Angry Words (719) © 2001 The Paperless Hymnal

13 When do we pick songs for Sunday AM/PM?

14 How much TIME do you give to selecting your songs?

15 Song Leaders (interactive) Workshop Does it Really Matter…? *Song BEFORE the Lesson… *Invitation Song… WHY?

16 What Shall We Sing? We sang that last week! ( record keeping )

17 Record Keeping Time… Organization… Follow through… Time… A Champion! How do I keep from repeating the same songs?

18 Microsoft EXCEL Didnt we just sing that?

19 What Shall We Sing? Hymn text integrity ( what is it? )

20 Hymn Text Integrity In YOUR opinion… what is most important in our singing?

21 Rating Chart for Hymns: Answer each question with a number, according to the following scale: 0-almost not at all1-a little2-reasonable so 3-almost entirely Text 1. Are the words true?___ 2. Are the words God centered?___ 3. Do the words have a sensible meaning?___ 4. Are the words reverent?___ 5. Are the words appropriate for this service?___ 6. Are the words poetically beautiful?___ Music 7. Does it have a worshipful connotation?___ 8. Does it serve the message well?___ 9. Is the music of high quality?___ 10. Is the congregation familiar with it?___ 11. Is it free from distracting elements?___ Congregation 12. Does the song fit its educational & cultural level?___ 13. Does the congregation understand the message?___ Song Leader 14. Do you understand the message of the song?___ 15. Do you know how it will fit this particular service?___ 16. Do you have the technical ability to lead it?___ Dr. John F. Wilson

22 What Shall We Sing? Why wont they sing?

23 He leads songs I dont know… Top 4 Reasons (excuses) Why They wont sing? I cant sing… I dont have a good voice

24 Do you know why… …youre singing? Will you give God the glory? Song Leading is not a contest? Do you understand what…

25 What Shall We Sing? Building an order of worship

26 2 Songs, a Prayer, and a Song… Is that all it takes? Order of Worship

27 Sermon Title (topic) 1…Focus, prayerful 2…Sermon Topic 3…Scripture Reading 4…Theme, Key 5…Tempo & Style Practice Sermon Text/Title Luke 8:4-15 Home Schooling Revelation 6:1-11 What is a Family? Ephesians 6:10-13

28 Song Selection 1…Focus, prayerful 2…Sermon Topic 3…Scripture Reading 4…Theme 5…Tempo & Style Additional Practice Scripture Reading Psalm 148 Hebrews 11:1 Romans 6:1-7 Amos 6:1-7 Mood…Tempo & Style Lords Supper Song BEFORE the Lesson Invitation Song Closing Song

29 What Shall We Sing? 1…Selecting your songs 2…Keeping track of the songs we sing 3…Hymn Integrity…is this a worthy song 4…Reasons folks dont want to sing? 5…Sunday AM/PM Order of Worship

30 Singing with the Spirit Ask yourself… Is my passion to lead singing or to inspire Gods people to praise?

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