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Diabetes: Where Are We Now?
25 March 2017 Diabetes: Where Are We Now? Elaine M. Szewc, RN, BS, AALU, ALMI Assistant Chief Medical Director Presentation Title
Overview 25 March 2017 According to the 2011 National Diabetes Fact Sheet (released 1/26/2011): 25.8 million individuals (8.3% of the population) in the U.S. have diabetes 18.8 million have a diagnosis of diabetes 7.0 million are undiagnosed 1.9 million NEW cases of diabetes are diagnosed each year in individuals over age 20 79 million have “pre-diabetes” Prevalence 2 million adolescents, age have “pre-diabetes” 25.6 million (11.3 %) over age 20 10.9 million (26.9%) over age 65 Source: Presentation Title
Adults with Diagnosed Diabetes, US, 1980--2009
Overview (cont’d) Morbidity and Mortality:
25 March 2017 Morbidity and Mortality: 7th leading cause of death listed on U.S. death certificates in 2007 as “underlying cause of death” In 2004, heart disease was noted on 68% of diabetes-related death certificates among individuals 65 and up, while stroke was noted on 16% Diabetics with heart disease have 2 to 4 times higher death rates than adults without diabetes Risk for stroke is 2 to 4 times higher among diabetics Diabetes is the leading cause of new cases of blindness each year, with 12,000 to 24,000 new cases of diabetic retinopathy Source: Presentation Title
Overview (cont’d) Morbidity and Mortality (cont’d):
25 March 2017 Morbidity and Mortality (cont’d): Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure, accounting for 44% of new cases in 2008 60 to 70% of individuals with diabetes will have mild to severe peripheral neuropathy as a result of their diabetes 60% of non-traumatic lower-limb amputations occur in individuals with diabetes Source: Presentation Title
IGT/IFG/Pre-Diabetes – Defined
25 March 2017 Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT)/impaired fasting glucose (IFG) is now known as pre-diabetes Pre-diabetes is the state that occurs when blood glucose levels are higher than normal but not high enough for a diagnosis of diabetes Just a name change Clearer explanation of what it means to have higher than normal blood glucose levels Individuals with pre-diabetes have 1.5 fold risk of CAD Individuals with diabetes have 2 to 4 fold risk of CAD Individuals with pre-diabetes can delay or prevent onset of diabetes through lifestyle changes 25% of individuals will progress to diabetes over 3 to 5 years Those with family history, obesity are more likely to progress more rapidly Presentation Title
IGT/IFG/Pre-Diabetes – Defined (cont’d)
25 March 2017 Undiagnosed diabetes can cause progressive microvascular disease Approximately 20% of newly diagnosed patients with Type 2 DM have diabetic retinopathy and 10% have nephropathy (microvascular complications) IGT/IFG/pre-diabetes are NOT clinical entities, but rather risk factors for diabetes as well as cardiovascular disease Source: Presentation Title
Diabetes - Defined 1997 – the ADA refined terms to describe diabetes
25 March 2017 1997 – the ADA refined terms to describe diabetes Encouraged use of Type 1 or Type 2 and discouraged use of terms such as juvenile onset, insulin-dependent, non-insulin dependent, mature onset or adult onset 2003 – criteria for fasting plasma glucose level to define impaired fasting glucose (IFG) was lowered Lowering level impacts many older age individuals Allows early diagnosis and potential risk factor modifications to prevent micro and macrovascular risk 2010 – added A1c to diagnostic criteria --the addition of the A1c as criteria added after testing assays have been standardized --the addition of the A1c may decrease the proportion of patients identified as having diabetes, since some of these may actually have IFG Source: Up-to-date, Diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, McCulloch David, updated August 2009 Presentation Title
Diabetes – Defined (cont’d)
25 March 2017 Criteria for the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, 2010 A1c > 6.5% OR FPG 126 mg/dl (7.0 mmol/l). Fasting is defined as no caloric intake for at least 8 hours 2-h plasma glucose 200mg/dl (11.1 mmol/l) during an OGTT. The test should be performed as described by the World Health Organization, using a glucose load containing the equivalent of 75 g anhydrous glucose dissolved in water Symptoms of diabetes and a random plasma glucose 200 mg/dl (11.1 mmol/l). Casual is defined as any time of day without regard to time since last meal. The classic symptoms of diabetes include polyuria, polydipsia, and unexplained weight loss A1C was added, summer of 2009 by International Expert Committee – prior concern with using A1C was based on lack of standardization of the assay Those with abnormal A1C between 6.0 and 6.5% are at very high risk of developing diabetes Individuals with A1C between 5.5 and 6.0% have a 5 year incidence of diabetes that ranges from 12 – 25% In the absence of unequivocal hyperglycemia (plasma glucose levels 200 mg/dL) with symptoms, MUST repeat to confirm dx Source: Up-to-date, Diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, McCulloch David, updated June 2011 Presentation Title
Diabetes – Defined (cont’d)
25 March 2017 Categories of increased risk for diabetes: Impaired fasting glucose (IFG) FPG > mg/dL Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) 2 hour PG (75g OGTT) > 140 – 199 mg/dL A1c 5.7 – 6.4% Normal fasting glucose < 100 mg/dL Source: Up-to-date, Diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, McCulloch David, updated June 2011 Presentation Title
ADA Guidelines – IGT/IFG
25 March 2017 Goal of intervention in individuals with IGT or IFG includes prevention of diabetes and associated risk of cardiovascular disease Lifestyle modifications are the primary intervention Specific goals include: Moderate weight loss (5 – 10% of body weight) Moderate intensity exercise (30 minutes daily) Smoking cessation Pharmacologic agents (metformin) have demonstrated some ability to prevent or delay diabetes Source: Up-To-Date, Prediction and prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus, McCulloch David K MD, Robertson R Paul MD; updated June 2009 Presentation Title
ADA Treatment -- Diabetes
25 March 2017 Primary goal in treatment of diabetes is glycemic control (~ 7% for A1C) to reduce microvascular (retinopathy and nephropathy), and neuropathic complications, as well as macrovascular (cardiovascular, cerebrovascular) risk reduction Less stringent control in subset of individuals with history of severe hypoglycemia, limited life expectancy (< 5 years), advanced microvascular or macrovascular complications and extensive co-morbid conditions Risk factor modification to further reduce cardiovascular morbidity and risk of future cardiac events Presentation Title
Diabetes and CAD 25 March 2017 Compared to individuals without diabetes, those with diabetes have a higher prevalence of CAD, a greater extent of coronary ischemia and are more likely to have a MI, and silent ischemia --National cholesterol Education program report from the US consider type II DM to be a CHD equivalent Source: Up-To-Date, Prevalence of and risk factors for coronary heart disease in diabetes mellitus, Nesto, Richard W. MD; updated September 2009 Presentation Title
Diabetes and CAD (cont’d)
25 March 2017 Based on results from Framingham Heart Study and MRFIT, diabetes remains a major independent cardiovascular risk factor even when adjusting for advancing age, hypertension, smoking, hypercholesterolemia and LVH Presence of diabetes doubled the age-adjusted risk for cardiovascular disease in men and tripled it in women Framingham study revealed in Type I diabetics that after age 30, CHD mortality increased rapidly Cumulative CHD mortality was 35 % by age 55, compared to 8% for non-diabetic men --both studies had predominately type II DM Presentation Title
Diabetes and CAD (cont’d)
25 March 2017 TAMI trial provided cath data which revealed the diabetic patients had a significantly higher incidence of multivessel disease (66% versus 46%) and a greater number of diseased vessels then the non-diabetics Multivessel disease is also common in asymptomatic individuals with Type 2 diabetes, particularly those with two or more coronary risk factors other then diabetes Association between extent of coronary disease and the degree of glycemic control --TAMI (thrombolysis and angioplasty in MI) cath date during acute MI, 148 diabetics and 923 nondiabetic patients, cath performed at 90 min and 7 to 10 days after thrombolytic therapy --diabetics may have a blunted appreciation of ischemic pain, which may result in atypical anginal symtpoms, silent ischemia or even silent infarction --silent ischemia in diabetes is thought to be caused at least inpart by autonomic denervation of the heart Presentation Title
Diabetes and CAD (cont’d)
25 March 2017 ARIC study in US, large population based study revealed Type 2 diabetics without a prior infarction were at the same risk for MI (20% versus 19%) and coronary mortality (15% versus 16%) as non-diabetics with a prior MI Diabetics are more likely to experience a complication associated with an MI, including post infarction angina and heart failure --contributory factors are diabetic paitents are more likely to have multivessel disease and fewer coronary collateral vessels Presentation Title
42% diabetics vs 16% nondiab with prior MI
25 March 2017 --Diabetics with and without MI had > mortality from CAD then nondiabetics 42% diabetics vs 16% nondiab with prior MI 15% diabetics vs 2 % nondiab without prior MI --Coronary death in diab same as nondiabetic with MI Presentation Title
Diabetes and CAD (cont’d)
25 March 2017 Individuals with diabetes comprise as much as 25-30% of those individuals who undergo revascularization PCI versus CABG Diabetics having PCI have increased rates of both restenosis and progression of disease compared to non-diabetics Drug-eluting stents (DES) are now used in preference to bare metal stents (BMS) due to marked reductions in incidence of restenosis Long-term prognosis after CABG in patients with diabetes is worse then in non-diabetics Future of PCI with DES versus CABG? --maintaining of Hgb A1c of < 7 preprocedural and post procedural has lowered rate of restenosis --diabetics who have CABG tend to have worse risk factor profile – tend to be older, more three-vessel disease and poor EF --diabetics who undergo CABG have worse prognosis if internal mammary is not used for one of grafts --with drug-eluting stents now being used predominately, future studies may reveal that the difference in mortality between PCI and CABG is not as significant in certain scenario Source: Up-To-Date, Coronary artery revascularization inpatients with diabetes mellitus, Nesto, Richard w. MD, updated June 2009 Presentation Title
Diabetes and CAD (cont’d)
25 March 2017 BUT………….. Improving trends over the last 50 years with incidence of cardiovascular disease declining Framingham Heart Study 49% decline in cardiovascular events (MI, CAD death, stroke) in diabetics 35% decline in cardiovascular events in non-diabetics BUT…………… Diabetes was still associated with a two-fold increase in risk Presentation Title
Diabetes and Hypertension
25 March 2017 UKPDS (United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study) noted at nine-year follow-up: Each 10 mmHg reduction in mean systolic pressure was associated with a 12% reduction in any complication related to diabetes (including cardiovascular disease) Lowest risk occurred at systolic pressure < 120 mmHg Similar relationship noted with fatal or non-fatal MI as incidence fell from 33.1% per 1,000 patient years at systolic pressure >160 mmHg to 18.4% per 1,000 patient years at systolic pressure <120 mmHg Aggressive antihypertensive therapy with recommended goal blood pressure <130/80 mmHg Presentation Title
25 March 2017 --tighter bld pressure control reduces risk for microvascular complications Presentation Title
Diabetes and Dyslipidemia
25 March 2017 With diabetes being considered a CHD equivalent Goal LDL is <100 mg/dL in individuals without overt CAD – in those with CAD goal LDL is < 70 mg/dL Triglyercide levels <150 mg/dL HDL levels >40 mg/dL for men and >50 mg/dL for women Presentation Title
Diabetes and Microalbuminuria
25 March 2017 Microalbuminuria is defined as persistent urinary albumin excretion between 30 and 300 mg/day Microalbuminuria is the earliest clinical manifestation of diabetic nephropathy Associated with an increase risk of cardiovascular disease in both diabetic and non-diabetic patients Relative risk for all cause mortality was 1.9 compared to individuals with no evidence for microalbuminuria Relative risk for cardiovascular and coronary heart disease mortality was 2.0 and 2.3 compared to individuals with no evidence for microalbuminuria Macroalbuminuria is defined as albumin excretion above 300 mg/day --presence of microalbuminuria in non-diabetic is associated with cardiovascular disease, mechanism of such is not well understood, appears to be a signal from the kidney that the vasculature particulary endothelium is not functioning normally --type I diabetes first begins to appear 5 years after diagnosis and is correlated with diabetic nephropathy --type II diabetes the presence of microalbuminuria is often present at diagnosis and may reflect underlying cardiovascular disease rather then diabetic nephropathy --fever, vigorous exercise, heart failure and poor glycemic control are among factors that can cause transient microalbuminuria Source: Up-To-Date, Microabluminuria in type 2 diabetes mellitus, McCulloch, David K. MD, Barkris, George L. MD; updated August 2009 Presentation Title
Diabetes and Microalbuminuria (cont’d)
25 March 2017 In individuals with Type 1 diabetes, the reported prevalence of microalbuminuria at 10 years is between 25-40% Prevalence of microalbuminuria in Type 2 diabetes, varies with ethnicity, being higher in Asians and Hispanics than in whites (43% versus 33% in whites) Prevalence of microalbuminuria in elderly individuals with Type 2 diabetes is higher (? Due to hypertension, coronary disease etc) Source: Up-To-Date, Microalbuminuria in type 2 diabetes mellitus, McCulloch, David K.MD, Bakris, George L. MD; updated August 2009 Presentation Title
Diabetes and Microalbuminuria (cont’d)
25 March 2017 HOPE (Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation) trial 9,000 participants Presence of microalbuminuria was associated with an increased relative risk of primary aggregate end point (myocardial infarction, stroke, or cardiovascular death) in those with and without diabetes (1.97 and 1.61 respectively) Risk of an adverse cardiovascular event increased progressively with increased absolute levels of microalbuminuria Presentation Title
Diabetes and Microalbuminuria (cont’d)
25 March 2017 Rate of progression to macroalbuminuria is approximately 2.5% in Type 1 and 2.8% per year in Type 2 Higher baseline levels of albuminuria Poor glycemic control Inadequate blood pressure control Smoking Presentation Title
Diabetes and Microalbuminuria (cont’d)
25 March 2017 Regression to normoalbuminuria Short duration of microalbuminuria Better glycemic control (Hgb A1C < 7%) Systolic blood pressure <129 mmHg Use of ACE inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor blockers Regression or at least 50% reduction in albumin excretion compared to no reduction was associated with significant reductions in death from and hospitalization for renal and cardiovascular events (adjusted risk 0.41) Source: Up-To-Date, Microalbuminuria in type 2 diabetes mellitus, McCulloch, David K.MD, Bakris, George L. MD; updated August 2009 Presentation Title
Diabetes and Microalbuminuria (cont’d)
25 March 2017 Focus of treatment: Glycemic control Blood pressure control Angiotension converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) Calcium channel blockers – primarily diltiazem and verapamil for the antiproteinuric effect Goal is to reduce both microalbuminuria and prevent progression to macroalbuminuria Presentation Title
Diabetes and Elderly Adults
25 March 2017 Prevalence of Type 2 diabetes continues to increase with increasing age 1.4% in ages 25-44 3.6% in ages 45-54 7.8% in ages 55-64 Over 10% in ages >65 Prevalence of Type 2 diabetes is likely to further increase with the new diagnostic criteria and current recommendations to screen individuals over age 45 once every three years Source: Up-To-Date, Treatment of diabetes mellitus in elderly adults, McCulloch, David K. MD, Munshi, Medha, MD, updated June 2009 Presentation Title
Diabetes and Elderly Adults (cont’d)
25 March 2017 According to ADA, goals for glycemic control as well as risk factor management in the elderly adult should be based upon the overall health Target A1C in a fit elderly individual with life expectancy >5 years, should be 7.0 to 8.0% Somewhat higher if life expectancy is less or if multiple medical and functional co-morbidities Presentation Title
Diabetes and Elderly Adults (cont’d)
25 March 2017 Managing elderly adults with diabetes and co-existing medical conditions is a challenge Hypoglycemia & Hyperglycemia Cognition difficulties Increased risk for falls and injuries Hypoglycemic episodes increase the risk of adverse cardiovascular events Drug interactions from poly pharmacy Start slow and go slow with medication changes or additions Natural history of diabetic retinopathy may differ in elderly adults Macular degeneration Presentation Title
Diabetes and Elderly Adults (cont’d)
25 March 2017 Diabetic nephropathy Renal artery stenosis Diabetic neuropathy Vascular conditions Neurologic conditions Cardiovascular risk reduction Maintain risk factor modifications Presentation Title
What has Changed in Underwriting Diabetes?
Type I diabetic Life insurance coverage available! Insulin Pumps Pancreatic & islet transplantation Type II diabetic Increased prevalence Use of insulin to control blood glucose Changing focus of control, more emphasis on cardiovascular risk factor modifications
What’s New, What’s Pending
Insulin inhalers in clinical trials Afrezza – ultra rapid acting inhaled insulin, absorbed through lungs, peaks 12 to 14 minutes after inhaled – short acting (3 hours) used at meal time to buffer the “glucose spikes” Oral-lyn – rapid acting inhaled insulin, sprayed in mouth absorbed through buccal mucosa, used at meal time PH20 – new ultrafast insulin analog – Phase 2 trials Juvisnyc FDA approval 10/7/11 – combines Sitagliptin (Januvia) & simvastatin to treat high cholesterol and Type 2 diabetes Insulin degludec – awaiting FDA approval -- long acting insulin, clinical trials have favorable results in lowering frequency of hypoglycemia especially during night
What’s New, What’s Pending (cont’d)
Awaiting FDA approval for clinical trials – wireless insulin delivery system that functions like a human pancreas – continuous glucose monitor, programmable insulin pump, computer algorithm that calculates how much insulin is need and when needed Pending FDA approval – Iglucose, wirelessly collects, stores and transmits glucose readings from select glucose monitors to a secure HIPPA compliant database that can be sent to your healthcare provider FDA approved iPro2 is a 3 day evaluation system for continuous glucose monitoring – glucose sensor inserted into patients skin, after 3 days sensor removed – helps identify nocturnal hypoglycemia or postprandial hyperglycemia The list goes on…………………………
Controlling Diabetes Disability and premature death are not inevitable consequence of diabetes Physical activity, diet, medications can control effects of diabetes Reducing A1c by 1% can reduce risk of eye, kidney, retinopathy by 40% Controlling blood pressure can reduce risk of heart disease and stroke by 33 – 50% Improving LDL cholesterol can reduce cardiovascular complications by 20 – 50% Laser therapy for diabetic retinopathy can reduce risk of blindness by 50 – 60% Foot care programs can reduce amputation rates by 45-85%
The Many Faces of Diabetes
25 March 2017 Can you identify who has diabetes? Who has Type I, Type II? Who has multiple complications? Presentation Title
Diabetes Case Studies 25 March 2017 So, is diabetes with a little of this and a little of that really all that bad? Presentation Title
Case Study #1 82 year-old female, Non-Smoker, informal $120,000 Exam:
25 March 2017 82 year-old female, Non-Smoker, informal $120,000 Exam: 5’3”, 192 lbs, 164/87 (exam average) Type 2 DM, diet controlled HBP on meds ^ lipids on meds Neuropathy on neurontin DWR 10/10 GUG 8 seconds Drives, socially active with senior center, mows her own lawn Presentation Title
Case Study #1 (cont’d) Labs: Glucose 81 mg/dL Fructosamine 2mmol/L
25 March 2017 Labs: Glucose 81 mg/dL Fructosamine 2mmol/L BUN 19 Creatinine 0.7 Cholesterol 184 – ratio 4.6 proBNP 110 pg/mL Urine: Protein 7 mg p/c ratio 0.12 mg/mg cr Hemogloblin screen (+) WBC 3 RBC 5 Presentation Title
Case Study #1 (cont’d) APS:
25 March 2017 APS: Diabetes for last 5+ years, diet controlled A1C in aps ranges from 6.0 to 7.1 (2/10 labs) Hx of UTI in 3/09 and again in 2/10 Random urine MA in 3/09 35 ug/mL (normal to 17) Serum creatinine range from 0.6 to 0.75 mg/dL eGFR >59 Blood pressure average in APS was 120/80 over the last three years Presentation Title
Case Study #1 (cont’d) Additional urine #1 Protein 2mg
25 March 2017 Additional urine #1 Protein 2mg Creatinine 8.2 mg/dL p/c ratio 0.24 mg/mg cr Hemogloblin screen (-) MA 0.7 mg/dL (normal <3) Malb/creat ratio mg/Gcre (normal <30) Opinion? Additional urine #2 Protein 2mg Creatinine 5.7 mg/dL p/c ratio 0.35 mg/mg cr Hemogloblin screen (-) MA 0.6 mg/dL Malb/creat ratio mg/Gcre (+) urine MA with good KFT’s, good bld pressure control Presentation Title
Case Study #1 (cont’d) Opinion?
25 March 2017 Opinion? (+) urine MA with good KFT’s, good blood pressure control Mild substandard to standard (+) urine MA with good KFT’s, good bld pressure control Presentation Title
Case Study #2 49 year-old male, Non-Smoker, formal $750,000 Exam:
25 March 2017 49 year-old male, Non-Smoker, formal $750,000 Exam: 6’2”, 200 lbs DM since age 24 HBP Meds – novolog, lantus, caduet, avalide Presentation Title
Case Study #2 (cont’d) Labs: Glucose 117 mg/dL
25 March 2017 Labs: Glucose 117 mg/dL Fructosamine 2.94 mmol/L A1C 9.2% BUN 16 mg/dL Creatinine 1.17 mg/dL Urine: Glucose g/dL Protein 7 mg/dL Creatinine 62 mg/dL MA 4.3 mg/dL MA/creatinine ratio mg/Gcre Presentation Title
Case Study #2 (cont’d) APS:
25 March 2017 APS: LOV 9/09, c/o pain tingling numbness bilateral feet A1C difficult to control, occasional hypoglycemia Hx syncopal episode secondary to hypoglycemia 5/09 episode hypoglycemia A1c trends 09/09 8.5 05/09 8.5 12/08 9.0 07/08 8.9 Opinion? Presentation Title
Case Study #2 (cont’d) Opinion? Type I diabetic Fair to poor control
25 March 2017 Opinion? Type I diabetic Fair to poor control Syncopal episode due to hypoglycemia Neuropathy Microalbuminuria Decline Presentation Title
Case Study #3 75 year-old male, Non-Smoker, informal $5,000,000 Exam:
25 March 2017 75 year-old male, Non-Smoker, informal $5,000,000 Exam: 5’10’’, 185 lbs, 124/72 HBP on meds ^ lipids on meds Type 2 DM, diagnosed 2 years ago, metformin CABG 10 years ago to two vessels Presentation Title
Case Study #3 (cont’d) Labs: Glucose 116 A1C 6.1
25 March 2017 Labs: Glucose 116 A1C 6.1 Cholesterol 184, ratio 3.3 Urine: MA 2.1 Presentation Title
Case Study #3 (cont’d) APS:
25 March 2017 APS: 2/00 cath due to abnormal perfusion study to evaluate chest pain LM 40% distally RCA 80% Circumflex 50% with good collateral fill 3/00 CABG with LIMA to proximal LAD, sapphenous vein graft to mid RCA Serial stress echo’s, last in 1/10 – exercised 9 min, achieved 10 METS, normal blood pressure response to exercise, normal wall motion, no evidence for ischemia, EF 60% Presentation Title
Case Study #3 (cont’d) APS (cont’d):
25 March 2017 APS (cont’d): 2008 diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes, placed on metformin A1C trends have been in the 6.2 to 7.5 range with the last A1C in 1/10 of 6.8 Exercises 3x per week at senior center Opinion? Presentation Title
Case Study #3 (cont’d) Opinion? Older age for onset of diabetes
25 March 2017 Opinion? Older age for onset of diabetes Good control of diabetes CABG history ten years prior Last stress test 2010 with good exercise capacity at 9 min, good EF, negative for ischemia Mild substandard to standard Presentation Title
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